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why cramming rules...

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  • Originally posted by Blood
    bring in the baselevi to TWLB, that'd make some interesting matches alright, and spawn a whole new area of possible strategies
    Yeah, why isn't this legal? Let's let cloakers into TWL-B with the new settings as well. It's going to bring a harder base league.


    • A jav that thinks like you do would burn only 1 rep, 2 at the most.

      His first would obviously be from the wasted rocket, and the 2nd would be from a slow classic shot. In the case of a line, if the jav gets a chance to shoot a 2nd shot, and have it repped...the enemy team has probably already entered base, meaning he's about to die. A jav could fake the shot, making the reps be used for no purpose, then lineup a bit quicker for a classic shot..but it's still not as effective.

      1 jav, even 2 javs are too slow in recharge, and lining up to hold back a team basically...single-handedly when dealing with lines. Granted, the sharks are there to help, but they have so many reps also.

      Mattey is right, the cram does outweigh the line, and recently, teams have proven worthwhile without a jav in the lineup at all....5 spiders. Even against a team with a jav.

      With all these new basing techniques emerging, if the jav survives..the only way it'll be useful, is if it plays conservatively, and fires rarely, and in key timing. Especially on the offence.

      By the way, Mattey..I liked the term "choke point" for entrance.
      Ну вот...


      • Originally posted by ÆNIMA

        By the way, Mattey..I liked the term "choke point" for entrance.
        Grab em by the jugular with 3 warbirds.
        Mr 12 inch wonder


        • I like new lines.. but 2 javs is stupid.
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • but funnier
            Originally posted by Tyson
            There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
            Originally posted by HeavenSent
            Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
            Originally posted by Izor
            Women should never be working in the first place.


            • I own this action figure .. if I still have it.
              You ate some priest porridge


              • This reminds me of people saying that the tax laws are too complex and they have gotten out of hand. Just as the tax laws evolved and reflect the complexity of our lives, TW basing is simply reflecting the evolution and sophistication of the game.

                Is it best to change things and try to ‘keep up’ with the changing way the game is being played or is it better to leave things alone?

                If it’s better to change the game, and the issue is that cramming creates the a choke point, several solutions have been offered. Additional solutions include making base entrance map changes or adding in a ship with a single Thor (1-2 per game?).

                If it’s better to leave the game alone, then it’s up to the players to figure out ways to break a cram with the existing settings. I predict that one way or the other, next year we will be talking about a new, different strategy and it’s impact on the game.


                • Originally posted by Ephemeral
                  it’s better to leave the game alone, then it’s up to the players to figure out ways to break a cram with the existing settings..
                  People are talking like a cram is unbreakable. If a squad is good at cramming, it's really tough for sure, especially if the other team is no good at entering. But it's not like it's impossible. when 2 good squads play, there's usually just as much base turnover as there used to be when everyone used lines.
         - Gallileo's racist thread

                  "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                  • True
                    You ate some priest porridge

