Originally posted by Trollus Maximus
"Vet" means different things to different people. But when one elevates oneself to that title and thinks they are better than someone else because of it, then they do the word veteran a disservice. Not only are they disrespecting other players through it, they disrespect what the word means.
"Vet" means different things to different people. But when one elevates oneself to that title and thinks they are better than someone else because of it, then they do the word veteran a disservice. Not only are they disrespecting other players through it, they disrespect what the word means.
Exactly. KK, i'm not disputing the fact that you've played this for a long time, 2 entire years more than myself, but the simple fact is, when you think playing for 6 years makes you cool, great or better than someone, well, then you're an idiot. I think Vet and Veteran carry two different meaning in this game, a Vet is someone who thinks they're cool because they've either:
A) Played a Long time (or claim to have)
B)Are really good
A Veteran is someone everybody respects, whether they're all that good or not. I think most of the 'true veterans' off ss aren't even that good, because they don't sit around practicing all day to become the best internet guy they can be anymore.