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  • #76
    Thanks for the support on that idea, Turban and block.

    I have to agree with Turban here though that the changes to the buy system as he mentioned them are neccessary, if not removing the pubbucks system entirely. Even though burst is the only item that wouldn't make sense to buy in a safety, terrs aren't designed to be able to buy whatever they want whenever they want but instead their team is supposed to green the items. Remember, shared greens? When the team had to pick up the greens to keep their terr alive longer? We should support this kind of teamwork again.

    If AW gets moved to !buy in safety only, I am not sure if a rule like announced is still needed as in all the years we haven't needed one. One would just need to clarify to all levels and members of staff that this isn't a greyzone or a rule at all, and not related to rule #13 no matter what happens to have everyone on the same level, because apparently this isn't the case right now.
    However, if our BanG Op and/or the two in charge of pub feel that there is a need to establish a rule about it, I'd be OK with it too - as long as it isn't harsh. It needs to be fair and above all it needs to be added to the ruleboard.

    And no I don't know if I am a member in a "pub team" but if I see a way to contribute, I contribute regardless.


    • #77
      Who looks at these issues through the eyes of new payers or new player retention? Sure, we all hear from ‘vets’ but does anyone understand that pub has to retain new players at a certain rate of the zone will die?
      Have any of you tried to teach new players how to play base? They come in and just the concept of attaching has to be taught; it is a basic premise of a competitive flag room capture. But wait… some ‘vet’ (rarely does a new player even discovery that they can buy shit even if they had the money) is running AW in spawn and ‘attaching doesn’t work’.

      Christ, why is this such an issue? It all comes back to the entire stupid ?buy crap. Whomever came up with this shit ought to be banned forever from TW. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has damaged the zone more than this moronic implementation. The ONLY reasons anyone can provide for the ?buy system are selfish ones like “It makes it more fun for ME”. I defy anyone to provide a single non-selfish reason for the ?buy system; gives us one reason how it helps a new player or new player retention.

      I doubt there are many people who have played much Pub as I have over the years and I have never, ever heard a new player exclaim ‘Wow, this ?buy stuff is really great!’ but I see endless amount of them come in, get owned, and just leave.

      I understand that we need a balance and a way to keep existing players engaged. Betting and a handful of other uses of money seem to be popular but unless a balance can be found the ?buy cancer in Pub has slowly killed off the zone. I have said it for years now, if anything new players ought to be stronger then the ‘vets’ in Pub, not at an disadvantage.
      FIX PUB! and then FIX HOCKEY!


      • #78
        Trust me it wouldn't bother me at all if all buys (including the terr burst buy) were relegated to the safe. I agree the terr shouldn't be able to buy burst willy nilly, but in small games where people are spawning in lower base and not greening, it is helpful (I think there's already a time limit in place to how often it can be bought?). But yes, ultimately team greening is the goal, as it is with the levs.

        Whenever the pub setting change(s) are made, I still advocate putting all that information on the news.txt and letting everyone know in a very public and obvious way. This #1 makes available all the rules and settings changes so people are aware of them, and #2 shows that staff is actively working to improve our favorite zone. Making the changes, and not saying boo about it like how has been done in the past, is not the way we should move forward with these things if you ask me.
        Head of Public Relations
        SSCU Trench Wars Staff

        I do not engage with trolls. Have a nice day!


        • #79
          Originally posted by fiS View Post
          Zeebu, Mango, your ideas could really help. There is a downside to every idea though because AW balances LTs, too, we shouldn't forget that. It will be up for these in charge of pub to decide.
          Personally I don't think reducing range and drain would be good... Would rather stay away from playing with these spider settings.
          Making AW more expensive would be ok - but how much? People with enough cash will buy it anyway, so does it really help? Unless you want it to cost 5k or more... but then which LT is worth multiple thousands assuming you don't succeed with your first purchase, which is likely.

          Pressure, Eph... I understand you when you express your anger about AW in pub. But it has always been a part of pub, just as our leviathans. Pressure, I know you like the ?go base style of basing but pub will always be different. Pub is what people make out of it and what they want to play, it doesn't have these restrictions. As Turban said, different players prefer different things and no matter what topic: I doubt anyone will be ever able to make everyone happy, so one has to compromise.

          It is obvious how the buy system has affected pubbing. If spiders, same as before the pubbucks system was introduced, had to buy while in safety zone, that coul already take a lot of heat: no longer spiders would be able to consequently keep AW on in base (since after death they can just attach to terr and buy it again) but instead they would have to fly to a safe in between deaths... Same with spawn area. This, as we know from the past, will not affect LT hunting much. So if the buy system doesn't get removed alltogether soon anyway, this solution should help a bit (maybe alongside making it a tad more expensive too), at least temporary as it would be an easy fix.

          I think changing the price of AW to 1.5-2k would be reasonable. That would make it too expensive to spam for a long amount of time, but still be affordable to pretty much anybody. Right now its the same price as a FC, but its obviously way more powerful than one FC.

          Also, right now antiwarp is the only item that doesn't have any cooldown to buy. I don't think a lot of people realize this (or it would've been changed a long time ago.) A cooldown of a few minutes would deter a lot of the spammers. This would be a much more effective solution than making it only buyable in safe.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
            Who looks at these issues through the eyes of new payers or new player retention? Sure, we all hear from ‘vets’ but does anyone understand that pub has to retain new players at a certain rate of the zone will die?
            Have any of you tried to teach new players how to play base? They come in and just the concept of attaching has to be taught; it is a basic premise of a competitive flag room capture. But wait… some ‘vet’ (rarely does a new player even discovery that they can buy shit even if they had the money) is running AW in spawn and ‘attaching doesn’t work’.

            I doubt there are many people who have played much Pub as I have over the years and I have never, ever heard a new player exclaim ‘Wow, this ?buy stuff is really great!’ but I see endless amount of them come in, get owned, and just leave.
            We do put forth quite an effort to welcome each newly registered name into the zone, with someone from staff making direct contact with the player and if they're interested and willing, we give them the basics of how to play. Unfortunately, even with spamming these players with welcome macros w/ sounds & objons, some are just oblivious and do not respond.

            With the ones that do, for example I take them to a private arena so they don't die every 10 seconds and give them an overview of each ship, a tour of the map, and the goal of the basing game. I'll answer any questions, make sure they know about ?help, and then direct them back to pub when we're done. From that point on, it's on the player as to whether they like the game or not, and whether its something they want to keep playing.

            As Turban mentioned, whether it was here or in another thread, a lot of these kids now are used to games like Call of Duty and GTA V, and a 2d spaceship game does not have the same kind of visual flare, at least not until you give the game a chance and become hooked like all of us have over the years. It's also not just about the gameplay, but it is also about the community. Once the new players start making friends within the game, that gives more of a draw to come back and keep playing. Once they learn about private freqs and basing with their buddies, the game gets a whole lot more fun. If they are greeted by trolls each time they log in, that does not help with player retention either. This doesn't all fall on the staff's shoulder, everyone has to help out, and a lot of players do.
            Head of Public Relations
            SSCU Trench Wars Staff

            I do not engage with trolls. Have a nice day!


            • #81

              Originally posted by Turban View Post
              i never said it shouldn't be added to the rules because of that reason? although, i do see how it could be interpret as such due to a slight misphrasing mistake.
              Originally posted by Turban View Post
              i fear that having a rule for this means people will start breaking the rule on purpose to generate unnecessary work for staff.
              Okay, I can understand how I may have interpreted that differently from what you intended. But it should be concerning to everyone (in ANY zone) when staff are enforcing rules that aren't in the zone's rule list. Even having a vague rule like "Don't be disruptive to the game" doesn't help at all because it's too open to interpretation. No player should be expected to know automatically that using antiwarp in certain areas is being disruptive to the point of possibly being banned.

              In fact, didn't someone just quote a post from 2013 about Demonic banning someone for using antiwarp even though it wasn't a rule? That's insane. That's the kind of thing a mod trainee would do.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Wormhole Surfer View Post
                Okay, I can understand how I may have interpreted that differently from what you intended. But it should be concerning to everyone (in ANY zone) when staff are enforcing rules that aren't in the zone's rule list. Even having a vague rule like "Don't be disruptive to the game" doesn't help at all because it's too open to interpretation. No player should be expected to know automatically that using antiwarp in certain areas is being disruptive to the point of possibly being banned.

                In fact, didn't someone just quote a post from 2013 about Demonic banning someone for using antiwarp even though it wasn't a rule? That's insane. That's the kind of thing a mod trainee would do.

                Wormhole tw staff don't know it yet but they need your help to work on that sexy pub map . Throws some donation money at wormhole

                ...but srsly I love your mapping skills and quality. Pimp that pub up
                1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                • #83
                  like i said, allow superlev you won't need antiwarp because I'll be busy streaking ty.

                  Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                  wbduel Map Maker Legend


                  • #84
                    Please read our policy on anti-warp, which has been announced here:


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by 2pac View Post
                      I'll be busy streaking
                      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                      • #86
                        If we can only buy in safe, what's the point of having so much money? Pub bux are worthless.

                        Oh yeah, the fucking shield, roof turret and base terr bot are still in the game. Gj, mods.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post

                          streak in pub noobie cres

                          Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                          wbduel Map Maker Legend


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Bukkake Surprise View Post
                            If we can only buy in safe, what's the point of having so much money? Pub bux are worthless.

                            Oh yeah, the fucking shield, roof turret and base terr bot are still in the game. Gj, mods.
                            What do you suggest? You point out the problems but don't give a possible solution (which would be a much useful post)
                            1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                            • #89
                              The solution is simple: remove the fucking shield, roof turret and base terr bot. It's fucking obvious.

                              I have nothing against buying only in safe, as long as everything can only be bought in safe and those three stupid things are removed. You shouldn't be able to buy things for others either.

