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Banned - innocence

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  • #16
    Originally posted by dimboy2
    Hey, guys, don't you know how to PM, 13 replies in say, 5 mins?

    I can't find the bit I am talking about, it is off my buffer but it went soemthing like this.

    Bilbo> stupid black people thing non racist words are racist.
    Bilbo> Wigger

    Or something, since Bilbo has a vast amount of logs he should be able to clarify just what he said.
    Did you even care to read my log before you started talking about how bits of it was missing? I guess you didn't, you just assumed I edited it didn't you? Right in the beginning it says:

    Bilbo the Hobbit> Its a real non-racist words that dumb black people take offence from
    Bilbo the Hobbit> And dumb wiggers
    Last edited by Bilbo; 08-06-2003, 10:08 AM.
    Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


    • #17
      Re: Banned - innocence

      Originally posted by Bilbo
      T Dimboy <ER>> Bilbo the > Its a real non-racist words that dumb black people take offence from
      T Dimboy <ER>> Bilbo the > And dumb wiggers

      T Bilbo the Hobbit> There are dumb black people, and there are smart black people
      T Bilbo the Hobbit> I said "dumb black people", which is not racist or a generalization
      T Bilbo the Hobbit> Where did I say that all black people are dumb?
      T Dimboy <ER>> you were generalizing it.
      T Dimboy <ER>> the dumb black people/
      T Dimboy <ER>> as if they were on a different side.

      You mean those parts where you at one time quoted him and then some time later added "the"?
      TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag


      • #18
        For the sweet love of fuck. Here you go again, trying to PUSH the limits to see how far you can go without getting banned. I'm sorry, but the only reason someone would come up for no reason and say "*****rdly and niggling" is to do exactly what you're doing right now; using the two words, and then whining and complaining about how they're not bad words when staff bans/warns you.

        It's true, they are not racist words, but you're acting just like a kid I used to know. He used to say "COCK! COCK! COCK!" all the time, and when someone yelled at him, he'd go "I'm talking about a chicken!"


        • #19
          Originally posted by dimboy2
          Hey, guys, don't you know how to PM, 13 replies in say, 5 mins?

          I can't find the bit I am talking about, it is off my buffer but it went soemthing like this.

          Bilbo> stupid black people thing non racist words are racist.
          Bilbo> Wigger

          Or something, since Bilbo has a vast amount of logs he should be able to clarify just what he said.
          1) Private messaging has a length limit (ugh) and can be misinterpreted every which way. A forum post, at least, has a record saved where ANY objective third party can look at the entirety of a thread, as it was posted (unless, of course, somebody edited a post, but you can still *see* if they edited it). In addition, if you got 13 PMs at the same time would you answer ANY of them? I wouldn't. With a forum post you can read and answer at your leisure; I think that's considerably more convenient.

          2) See Bilbo's posts. Basically, the statement he is making here is NOT "all black people are dumb" so much as "black people THAT ARE dumb do *X*," here "think[ing] non-racist words [like Bilbo's cited example of 'wigger,' which is a bit of a wonky choice for an example as it doesn't even refer to black people but w/e] are racist."
          Originally posted by Ward
          OK.. ur retarded case closed


          • #20
            Originally posted by Stabwound
            For the sweet love of fuck. Here you go again, trying to PUSH the limits to see how far you can go without getting banned. I'm sorry, but the only reason someone would come up for no reason and say "*****rdly and niggling" is to do exactly what you're doing right now; using the two words, and then whining and complaining about how they're not bad words when staff bans/warns you.

            It's true, they are not racist words, but you're acting just like a kid I used to know. He used to say "COCK! COCK! COCK!" all the time, and when someone yelled at him, he'd go "I'm talking about a chicken!"
            Except for bilbo getting banned for defending someone who used those words, so he didn't just
            come up for no reason and say "*****rdly and niggling"
            He was using those words for a reason, so ty for stopping by and next time read the log first

            PS: Hi Vyk!!
            TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag


            • #21
              If he's supposed to be defending someone, then the log must be cut off.

              Evasion> *****rdly niggling = words in the english dictionary not relating to racism

              Bilbo the Hobbit> *****rdly is not racist
              Ok, so it Evasion that brought them up for no reason. And yes, there is no reason to say out of the blue " *****rdly niggling = words in the english dictionary not relating to racism" and that is exactly what happened when you read the log.


              • #22
                Except for us talking about bilbo and why he got banned, and the second paragraph basicly state that this started after evasion got warned
                TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag


                • #23
                  I'm with Bilbo on this one i'm afraid. I don't think he should of been banned. The words he was using wern't racist and the moderators clearly made a mistake here. Added to this the moderators were out of line in their choice of language showing that they were not acting unbiasedly towards the ban victim. I'm going to do what i can to see this is dealt with because this is just ANOTHER case where Tw staff buggers up due to personal opinion.


                  • #24
                    Is wigger a rascist word?

                    It's a word developed to make fun of white kids who try to be like the black poverty stricken 'hoods' if you will, but most of them are kids from the suburban areas of our fine world!.
                    There once was a man from Nantucket.


                    • #25
                      T Da1andonly> How about not, since it makes no use to anything, since you will continue to be racist in any case. I could aswell ban you now.

                      You proably could, upper staff isn't lenent to past abusers.

                      T Da1andonly> You tried to whine like a little dipshit but got ignored like you deserved. Now shut the fuck up, and do not be racist again or you will be banned again

                      Hate and ignorance are derived from the same thing, your ignorance is just as bad as Bilbo's accused racism.

                      T Dimboy <ER>> I dont believe anyone gave you permission to speak.

                      I'm with Na$ on this one, Dimboy you think because you're staff you have a far greater importance then any other player. No I'm sorry you're wrong.

                      I do agree that the word Wigg*r is slightly racist, I mean if someone called me a Wigger I'd laugh at them but why is it only put into action when Bilbo uses it?


                      • #26
                        Heh, who cares. If someone has been banned 4-5 times for being racist, it's obvious that they don't belong in the game anyways.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Mandagorian
                          T Dimboy <ER>> I dont believe anyone gave you permission to speak.
                          Directed at DEA. not Bilbo.
                          EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                          cool koen> :)
                          PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                          cool koen> not because of a bug
                          EvoLd> Lol
                          Treachery> meh
                          EvoLd> why then?
                          PubAceR> women in power dont last
                          EvoLd> LOl
                          toaster oven reviews


                          • #28
                            Okay, I'm sorry about my choice of wording. But I think Bilbo should stop trying to push the rules to see how far he can get without getting banned then posting on TWForums.

                            I have nothing further to say on this matter.
                            EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
                            cool koen> :)
                            PRiMORDiAL> pfft
                            cool koen> not because of a bug
                            EvoLd> Lol
                            Treachery> meh
                            EvoLd> why then?
                            PubAceR> women in power dont last
                            EvoLd> LOl
                            toaster oven reviews


                            • #29
                              Keep on fighting the man for your right to use borderline racist remarks!


                              • #30
                                Obviously, bilbo didnt do a thing wrong this time, unban him... i know what u mean by "pushing the rules" i do that too... and its fun, to argue.... i know staff likes it as well

                                just fucking unban him, no harm done ez

                                why the fuck isnt it allowed to call ppl N*ggers anyway? ... u have the right to express yourself in anyway... in real life you will get beaten up for it, if i call u a n*gger fly over to my place and fight me....
                                Last edited by Tera; 08-06-2003, 12:26 PM.
                                Trench Wars Moderator
                                TW Gallery Admin
                                TWEL Operator
                                aka ronaldo

