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Dream Squads

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  • #31
    I got into every squad I wanted to.


    • #32
      Squadless> I'M WHITE
      Squadless> only on the outside tho

      1:Lemmin> is there any reason why bongs have to be so strangely phallic?
      1:Lemmin> it's just these adverts in magazines with men sucking on these tube-like things that concern me

      7:Mr. Spam> any chubs want a twjd?
      7:Nickname> only with you, sexpot

      3:Sydi> ok that's enough mythical incest for now
      Both teams are ready. Game begins in 30 seconds.
      Scoobing> here it comes
      WARNING: Disconnected from server


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jonas
        Not true.
        Mantra, Boki and Co. left UFO to create Disoblige, UFO did not become Disoblige.
        The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

        Originally posted by Richard Creager
        All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


        • #34
          I always liked Paladen, wanted to get in years ago, however I always thought of whiterabbits to be one of the coolest squads out there back in the days when I was running with /-\Superman/-\ we had alot of fun dueling with those guys and they had and still do have a righteous squad name. I always wanted to ask em to join since my old squads disolved, but figured i wouldnt make it so I didnt bother to ask. They also had a few members who were quite rude to me when I'd pm them, (probably thinking just another kiss ass newbie) *nods and agrees*
          what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


          • #35
            I've always wanted to join LAME.. and Paladen.. and Cripples.. Never got on any of them


            • #36
              Flying Imp... but then I found out their recruiting policy and was pretty pissed off. I got into WildFire though
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #37
                Scrotal's Horde!! and -Final- were my 2 dream squads..
                What is even the elblow?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Malladrin
                  So you're calling us jerks cause you thought you knew we would never let you in and thus never asked.... well that makes a lot of sense.

                  Normally if someone asks us to join we consider them and base our answer on what we know about them, how much we like them...and so on. If the general feeling is "who?" we take time, if there is interest, to get to know this person.

                  And Tyson, why would you want to be in a squad full of jerks...? :P
                  Malla, my girlfriend died, can I join wr?

                  Spastic, well at first i thought that cpt.batcrap was a newbie so i said no! lol whoops! n e wayz, ive hopped around from a few sqds and i think Cripples is gonna be a strong contender in Twlb.and i have always liked the handicap banner, so i can say that im finally on a sqd i actually wanted to be on instead of some lamer new sqd, eg..whiteferrets?
                  Yea, I agree, it is clear that cripples are going to win TWLB next season, hands down.

                  ANd I always wanted to join Pallies or WR, the squads that seemed to have a good time. I will join any squad with fun people on it, what is the point of playing if you don't have fun.
                  Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                  Message has been sent to online moderators
                  2:BLeeN> veh yes
                  2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                  2:BLeeN> ok then no
                  :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                  (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                  • #39
                    SSJ Evolution
                    2:STOMPA> my room mate just used my scissors to open her food. those are the scissors i use to trim my pubes

                    Mamamia! Save the princess Left_eye from the big and fat browser Yojo! ?go MARIO to play it. -nanas <ZH>
                    9:trashed> LOL YOJ
                    9:ph <ER>> LOL FAT BROWSER YOJO
                    9:ph <ER>> OH GOD I SPIT MY WATER EVERYWHERE
                    We need more people here! Yojo? is too fat and 10 isnt enough to life him up. ?go mario -Nanas <ZH>

                    alinea> if your penis wasn't so big, I coulda cleared it in one rep


                    • #40
                      I've wanted to be in whiterabbits for a long time now, but they're jerks because I never asked.
             - Gallileo's racist thread

                      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                      • #41
                        The following squads:

                        wrsb - I'm on it, actually, but there is no one else. Also, there is the sb part of it that makes it less uh necessary.

                        evolution- the first time, so I guess I can't complain about not being on that.

                        Post Office- And I will, someday.

                        Valujet- Maybe oneday.


                        • #42
                          Floydians, which I joined.

                          When I was newer I wanted to join Paladen really bad, because everyone said how good they were.


                          • #43


                            • #44
                              HAa! Paladen, I saw those fucks in the public arenas all goingfor the base, i laughed at them because im an anti-christical bastard and killed them all. Calling them fags and telling them they suck. I don't think they ever did kill me. I think to them i was more like their pimp, they saw how i man-handled them over and over they just moved on to twd and suck some more. I had a big head and i still do. Sometimes i need squads like that to suck ass and hold it up. And it works, it works good.

                              When i first staRTed i had no fucking clue what a squad was. Im still not sure if I do. I join them and they disband or suck so i call them noobs, own them, spam their password (not that it matters, but remember they are noobs and think that means they can suck in twd for them), and leave.

                              Yeah one time i joined exeuctioners or whatever with some name. Then they all mouth'd to me for saying good game when they lost. So i get on another name pissing them off because they would'nt have enough to twdd. I log on next day, there is 3 of them on. Im like lets twdd. This is how it goes as i recall

                              Shadostar> WHAT ARE YOU STUPID
                              Me> .yeah, im dumb for trying to make you ppl get better
                              Shadostar> YOUR A STUPID FUCK
                              Shadoclaw> YEAH WE ONLY HAVE 4
                              Me> .ur point?
                              Shadoclaw> WE NEED 5 TO TWDD
                              Shadostar> WE NEED FIVE
                              Me> .we can twdd with 4.....
                              Shadostar> NO YOU CANT RETARD
                              Shadoclaw> NOOOOOO

                              See what i mean. I have never seen one or been in one.
                              >MAN FEAR FACTORY IS THE ULTIMATE!!! (not)

                              "No Disgusting/Porn pictures, including links. You've been warned!" -KJW

                              Disgusting, pFFT i got fine taste.


                              • #45
                                my dream squad is Cyanide. it is a squad i own, and someday when i am squadless again, if ever, i will remake it and try to make it great.

                                i dont aspire to join any of the squads that are already great. like if i joined elusive (as if i could) right before leagues, why would i feel like i had any part in their greatness? people aspire to join squads like diso, elisive, rampage, etc only because they want that squadname next to their name, basically showing off to everyone how good they are.
                                Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                                apt>yes u can wtf
                                apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                                apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                                apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                                Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                                apt>ill show you pictures
                                apt>next time I masturbate

