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The Truth About Racism And Staff

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  • #61
    yo rusher
    yoyo gangstaz in da hood..Pimpmastah_2001 yo yo chicago

    Love them gangstas. Always as fun to copy them.
    Originally Posted by HeavenSent
    You won't have to wait another 4 years.
    There wont be another election for president.
    Obama is the Omega President.


    • #62
      Destroy is a fat nerd. If you want to see his pic go to TW gallery.

      He uses the words like 'jew' 'n!gger' and 'azn' on other players in belim all the times.

      I hope a staff memebr could find a chance and netban him until 2203.
      Wont die, no surrender 2


      • #63
        You morons make me sick.


        • #64
          they dont make me sick, they just choose to ignore the facts

          1. TW staff wont do shit about this.
          2. Everyone has a different view on racism, making it impossible to argue. See number 1.

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #65
            Agreed Tiggy


            • #66
              Originally posted by Tigerex
              You morons make me sick.

              Then I hope you die from this sickness and never come back.

              Wont die, no surrender 2


              • #67
                First, the issue isn't whether the word Jew is racist or not, its whether it was said in a deragotory comment or not. If you imply negative connotations when you say Jew, then that is in fact a form of discrimination. Just like when you say anything else; For example, the statements 'you fucking muslim' or 'you little christian bitch', carry negative connotation, which in turn deems those very same words, discriminatory.

                And also; who keeps letting TelCat post? it's a waste of bandwidth. In the spirit of that little bitch, i'm gonna start a campaign (she loves her little campaigns), we will call it "The Productive Use of TW Bandwidth campaign. This will involve banning all those users that attriubute nothing but stupidity to the community, it will save us MILLIONS! Or possibly a hundred dollars... My list is pretty short though, i'm sure others can make something more comprehensive.

                The Productive Use of TW Bandwidth Campaign
                1) TelCat

                that is all.
                Let me be the first to sign, *scratches with a pen* tada, i drew a big penis as my signature, it's supposed to represent the intellectual prowess of TelCat.
                Last edited by yung; 12-08-2003, 02:07 PM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by TelC@t
                  Then I hope you die from this sickness and never come back.

                  That was pathetic, you can't stand up to the awesome power of Tiggy


                  • #69
                    Ok, first of all! Saying the word Jew by itself is not illegal in TrenchWars, not anymore atleast so there we cleared that out.
                    But by pushing and see how far the line goes and then whine about how staff sucks and this and what he and she did buhuu go cry on forums and make everyone hate that one. It's just pathetic.

                    I'm a KID, I am stupid 15 years old! I don't even want to see where the line goes, but some of you seem to be willing to try it. It's like searching for a ban then go to forum and make a new thread and make like 100 guys answer on it for like 1000 times.

                    Saying Jew is NOT ILLEGAL! So. I'd say we stop the whole thread here.

                    Have a nice day!


                    • #70
                      Umm Since when was Jew a race? it cant be racist.

                      to call someone a jew and mean it a dirogatory meaning, its anti-semetic, not racism.
                      1:RabbitRapist> what if u die in some nuklear war, and there's no body :P
                      1:Death3D> didnt you hear? i cant die from nucular blasts
                      1:RabbitRapist> sweet
                      1:Death3D> its a "get out of a nuculear blast free card" bought it on ebay for 2 bucks
                      1:RabbitRapist> lol
                      1:bioture> loool


                      • #71
                        Doesn't make people less guilty.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by THE PUSHER
                          Hello! I'm THE PUSHER! I'm a big giant staff dickhead!
                          Fortunately for the general public, I'm a smart dickhead. Let us just answer ol' rusher's little complaint, shall we?
                          The whole racism thing is overblown, but that's also a result of our society today as it is from the TW staff. Political correctness has been taken to extremes today. Any generalizations or stereotypes could be taken for racism. Any complaints against a person let's say of African-descent (now saying black would not be politically correct, and would be racism!), and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come accusing you of racism. Common phrases such as policeman and fireman have turned into police officer and fire fighter (I know that deals with gender, but I'm not allowed to say any of the race phrases). Calling someone homo or gay is now derogatory. Today's ideologies now filter what we think and say; we have to worry about political correctness and someone accusing you of being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

                          But, let's say I curse someone off by calling someone on staff a big giant dickhead. Or if I'm killed, pm them: "die you f*cking lagger", or use other curse words, that's okay! It's also encouraged! What has our society and Trench Wars become today? It's racist to say Jew but if you use many obscenities, thats okay!


                          • #73
                            Wow, some people act like it's really that hard not to say anything racist or homophobic.

                            Calling someone a "dirty Jew" as an insult isn't a case of accidentally being racist, and but then they turn around and get defensive when "accused" of being racist for saying that. I like that word "accused". It makes it sound like there's a chance that they aren't guilty of it, even though they clearly admit to having said something racist. These cases aren't examples of things being "overblown" or "extreme".

                            I'd also like to know when people started encouraging people to use curse words. I must have missed the memo that told people to "Stop being racist! Start swearing up a storm instead!"


                            • #74
                              I think everyone has their personal views on other races and should be allowed to say what they want. That's why all the elite people playing in svs and all then newbies are in TW cause they dont know wut its about yet
                              fuck bitches, get moneyy


                              • #75
                                The tw staff just tries to keep discrimination at a low, but i would have to agree that some people get to wrapped up in the game but, say you were jewish and you heard people offending your heritage :-\ in my opinion people should just treat everybody the same.

