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Pub Base Improvement?

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  • Pub Base Improvement?

    Is seems to me that many of the pub Base games are not very competitive at all, with score deltas often in excess of 50k.

    Of course, how the teams are chosen has a great deal to do with this issue. Sometimes it feels like 'who you know' is more important than how teams are chosen.

    I would like to see the scoring statistics the last week of Base games compiled and some useful analysis completed on those numbers. How many games have final scores with deltas of less than 10k, 20k? How many games have final scores with deltas of greater than 50k? 75k?

    Then I would like to see the arena run with truly random picking of teams. Perhaps this could be written as a Bot. A Bot could announce the start of a new game, request everyone who is interested in playing that game go to specific frequency. The Bot could then (using a common randomizing algorithm) automatically assign teams using only those in that frequency.

    After a week of playing with truly random teams, compile these stats and compare them with the non-random results. I am willing to bet that scores would be much more competitive than what we have now.

    Using truly random picking also benefits the game in several other ways.

  • #2
    how do you determine what ships people play? because i don't want a crappy new terr playing against the likes of a arrogance or brookus.

    and also how do you deal with lagouts? and ship sets etc?

    unless you're talking about pub 0 pub 1 etc but i don't think you are because you're talking about scores.

    i'm not putting down your idea but how would you deal with those problems because i wouldn't be opposed if those main problems are dealt with.
    There once was a man from Nantucket.


    • #3
      Captains would still be required to set ships and handle lag-outs, randomization would be for initial teams.

      True that this might not provide maximum flexibility in terms of the makeup of the team, but there are other considerations. Having the same people play the same ships the majority of the time has it's drawbacks.


      • #4
        hehe adman it's like rolling the dice - you have the same change of playing against arro or brook (in ?go base) as you do playing with them.

        All in all it sounds like a good idea.
        Could this be done for warbirds and javs too?


        • #5
          i agree theres definitely issues there, but i think they lie in the fact that most staff pick guys that holler CAP out first, without regard to experience or if they are even using a known name

          who cares if they are aliased, thats there prob, they want to use an alias then they can get treated like new until they earn their rep on that nick

          my most hated line heard, especially when i am terring:

          "i just wanna try jav"

          "i just wanna try this should kick ass"

          when 1 cap picks to win, and the other picks to "try ships" or "try lineups" dead game

          on top of that, the real problem is that ego's are too fucking large....
          no one plays to have fun anymore, if they arent on the winning freq its "sub me i gtg" or some other bullshit, or they just leave...

          let the caps fix the lineup, and play to have fun for the rest of the game, cripes lots of guys are in spec begging to play, and these assholes ruin the game by speccing or telling caps to sub them


          you pretty much know if you can or cant stick around, (of course theres exceptions, or TWD matches that pop up) but come on.... show the game some respect.....
          Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


          • #6
            One of the things that randomization does is lessen the impact and importance of 'captaining'. I feel this is currently one of the bad aspects of this approach and why there are many uneven game results. Unless the captaining skills of the two people are about equal, the game score ends up lopsided. Ultimately, captains are going to be required to make the Base arena work, but giving them truly random teams to work with might be the best way to lessen the impact.

            'Captaining' in Base has little value in the rest of the TW community, although I guess some might say that it helps someone who aspires to be a squad captain. But in ‘the bigger picture’, the experience someone gets by being assigned captain in Base isn’t something that is important enough to require us to approach things this way.


            • #7
              Ephemeral--I like your idea. Random teams should at least be experimented with. And it wouldn't be hard to code.
              1:Zerzera> aura shut up
              1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
              jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection


              • #8
                It would be nice if the bot did it randomly between the two options- sometimes have games picked by captains, others would be random. And I agree, this should at least be experimented with.

                However, I don't know how soon this would come into play, since it seems staff has their hands full with TWD bot problems.
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #9
                  Well I don't think it would be a good idea at all.

                  1. First of all, how would it pick the people right? Many people would spec if they got put in as shark or terrier. And if they sucked at it and didn't spec, it would piss the rest of the team off. And also jav, etc. What if it picked some dumbshit in one of these?

                  2. If there was a bunch of newbies in there and they all wound up on a team, people that are good aren't going to want to play with them.

                  3. People that usually get picked every game are going to get pissed off if this random thing doesn't pick them.

                  4. What is to stop the captain from subbing out all of the randomly picked players into a team that they want? You know people will do this, so all the randomization would do is make it harder to play.

                  5. If you ask me, this randomization seems like a good way to fuck over the best arena in TW. Instead of having decent teams half of the time, you're going to have total random teams? And somehow you think this will make better games?

                  6. There hasn't been many (if any) upgrades to Matchbot in a long ass time. I reported a few (major) bugs and they didn't even reply. Well, I guess they did fix the Nockm bug.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stabwound
                    Well I don't think it would be a good idea at all.

                    1. First of all, how would it pick the people right? Many people would spec if they got put in as shark or terrier. And if they sucked at it and didn't spec, it would piss the rest of the team off. And also jav, etc. What if it picked some dumbshit in one of these?

                    2. If there was a bunch of newbies in there and they all wound up on a team, people that are good aren't going to want to play with them.

                    3. People that usually get picked every game are going to get pissed off if this random thing doesn't pick them.

                    4. What is to stop the captain from subbing out all of the randomly picked players into a team that they want? You know people will do this, so all the randomization would do is make it harder to play.

                    5. If you ask me, this randomization seems like a good way to fuck over the best arena in TW. Instead of having decent teams half of the time, you're going to have total random teams? And somehow you think this will make better games?

                    6. There hasn't been many (if any) upgrades to Matchbot in a long ass time. I reported a few (major) bugs and they didn't even reply. Well, I guess they did fix the Nockm bug.
                    Respectfully disagree.

                    1. As I mentioned, everyone who wanted to play would be requested to go to a particular freq, random choices could be drawn from that.

                    2. Bad and uneven teams exsit now.

                    3. People are getting upset now, Base has turned into being about 'who you know', if you are one of the vets then you get to play. This isn't growing the arena at all.

                    4. Limit subs to 2 per game.

                    5. This arena, when first started, was good. In my informal surveys, over the last two weeks, over 65% of the games have a final score of greater than 50k. These games suck, this is the trend and it's getting worse. Additionally, I am not suggesting getting rid of the original Base, just try this out. Please see reasoning in first post.


                    • #11
                      I want the old pre-#myth system back...


                      • #12
                        you cant limit subs to 2. too many people afk or have to leave to twd matches.

                        i dont like the setup atm because some people play all day (rejected basers), and some cap all day (whytefang). But I don't care enough to offer a solution to spice things up. Just give meer powers without responsibilities and all us haters will go back to the 16 person games we used to love in priv arenas
                        1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
                        1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
                        1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
                        1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes

