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What is sexual harassment?
Originally posted by Oen Izan
What part of "The name is Oen Izan, You know I do not use the reversed" don't you understand?EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl
toaster oven reviews
rofl. I dont see any sexist about the name neo nazi. so quit yer bitchin
i dont see anything sexist about play naked. so quit yer bitchin
AFAIK, i'm being more sexist than oen is, by using "bitch" i refer to a derogatory term toward females and perpetuate the common stereotype that all women nag.
he doesn't.
if oen is being sincere about his intentions (and i don't know him well enough to think otherwise), then i respect his suggestion to make TW a more comfortable place for women and girls.
but from what i've seen, i haven't noticed any excessive amounts of harrassment specifically about women. i see far more harrassment aimed towards noobs and homosexuals than females.
also, plantiffs in sexual harrassment cases are usually required to demonstrate that after trying to stop the harrassment from continuing they were unsuccessful, or they were in a reasonable amount of fear that the harrasser would be able to punish the complainant for stepping forward (or in this case, would be banned or demoted for stepping forward).
i guess what i'm saying is, with appropriate utilization of the ?ignore command, or unless the person doing the harrassing is staff, harrassment of any nature is unlikely to occur in tw.
Originally posted by Tigerex
If you make sexual harassment illegal you make it attractive. Look at racism in TW. By making posts like this you are making the problem worse. You are stupid. Shut up.
NO racism in the Trench is popular only because people are so easy to offend and become mad so it makes an attractive way to make a scene and piss people off..
I do know that sex is like a big topic for the younger crowd just learning about your body and reproductive system in health class, but like racist talk should remain in private chats.. since Staff allows free speech there. Pub and team chat should be for talk that is suitable for younger players, not only females but under 16.. You people need to learn how to conduct your self in mature manner some time.The Earth does not belong to us, We belong to the Earth. * Chief Joseph *
Oen Izan> I am the KING of NEWBS! self appointed but still a king, none the less.
Oen Izan> Bow before me and kiss the scepter, you may get to view the royal jewels.
:chris: "Captain! There's a steering wheel sticking out of your pants!"
:pirate2: "Arr, it's drivin' me nuts!"
Originally posted by dimboy2
Because if I went around with the name reggin or swejetahi i would get banned.
Jesus, I am .. and I posted this so people would be more aware of what constitutes sexual harrasment , not only in this game but in there life outside this game.. Women should be free to dress and talk how they want with out "mostly men" Usin that as a way to "make sexually charged and unwanted advances" to or about them.. Most women who have been raped, get the "if you didnt dress or talk in such ways" You wouldnt open your self up to the unwanted sexual attention.. (which places all blame on her, which it clearly isn't) Maybe it's my fault that I feel that women deserve to be respected and are not beneath men, but our equals.. I know this isn't common belief among the population that inhabit this great planet of ours.. as you can see clearly if you know any thang about world history..
Mattey, Yes your right, I found a pamphlet at work and thought I would share it with the class.The Earth does not belong to us, We belong to the Earth. * Chief Joseph *
Oen Izan> I am the KING of NEWBS! self appointed but still a king, none the less.
Oen Izan> Bow before me and kiss the scepter, you may get to view the royal jewels.
:chris: "Captain! There's a steering wheel sticking out of your pants!"
:pirate2: "Arr, it's drivin' me nuts!"
Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
but from what i've seen, i haven't noticed any excessive amounts of harrassment specifically about women.Pandagirl!
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
Oen Izan, if telcat gets banned for spam then you can be the new village idiot in the forums!! woot.
edit:shit my 100th post is a negative nellywork it harder make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger more than ever hour after , our work is never over
Anti-semantic eh? I think you mean anti-semitic, unless of course,
you mean anti-language meaning.
From your last post I can discern something interesting.
You think you're a crusader for equal rights, for true feminism.
The "Maybe it's my fault that I feel that women deserve to be
respected and are not beneath men, but our equals.. " just
smacks of a righteous indignation that is most amusing. You are
not new. You are not a crusader. For some reason when you
say this, I envision you living in the rural south, never having
traveled very far from home, and deciding the whole world is like
that. Have a dose of equal rights:
Equal rights means treat all people equally.
Your very Crusader-ism is at issue with this goal.
If a woman is told something she finds offensive, she should
?ignore the person doing the telling. If the problem persists,
she should then report it. That's equality, it's what -any- person
on this game is expected to do as I understand it. Not hope for
some slack jawed "oh I understand you baby, tell me about
your underwear" superhero to rescue them. You should be
ashamed of yourself. You're singlehandedly working on setting
feminism back.
-Sarien"Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX
Reinstate Me.
Edit: I forgot about my hundredth post! Oh well.
Edit: Stop using 2 dots at the end of all of your sentences! It confuses the hell outta me.
Edit: I mean, do you want it to be like 3 dots or 1 dot? Choose one!
Edit: I agree with fanservice-girl about your use of the word thang.Last edited by Lucon; 02-29-2004, 10:08 PM.The pleasure's all mine.
Originally posted by pandagirl89
That's because a majority of it is in private messages, and I see it everytime I log on.
but i know that you already know that, so i'm confused why you posted this? i'm not being sarcastic, btw, i just think you were trying to tell me something that i didn't pick up on.