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  • Password...

    Well, i was stupid enough to trust someone (FighterOfGod) with my password, to help with setting up my TWL Roster, and my password was changed... I was wondering if there is any way to restore a password , OR give one of my alias' ownership of my Squad... Any help would be appreciated,
    Robo Ref> Hey de 1 lets get it on in the back of #sex, unf unf unf

    MariusTheRed> im jealous :(

    MariusTheRed> robo ref has always got me going...

  • #2
    I dont know if theres much you can do about it. Try emailing PLATINUM-HALO at and explain to him your situation. He handles all the lost and stolen name things.
    I hope things work out for you.


    • #3
      Yeah, the only way to get that name and squad back is email to PLATINUM-HALO. You must to attach you IP address or/and rgisteration e-mail address.


      • #4
        Hmm, that reminds me of a question: Is there anyway to see wich emailadres you registred to, and can you change it manually, or is that information only changeble and viewable to who has acces to the names database?



        • #5
          Only at data-base. There is no command for changing your registeration information. No command ie. ?editreginfo

          Best way to get your account back is attach your new Continuum nick name to email witch you send to Platinum-Halo. Then he can see your machine id, so if it's same with your lost account he cangive you a new password to it.

          There is some problems with that too, once we had a Pokémon clan and I had names Pikachu and Charmander (or what was it). I did not ever get those names back, because we change an internet connection, so ip address and everything changed, so I don't/didn't have anyways to get it back.


          • #6
            As nice as an ?updatereginfo command sounds (updating your machine id and such) it'd be a bad idea due to the fact as soon as a guy finds out your name (Edit: Oh yeah, he'd have to find out your password ) all he would have to do is ?update the reg info.
            gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
            gravy_: Electric granny chariots
            gravy_: round the nurburgring

            XBL: VodkaSurprise


            • #7
              Originally posted by GuruMeditation
              As nice as an ?updatereginfo command sounds (updating your machine id and such) it'd be a bad idea due to the fact as soon as a guy finds out your name (Edit: Oh yeah, he'd have to find out your password ) all he would have to do is ?update the reg info.
              You are right, thats why there are no command like that.

