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New MMR rules for J/D: Punishments for dying out too quickly

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  • New MMR rules for J/D: Punishments for dying out too quickly

    The new time-played rules below are in addition to the previously announced performance based rules.

    Effective immediately...

    Time-played rules/punishments:
    • Players who die out in 4-5:XX will receive a 1-game block
    • Players who die out in 3:XX or less will receive 2-game block
    NOTE: Time-played punishments can be stacked with performance punishments, at the discretion of the MMR host.

    If a player dies out 2-10 in 3:59 minutes, the MMR host can block that player for 3 rounds. If the player is a new player, the MMR host would be encouraged to not stack punishments and instead block for 1 or 2 rounds.

    However, if the player is a repeat offender, the host would be encouraged to stack punishments for the full 3-game block.

    This rule addition now opens up opblocks for 1-4 games and targets players who are routinely going 3-10, out in 5 minutes or less, which would have normally not been punished with a block. Again, stacking punishments will be at the discretion of the attending MMR host with consideration of who the offending player is.

    I highly suggest anyone who regularly falls into these categories to keep this in mind before !p'ing in MMRJ/D with the understanding regularly throwing matches will not be tolerated. As always, we will monitor how these players adjust to this rule and make further changes as needed.

    zidane> big play
    Omega Red> dwop sick
    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
    WillBy> ^^

    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass

  • #2
    I'm not going to repost here, but if you want to see why Dwopple is mistaken with these ideas. Check the link. It's silly to create conflict in a dying game. That's why we have a toxic community that can't do shit even with a steam launch.
    Original Title Force Changed by Pussy Staff: MMR is Trash and Staff has been Doing Wrong From the Start - Recommended by Hookecho ( validated by working link and more evidence on how


    • #3
      These are good changes! No more throwing fellas


      • #4
        Cubone who doesn't even play should not have a say lets be honest. Even Dwopple barely plays and is out of touch. Read my thread and see if you agree. That's all I ask. Obviously I don't think the Cuckedone97 will agree, but you can't win them all.


        • #5
          TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
          TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
          TSLD CHAMPION 2018
          TSLB CHAMPION 2018


          • #6
            The only proper way to respond to Jessup would be to get this framed and keep it next to your bed with pictures of you throwing gang signs next to it. Nothing less will suffice.


            • #7
              Dwopple thanks for your work in getting these rules implemented. Good to see that throwers will be punished appropriately


              • #8
                Originally posted by cubone View Post
                Dwopple thanks for your work in getting these rules implemented. Good to see that throwers will be punished appropriately
                What constitutes being a game "thrower" to you? Honest question.
                TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                • #9
                  earlier saw a man get blocked for mvping with a 13-10 record because he died out in 5:45 and just now vys kills a game because hes on the losing team and 3 game blocks me cuz he says im "throwing" when im 8-8 and a guy on our team is already out 5 min into the round this abuse is out of control
                  Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                  Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                  Don't Poke the Bear.


                  • #10
                    Suggestion. For people dying out under 6 minutes should only apply to those who get 5 kills or less. And should not apply for your first game of the day. I got asked to sit out while we had 20 people in the arena. Just ridiculous ruling. Also who the fk reports for jd4? Lol.
                    TWLD Champion 2014
                    TWDTB Champion 2013
                    TWDTB Champion 2016
                    TWDTB Champion 2017
                    TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                    -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PrOnEsSim View Post
                      Suggestion. For people dying out under 6 minutes should only apply to those who get 5 kills or less. And should not apply for your first game of the day. I got asked to sit out while we had 20 people in the arena. Just ridiculous ruling. Also who the fk reports for jd4? Lol.
                      You are atrocious whether it's your first or 30th game of the day and any time you are blocked is a benefit to the overall enjoyment of all other players.

                      Suggesting the rules should only apply to twjd3 is an insult to players like myself who are forced to play in twjd4 with people like you who ruin the game with both your lack of skill and overall abhorrent outlook on the arena and game as a whole.
                      Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                      Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                      Don't Poke the Bear.


                      • #12
                        I'm not asking you. Don't respond to me ever. You are a massive troll and a waste of everyone's time.
                        TWLD Champion 2014
                        TWDTB Champion 2013
                        TWDTB Champion 2016
                        TWDTB Champion 2017
                        TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                        -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                        • #13
                          are there any non-mmr jav base arenas with people in them?

