To tell you the truth, I really don't care if there is FC GREENS or not. I rarely use them myself, nor am I a master at utilizing them. Yeah, in ELIM there is tons of them, but in twdd...very rare do I see them.
One time in elim, I saw Destroy do a close range 3 bullet spread on Prylajavec, I wish I had a screenshot of it. I don't have that skill with FC Green Snipe spreads, but it is an interesting tactic.
The only thing I disagree on is why does TWDD use FC Greens for the whole year. Logically, doesn't it imply that TWLD should have similiar settings since twdd is used to qualify for twld.
I know what your saying Randled, they should have taken them out of twdd a long time ago or atleast at the start of TWD Season 2. But the big question is why do they let it go on?
Then why the f*ck did they keep these FC Greens in TWDD all year? Maybe the TWL ops wana experiment this season with FC Greens.
One time in elim, I saw Destroy do a close range 3 bullet spread on Prylajavec, I wish I had a screenshot of it. I don't have that skill with FC Green Snipe spreads, but it is an interesting tactic.
The only thing I disagree on is why does TWDD use FC Greens for the whole year. Logically, doesn't it imply that TWLD should have similiar settings since twdd is used to qualify for twld.
I know what your saying Randled, they should have taken them out of twdd a long time ago or atleast at the start of TWD Season 2. But the big question is why do they let it go on?
Then why the f*ck did they keep these FC Greens in TWDD all year? Maybe the TWL ops wana experiment this season with FC Greens.