With the introduction of the new spawn system in last year's TSLD, a new and improved version has made it to TWDD. An introduction to the TSL version can be found here.
The main thing that's changed is the way the system can be customized. The TSL version often left players in limbo, separated from their team and/or close to the border. Center spawns were rare. The new version gives the option to solve both of these issues, and with the initial settings I tried to do just that.
If you've played a TWDD match since yesterday you might've noticed spawning near team mates, and near the action more often while not warping right in the middle of it. This is because the system prioritizes warping near team players that aren't in close combat with the opponent. If no such spot is available the bot defaults to a spawn area in the center of the map, and making the area bigger until a suitable spawn point is found.
From what I've seen this resulted in a better flowing game with players being more engaged and spending less time flying around getting back to their team. The warping near team priority also lead to a funny situation where a whole team warped right after go and ended up pretty much in the same spot.
With the settings being so heavily focused on trying to spawn near your team you might have some questions on how it will impact certain play styles and actions. Let's take chasing a low energy opponent for example. With the game's spawn system there was a chance that while you were chasing, another opponent could spawn in your path and either cut off your chase, or worse, kill you while you had no energy to return fire. With the new system, as long as you are close enough to the opponent, you ensure that no opposing spawns can happen near the fight. Of course this goes both ways, as no team players will be able to spawn close as well. This should result in more (opportunity for) tactical play since the chance of getting a random spawn right in the middle of a fight is zero.
It's important to remember that the settings are by no means locked, and could totally be improved upon, the new way of spawning however is IMO not going away. So if you have any gripes with the way these settings impact gameplay, please try to describe the scenario in which it happens, what's going wrong, and how you'd like to see it work. As always, leave a message here, in-game, or on discord (BIET#2111) for feedback and questions.
The main thing that's changed is the way the system can be customized. The TSL version often left players in limbo, separated from their team and/or close to the border. Center spawns were rare. The new version gives the option to solve both of these issues, and with the initial settings I tried to do just that.
If you've played a TWDD match since yesterday you might've noticed spawning near team mates, and near the action more often while not warping right in the middle of it. This is because the system prioritizes warping near team players that aren't in close combat with the opponent. If no such spot is available the bot defaults to a spawn area in the center of the map, and making the area bigger until a suitable spawn point is found.
From what I've seen this resulted in a better flowing game with players being more engaged and spending less time flying around getting back to their team. The warping near team priority also lead to a funny situation where a whole team warped right after go and ended up pretty much in the same spot.
With the settings being so heavily focused on trying to spawn near your team you might have some questions on how it will impact certain play styles and actions. Let's take chasing a low energy opponent for example. With the game's spawn system there was a chance that while you were chasing, another opponent could spawn in your path and either cut off your chase, or worse, kill you while you had no energy to return fire. With the new system, as long as you are close enough to the opponent, you ensure that no opposing spawns can happen near the fight. Of course this goes both ways, as no team players will be able to spawn close as well. This should result in more (opportunity for) tactical play since the chance of getting a random spawn right in the middle of a fight is zero.
It's important to remember that the settings are by no means locked, and could totally be improved upon, the new way of spawning however is IMO not going away. So if you have any gripes with the way these settings impact gameplay, please try to describe the scenario in which it happens, what's going wrong, and how you'd like to see it work. As always, leave a message here, in-game, or on discord (BIET#2111) for feedback and questions.