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  • #46
    Ok so we can challenge the world in Javduel2 (though personally i feel it would be better in a different arena because if a squad only has 3 added and 20 people show up- they will start moaning to be added in and cancel squad game).

    I feel squads/ world team should be rewarded for these type of games played. Having this will cause alot of interest and kick this off... you should find squads will start to play at inactive times to chall the world to get rewards.

    I suggest:

    Squad cap/ assistant types the command: !challenge world:3 to bot. This command will go to staff who will come and start the game !allow and a zoner occurs to both public and squad. Now to prevent abuse (the world purposely losing)- the staff that starts the game also watches that game and if the world is purposely losing- game is canceled.

    Rewards: I feel squads should be able to get some twd points for winning. Points will be small and how much will depend on where the squad is on the ladder. If a squad who is rank 1 wins then i'm suggesting they get around 5 points vs a squad who is 10th who gets around 10 points. On the other hand: if the world wins: some twd points is deducted from that squad and each member on the world gets some spacebux. Perhaps disable this feature 1 month prior to twl starting.

    ^something very similar to this should make this idea addictive- as both teams will want to win. Players on the world may want to reduce the other squads twd points while others might do it to win spacebux.

    1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


    • #47
      Shame this wasn't put in the twd arenas... Fk sometimes it's hard to find a game How much will it cost for someone to do it?
      1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


      • #48
        Why hasn't this been implemented yet? We need this

