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10 Best Javs In Order Of Skill

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  • #76
    How about me at #500. Sounds about right.
    4 out of 5 people don't give a fuck!
    You got shot!! Thats wtf!!


    • #77
      i might not be good in jav duels.. but when i'm with a good team.. i'll do great.. FU PPL :P
      Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
      Mirror <ZH> this sucks
      Server> dont worry mirror
      Server> shark fits your tits
      Peace <ZH>> shut up
      Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

      i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
      Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

      1:Hercules> ghoul
      1:Hercules> im level 90
      1:Hercules> in 9d
      1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
      1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


      • #78
        Originally posted by Epinephrine
        Uh holy fuck? How do you know about Ed the Sock??!?

        (ed the sock is a program filmed locally in Toronto where I live by a local station...)

        thank god there is cable
        The steps of life are easily forgotten by those who climb the ladder.


        • #79
          Originally posted by CyloR
          Sk8 (May 17, 2002 - May 30, 2002), Egyptian (Jan 14, 2003 - Jan 21, 2003), Ancients (Feb 02, 2003 - Feb 12, 2003), Epadephic (Dec 30, 2002 - Jan 08, 2003), Shriek (Apr 02, 2003 - Jul 28, 2003), Inferno (Feb 16, 2003 - Feb 28, 2003)

          Yeah, you're definitely not a squadhopper.
          Learn the facts...
          I got kicked from sk8
          Egyptian/Shriek/Epadephic dissolved
          Inferno got screwed some way, cannot remember it.
          And i left ancients cause shriek invited me.

          Big squadHOPPER, two hops i did by myself in like allmost 2 years.

          P.S. Don't only look at stats or stuff, look at the story behind it
          TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
          TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
          TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
          First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy:


          • #80
            There is no such thing as a good jav because javs are dumb.
            Mr 12 inch wonder


            • #81
              Quiet you!

              4:Mootland <ER>> <- Mom of the year
              4:Mootland <ER>> Hear ma baby
              4:Mootland <ER>> Breast feeding time?
              4:dll> YES
              4:Mootland <ER>> Ok, take a suck
              4:dll> u produce the best milk ^_^
              4:Mootland <ER>> Hey, no teeth!
              4:Mootland <ER>> ffs
              4:dll> your nippies are red :P
              4:Mootland <ER>> yes :\


              • #82
                Since everyone else is adding their top 10, ill do mine

                1) Rough - Produced nothing short of miracles to take light as far as he did last twl.
                2) Mr. Spam - Would be #1 but for every now and then he goes out for a score much less then his ability should produce
                3) Psymorph - Probably the most natural and patient jav out of everyone
                4) Venomass -Starting to get active again so well worth a top 5 spot.
                5) Download - Could be higher, but havent seen him enough to judge properly, heard nothing but good things about him though
                6) Demonfaze - Dont think hes a natural jav really, but, very consistent and a good teamer
                7) Blood - same as demonfaze
                8) 2dragons - When he plays at his best he is untouchable, especially with that lag :P
                9) Force of Nature - Another natural jav, but inactive atm.
                10) Dark!/Amputate/Lemon/Appleseed - Cant decide between the 4 of them, all good javs.

                Alot of ppl say koan, only seen him twice and on both times was outshined by blood, so cant put him in top 10, i would say that there are about 12 javs fighting for the no. 10 spot and anyone of them on their day could be there.


                1) Demonfaze
                2) Blood
                3) Banzi
                4) Abstruct
                5) (about 20 ppl around this level)

                heh having a memory block atm so cant think of any warbirds.



                • #83
                  I think your wb list needs some major work, and i'd change the order of a few of your javs, but i more or less agree with you.

                  During the off season it's fairly hard to tell whos trying and who isn't. when we get to twl a top 10 will be far easier.
                  The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                  Originally posted by Richard Creager
                  All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                  • #84
                    man fuck you, comparing me to demonfaze

                    you need to die


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Blood
                      man fuck you, comparing me to demonfaze

                      you need to die
                      Blood, from now on Im going to refer to you as Demonfaze Junior


                      • #86
                        If I haven't said this before, let me say it now. ANY FORM of ANY KIND of trying to rank ppl in order of skill is completly useless. Why, you ask. Let me enlighten you:

                        -being a team effort (and lets say that teams involved are good ones) it doesn't matter how good 1v1 duelers you have, if they are outnumbered or teamed it means shit. So, your not so good jav that gets low scores, yet is good playing defensivly and sets up a lot of kills by dodging and drawing enemy fire is equally worth as the guy that vulches all those ppl who missed.
                        It's all about teamplay
                        Originally posted by Disliked
                        However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                        Originally posted by concealed
                        when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                        • #87
                          sorry blood but your style of jav is like demonfaze, both of you are not the best 1v1 javs, but very good team players and exceptionally good at covering other ppl. And i agree nickname about the wb list, i seriously couldn't think of any really good warbirds at that time, i just tried to list the ppl i thought could beat me in a 1v1 and i got stuck at #5 probably because i have been practicing javs alot recently so haven't noticed alot of ppl in the wb area not because i think im an awesome wb.



                          • #88
                            Dude you totally forgot me.


                            • #89
                              True crv, you either have a list of the best 1v1 javs, or the best jav team.


                              • #90
                                nah i didnt forget u sleepy, ur in the list of about 20ppl i put at #5 with weaver etc..


