With population reaching 200, extremely close games and drama, TW is truly back. Let's see how this league got its start:
1st week rating: meh
Ambush certainly had better hopes for first weekend having allaround good roster for all leagues. With 5 games planned, they ended up with 2 wins, but did not really impress that much.
WB saw one of the first shocks of the round with saiyan going 3-10 with 3% K/bul ratio (that is 6* level performance), not something anyone really expected from 10*. He seemed really only reason as well why they failed as well as everyone else on the team did as expected.
Saiyan somewhat recovered from that shock wb performance in jav, going 16-10, supported by 15-10 from turban, 6* ibex went 4-10, which is not really surprising but hulk 4-9 and strong 4-10 were awful results and ambush also failed in their second game against power.
They finally did get some positives for the weekend beating uninspired Legendary with saiyan doing another mvp performance.
Base started off nicely with little bit surprising setup of hulk not being used as shark (cig smoke/joeses taking that role), azuline giving nice performance in terrier and despite 6* ibex going heavily negative as under, the trio hulk/turban/saiyan still outkilled poor dice team with turban shining with 3 teks.
Saiyan then experimented in game vs terrorist, but were heavily outkilled (-89) and outplayed in that game with sharks doing poor and spiders also not delivering.
So as conclusion this team currently falls into cluster of teams that hope to make it to playoffs, but does not really seem to have level in really challenging for any titles.
Tasks to work on: saiyan needs to prac some wb and they need to sort our their base line.
Pure Luck
1st week rating: holy shit, they did well
Although pure luck seemed to have really strong wb/jav lineup, there were some questionmarks about their basing team. But who would have guessed them dominating apart from wb. Only negative emotion came from their only jav game of weekend.
Pure luck started with one of the most dominant wb games for first weekend beating Thunder by +17. Dak was on totally different level going crazy 19-6, supported by good performance from vys and banks. Starters siaxis/captor were midway replaced by tiny/groan duo who did also really well. So great management, subs and good win to boost morale.
Dak continued his superform in second game vs ambush going 16-9 this team with another mvp. Tiny supported with great 14-8, while this time groan was subbed at 2-8, but that was not a problem in the end as banks did solid job staying alive.
Their sole jav game did not go though as expected as stayon did whatever he wanted with them and supported by really poor performance from scuzzy going 4-10 and mediocre 8-10 from vys (also first one to be KOd in game) they failed to be a threat.
This league has a lot of weird base lineups and alot of players you do not expect to take up specialist roles in terrier/shark, so pure luck schedule also were somewhat favoring them as tiny in terrier had to face 2 other teams with pretty questionable terriers in first x-demo and then brikd. But tiny did pretty well in both games. Against legendary, big shoutout has to go for rampage as well, who almost mvpd as 7.5* with PA also doing very solid team. Overall pure luck spider lineup did all great job with 5+ win.
Second game vs dice was more close, this time Dak was prefered to PA. In this game i would say PL shark duo mark/willby in the end brought that slight advantage, but spiders held their own as well with Frozen Throne being mvp. Time will tell how PL will do against the favorite base teams this season, but 100% wins is certainly very good sign on their playoff desires.
Tasks to work on: tiny needs to prac terrier and they need to sort out their jav line.
1st week rating: Solid where expected
It has become sort of tradition already that Power really dominates the league in jav/base, but struggles in wb, but somehow the team also finds wb somewhere mid-way and can be a real threat in the end. Same seems to happen in this league as well with power losing both games in wb, but winning everything else.
First game against prime was pretty tight game, but they did not really expect drose pulling a masterclass, as most of team did as well as expected. Fielding team without any low vps, everyone played well, except for maybe okyo failing a bit being 9.5* after all. But that was of course no saiyan level fail as he went 8-10. In the end they just could not stay alive in key moments.
Similar in second game vs just failed to adapt to someones brilliant individual performance (this time rainbow seeker). Dare also did considerably worse than violence, going 3-10. Okyo needs to find his gamewinning abilities and probably beam is also expected to show for power to turn their wb ship around.
Their first jav game against ambush was pretty close game, but in the end 2 highest rated zid/stayon did what was expected and bacon showing his skills in crucial moments with 3 KOs. Rabbit going 9-10 as 7* was very solid performance.
Their second jav game was demolishing tiny with stayon/okyo doing great, but also rabbit! again doing great as 7 going 7-8 and staying alive. Looks like power can be already considered a favorite in jav for this season.
Their single base game was also dominance as they beat legendary with 9+ minutes. Genx did well in terrier, zid was supported by somewhat surprising choice in dare as shark, but he did well and stayon pulled out the big guns leading spiderline that outkilled legendary by almost 80. Things are looking well.
Tasks to work on: its looking good besides wb, okyo needs to prac and beam needs to show.
1st week rating: Cant beat the league by only winning in wb
Bombed the wb last champion continued with similar performances this season. Pulling great 15-8 backed up by solid raazi/autopilot/lockdown they got their first win of season against mythrills team, which is never an easy task. 6* captain lonestar survived surprisingly long considering he was playing with 1600x900 resolution. Bombed decided that 15 kills was not a good performance going crazy 20-3 in second game vs prime with lockdown supporting with good 12-5 giving opponents no chance whatsoever.
All the positive energy from wb unfortunately did not transform into jav. Temujin actually showed, but this time highest rated players on legendary were also 2 first ones out, with very poor performances with bombed going 7-10 and temu 8-10 as they failed to beat thunder.
In second game, legendary did not really do any better. Bombed decided to bench himself with lockdown temu tested as leading duo, but poor 8-10 from temu and especially 6-10 for LD gave legendary really no chance of taking on power. Autopilot once again did best out of bench, with hosack dissapointing as low vp with 0-4, but zapata, his sub, doing rather well.
As already decribed in draft overview, legendary base lineup has many questions. One of the weakest shark duo in zapata/oder, backed up with one of the weakest terriers in x-demo puts enourmous pressure on the spider line to deliver. In first base game, despite their best efforts against pure luck, they really did not succeed. X-demo died alot, sharks were meh, so strong spiders really couldnt really pull it off.
It got even worse vs power, which had established terrier/shark combination with entire team being outplayed. So bombed needs to do some trading or hope for miraculous improvement from some players.
Tasks to work on: convince skatarius to showup, maybe have a backup plan ready for base for terr/sharks and get into trading market.
1st week rating: Good enough start
Dice really pulled a surprise in wb, as flew, out of nowhere came, saw and conquered, playing really as 9.5*. In first game against terrorist, also props to cape for subbing himself out after 0-4 for sword. True leadership example here, but most of credit has to go to flew doing 16-7 with banzi 14-8 also showing some great skills. Refer, who i predicted to be one of the underrated low stars also delivered with 10-7 and staying alive. In second game flew pulled another great example of skills pulling 9 R1s with 15-10, supported by another solid performance from banzi and refer, as dice beat cloud.
Moving on to jav, dice also started well. Cape lead the way with 14-8, brikd doing awesome as 6* with 8-6 and yeh/rough supporting well to compensate rather poor 4-9 from zizzo as dice won over prime.
But then the fun stopped and dice had to face only defeats. First came pretty tight game against thunder, where despite great effort from rough, brikd turned back into low star and cape underwhelmed with 7-10 and being first one out from team, despite dice having 5v4 advantage for a long time as rainbow seeker was eliminated fast.
First base game against ambush was big dissapointment as they could not cope with turban/hulk/saiyan powerspiders with only sword doing some real damage. They also tested 2 terriers with zizzo playing most of game, but brikd also having a shot with zizzo as spider.
Second game they stuck with brikd as terrier, but he managed to die more than tiny, cape/omega shark were also outplayed by mark/will and refer was struggling a bit as under. So in the end game was closer, but pure luck still won by almost 3 minutes.
Tasks to work on: find some balance for base line, brikd is rated 8.5, he will probably play that role as spider, but as terrier? Not sure. Also they need to hope flew keeps up his activity and shape moving deeper into season.
1st week rating: Excellent start of season
Burnt indeed showed up and played well, but terrorist unfortunately had to face very inspired flew in dice team, so their season got off to a rocky start. DW going 5-10 and being first one out didnt also help the case. In the end they had to play key part of game with 1 less players and failed to succeed.
Their first jav game was against cloud, where dreamwin lived out his anger in going 19-8 to compensate mediocre performance from rest of his team. Cloud does not really have a gamedecider in their team, terrorist low vps managed to stay in game and in the end terrorist got their first win.
In second game dw tested a bit different lineup with ra doing great as 7.5 pulling 11-8 and besides berzerk, everyone else also staying alive gave them advantage over prime. So 2 out of 2 from jav.
First base game vs thunder was one for the history books and such an entertaining game. Thunder had upper hand and went into final 5 mins into the game with solid lead, but terrorist managed to take base and hold it for such a long time that they were looking to win it, just for thunder to take the flag again until final push from commodo manage to give terrorist amazing 1 second win. It was very equal game with cripple dominating spider as always, commodo/mvp doing great job as sharks and spookedone playing neck to neck with ekko in exciting terrier battle. One of those games where 1 move in final seconds decided the result. Surprisingly, dw didnt play himself with cripple, ra, tj, iron and burnt playing as spiders.
Second game against ambush was more onesided with pretty much all players outplaying their counterparts. So also 2 out of 2 for base as well and terrorist is leading the charts with pure luck.
Tasks to work on: obviously there are questions about wb, but with 9 teams, each team is bound to be weaker in something. Interesting to see dw also benching himself in base, just shows how well compiled the team is with many options.
1st week rating: horrible as expected
Despite Mythril being happy with his team, warning signs were already there from draft and first week proves this team has alot of work ahead of them.
In first match cloud had to face inspired bombed and his legendary team. As expected, myth fielded team without any low vps, but besides 100 going mediocre 6-10, rest of the team did what was expected, but this time myth himself going 7-10 was the big dissapointment.
Myth did no changes in lineup for second game, this time him and rasaq did better as well, but poor performances from renzi, 100 (both out already before 9 mins) and beast and flew on other team showing his r1 masterclass gave them second loss. As wb theoretically should be clouds biggest strengths, worrying signs.
In jav similar thing happened. Everyone on cloud was rated between 8-9, but 10* dw did what he wanted with them with hellkite and beast getting only 9 kills between each other. Singer going 13-10 was only positive sign for cloud.
There were big questions about base lineup for cloud, but luckily their first base game was vs prime, who had even bigger questions. Apt played well, and cloud took advantage of racka dying out 12 times with comfortable win and first point for weekend.
Second game and gaining only 2 minutes vs thunder shows though how far this team is in level and struggles that wait ahead unless some changes are made.
Tasks to work on: myth needs to get on his level in wb, in jav they really need to get the points available (as they are definitely not the worst team out there) and in base they need to redo their plan to get competitive. Otherwise getting to playoffs will be difficult.
1st week rating: horrible as expected
Prime had similar story as Cloud at their first weekend. Many questions about lineup that need to be solved.
Their first game went really well. Drose showed he is actually much better wb than 8.5 going 18-8, bike/racka stayed alive and got important kills and bick did fine as low vp as they got their win against power.
In second game though, they just couldnt do anything about bombed, who went 20-3, absurd had poor game with 0-4 being subbed, sarger was also underwhelming with 5-10.
Sarger was also culprit in jav game going 3-10, racka 7-10 as 9.5* was also not good enough, from positive, bike as as 7.5 going 10-10. In any case prime failed to take out even a single opponent and lost clearly to dice.
Second game saw dwopple doing great with 14-10, but racka was once again underwhelming with 6-10, jz also poor with 4-10, so another pretty clear defeat against terrorist.
And of course base game against cloud with racka making his debut as terrier and rusty ph supporting dwopple in shark was painful.
So besides that 1 wb win, prime needs to really step up if they want to make it to playoffs:
Tasks to work on: sort out base lineup, racka needs to prac hard (especially in jav) to get back to deciding games.
1st week rating: good start
Thunder was one of those teams that had 6 games first weekend and did best out of them collecting 4 wins.
TWs very own "Jekyll/mr hyde" rainbow seeker showed his darker side being first one out in first wb game with 5-10 making it very hard to do anything against pure luck with harder also going painful 2-10. In second game though, that same rainbow seeker went 19-9 collecting 3 achievements to demolish power with rest of the team supporting well.
In first jav game, ease shined and rest of team supported well as thunder took down legendary. In second game, dice was also defeated with mikkiz/Jamal playing key role, showing early signs that Thunder may be the team to beat in jav this season.
First base game was that legendary game vs Terrorist, where it can be sort of considered a choke loss, while in second game they destroyed cloud, showing that Thunder base lineup is also force to reckon with.
Tasks to work on: team looks really strong, if only someone could figure out what type of rainbow we will see in game before it starts.
As conclusion, very cool first weekend, many tight games, some surprise performances, already first trade has been also done with lowest ranked cloud/prime doing some interesting switches.
Players of the week:
WB: bombed, dak, flew
Jav: dreamwin, jamal, stayon
Base: Cripple, spookedone, commodo
Best low stars:
WB: refer
Jav: Ra, rabbit!
Spider: iron survivor, rampage, tiny
1st week rating: meh
Ambush certainly had better hopes for first weekend having allaround good roster for all leagues. With 5 games planned, they ended up with 2 wins, but did not really impress that much.
WB saw one of the first shocks of the round with saiyan going 3-10 with 3% K/bul ratio (that is 6* level performance), not something anyone really expected from 10*. He seemed really only reason as well why they failed as well as everyone else on the team did as expected.
Saiyan somewhat recovered from that shock wb performance in jav, going 16-10, supported by 15-10 from turban, 6* ibex went 4-10, which is not really surprising but hulk 4-9 and strong 4-10 were awful results and ambush also failed in their second game against power.
They finally did get some positives for the weekend beating uninspired Legendary with saiyan doing another mvp performance.
Base started off nicely with little bit surprising setup of hulk not being used as shark (cig smoke/joeses taking that role), azuline giving nice performance in terrier and despite 6* ibex going heavily negative as under, the trio hulk/turban/saiyan still outkilled poor dice team with turban shining with 3 teks.
Saiyan then experimented in game vs terrorist, but were heavily outkilled (-89) and outplayed in that game with sharks doing poor and spiders also not delivering.
So as conclusion this team currently falls into cluster of teams that hope to make it to playoffs, but does not really seem to have level in really challenging for any titles.
Tasks to work on: saiyan needs to prac some wb and they need to sort our their base line.
Pure Luck
1st week rating: holy shit, they did well
Although pure luck seemed to have really strong wb/jav lineup, there were some questionmarks about their basing team. But who would have guessed them dominating apart from wb. Only negative emotion came from their only jav game of weekend.
Pure luck started with one of the most dominant wb games for first weekend beating Thunder by +17. Dak was on totally different level going crazy 19-6, supported by good performance from vys and banks. Starters siaxis/captor were midway replaced by tiny/groan duo who did also really well. So great management, subs and good win to boost morale.
Dak continued his superform in second game vs ambush going 16-9 this team with another mvp. Tiny supported with great 14-8, while this time groan was subbed at 2-8, but that was not a problem in the end as banks did solid job staying alive.
Their sole jav game did not go though as expected as stayon did whatever he wanted with them and supported by really poor performance from scuzzy going 4-10 and mediocre 8-10 from vys (also first one to be KOd in game) they failed to be a threat.
This league has a lot of weird base lineups and alot of players you do not expect to take up specialist roles in terrier/shark, so pure luck schedule also were somewhat favoring them as tiny in terrier had to face 2 other teams with pretty questionable terriers in first x-demo and then brikd. But tiny did pretty well in both games. Against legendary, big shoutout has to go for rampage as well, who almost mvpd as 7.5* with PA also doing very solid team. Overall pure luck spider lineup did all great job with 5+ win.
Second game vs dice was more close, this time Dak was prefered to PA. In this game i would say PL shark duo mark/willby in the end brought that slight advantage, but spiders held their own as well with Frozen Throne being mvp. Time will tell how PL will do against the favorite base teams this season, but 100% wins is certainly very good sign on their playoff desires.
Tasks to work on: tiny needs to prac terrier and they need to sort out their jav line.
1st week rating: Solid where expected
It has become sort of tradition already that Power really dominates the league in jav/base, but struggles in wb, but somehow the team also finds wb somewhere mid-way and can be a real threat in the end. Same seems to happen in this league as well with power losing both games in wb, but winning everything else.
First game against prime was pretty tight game, but they did not really expect drose pulling a masterclass, as most of team did as well as expected. Fielding team without any low vps, everyone played well, except for maybe okyo failing a bit being 9.5* after all. But that was of course no saiyan level fail as he went 8-10. In the end they just could not stay alive in key moments.
Similar in second game vs just failed to adapt to someones brilliant individual performance (this time rainbow seeker). Dare also did considerably worse than violence, going 3-10. Okyo needs to find his gamewinning abilities and probably beam is also expected to show for power to turn their wb ship around.
Their first jav game against ambush was pretty close game, but in the end 2 highest rated zid/stayon did what was expected and bacon showing his skills in crucial moments with 3 KOs. Rabbit going 9-10 as 7* was very solid performance.
Their second jav game was demolishing tiny with stayon/okyo doing great, but also rabbit! again doing great as 7 going 7-8 and staying alive. Looks like power can be already considered a favorite in jav for this season.
Their single base game was also dominance as they beat legendary with 9+ minutes. Genx did well in terrier, zid was supported by somewhat surprising choice in dare as shark, but he did well and stayon pulled out the big guns leading spiderline that outkilled legendary by almost 80. Things are looking well.
Tasks to work on: its looking good besides wb, okyo needs to prac and beam needs to show.
1st week rating: Cant beat the league by only winning in wb
Bombed the wb last champion continued with similar performances this season. Pulling great 15-8 backed up by solid raazi/autopilot/lockdown they got their first win of season against mythrills team, which is never an easy task. 6* captain lonestar survived surprisingly long considering he was playing with 1600x900 resolution. Bombed decided that 15 kills was not a good performance going crazy 20-3 in second game vs prime with lockdown supporting with good 12-5 giving opponents no chance whatsoever.
All the positive energy from wb unfortunately did not transform into jav. Temujin actually showed, but this time highest rated players on legendary were also 2 first ones out, with very poor performances with bombed going 7-10 and temu 8-10 as they failed to beat thunder.
In second game, legendary did not really do any better. Bombed decided to bench himself with lockdown temu tested as leading duo, but poor 8-10 from temu and especially 6-10 for LD gave legendary really no chance of taking on power. Autopilot once again did best out of bench, with hosack dissapointing as low vp with 0-4, but zapata, his sub, doing rather well.
As already decribed in draft overview, legendary base lineup has many questions. One of the weakest shark duo in zapata/oder, backed up with one of the weakest terriers in x-demo puts enourmous pressure on the spider line to deliver. In first base game, despite their best efforts against pure luck, they really did not succeed. X-demo died alot, sharks were meh, so strong spiders really couldnt really pull it off.
It got even worse vs power, which had established terrier/shark combination with entire team being outplayed. So bombed needs to do some trading or hope for miraculous improvement from some players.
Tasks to work on: convince skatarius to showup, maybe have a backup plan ready for base for terr/sharks and get into trading market.
1st week rating: Good enough start
Dice really pulled a surprise in wb, as flew, out of nowhere came, saw and conquered, playing really as 9.5*. In first game against terrorist, also props to cape for subbing himself out after 0-4 for sword. True leadership example here, but most of credit has to go to flew doing 16-7 with banzi 14-8 also showing some great skills. Refer, who i predicted to be one of the underrated low stars also delivered with 10-7 and staying alive. In second game flew pulled another great example of skills pulling 9 R1s with 15-10, supported by another solid performance from banzi and refer, as dice beat cloud.
Moving on to jav, dice also started well. Cape lead the way with 14-8, brikd doing awesome as 6* with 8-6 and yeh/rough supporting well to compensate rather poor 4-9 from zizzo as dice won over prime.
But then the fun stopped and dice had to face only defeats. First came pretty tight game against thunder, where despite great effort from rough, brikd turned back into low star and cape underwhelmed with 7-10 and being first one out from team, despite dice having 5v4 advantage for a long time as rainbow seeker was eliminated fast.
First base game against ambush was big dissapointment as they could not cope with turban/hulk/saiyan powerspiders with only sword doing some real damage. They also tested 2 terriers with zizzo playing most of game, but brikd also having a shot with zizzo as spider.
Second game they stuck with brikd as terrier, but he managed to die more than tiny, cape/omega shark were also outplayed by mark/will and refer was struggling a bit as under. So in the end game was closer, but pure luck still won by almost 3 minutes.
Tasks to work on: find some balance for base line, brikd is rated 8.5, he will probably play that role as spider, but as terrier? Not sure. Also they need to hope flew keeps up his activity and shape moving deeper into season.
1st week rating: Excellent start of season
Burnt indeed showed up and played well, but terrorist unfortunately had to face very inspired flew in dice team, so their season got off to a rocky start. DW going 5-10 and being first one out didnt also help the case. In the end they had to play key part of game with 1 less players and failed to succeed.
Their first jav game was against cloud, where dreamwin lived out his anger in going 19-8 to compensate mediocre performance from rest of his team. Cloud does not really have a gamedecider in their team, terrorist low vps managed to stay in game and in the end terrorist got their first win.
In second game dw tested a bit different lineup with ra doing great as 7.5 pulling 11-8 and besides berzerk, everyone else also staying alive gave them advantage over prime. So 2 out of 2 from jav.
First base game vs thunder was one for the history books and such an entertaining game. Thunder had upper hand and went into final 5 mins into the game with solid lead, but terrorist managed to take base and hold it for such a long time that they were looking to win it, just for thunder to take the flag again until final push from commodo manage to give terrorist amazing 1 second win. It was very equal game with cripple dominating spider as always, commodo/mvp doing great job as sharks and spookedone playing neck to neck with ekko in exciting terrier battle. One of those games where 1 move in final seconds decided the result. Surprisingly, dw didnt play himself with cripple, ra, tj, iron and burnt playing as spiders.
Second game against ambush was more onesided with pretty much all players outplaying their counterparts. So also 2 out of 2 for base as well and terrorist is leading the charts with pure luck.
Tasks to work on: obviously there are questions about wb, but with 9 teams, each team is bound to be weaker in something. Interesting to see dw also benching himself in base, just shows how well compiled the team is with many options.
1st week rating: horrible as expected
Despite Mythril being happy with his team, warning signs were already there from draft and first week proves this team has alot of work ahead of them.
In first match cloud had to face inspired bombed and his legendary team. As expected, myth fielded team without any low vps, but besides 100 going mediocre 6-10, rest of the team did what was expected, but this time myth himself going 7-10 was the big dissapointment.
Myth did no changes in lineup for second game, this time him and rasaq did better as well, but poor performances from renzi, 100 (both out already before 9 mins) and beast and flew on other team showing his r1 masterclass gave them second loss. As wb theoretically should be clouds biggest strengths, worrying signs.
In jav similar thing happened. Everyone on cloud was rated between 8-9, but 10* dw did what he wanted with them with hellkite and beast getting only 9 kills between each other. Singer going 13-10 was only positive sign for cloud.
There were big questions about base lineup for cloud, but luckily their first base game was vs prime, who had even bigger questions. Apt played well, and cloud took advantage of racka dying out 12 times with comfortable win and first point for weekend.
Second game and gaining only 2 minutes vs thunder shows though how far this team is in level and struggles that wait ahead unless some changes are made.
Tasks to work on: myth needs to get on his level in wb, in jav they really need to get the points available (as they are definitely not the worst team out there) and in base they need to redo their plan to get competitive. Otherwise getting to playoffs will be difficult.
1st week rating: horrible as expected
Prime had similar story as Cloud at their first weekend. Many questions about lineup that need to be solved.
Their first game went really well. Drose showed he is actually much better wb than 8.5 going 18-8, bike/racka stayed alive and got important kills and bick did fine as low vp as they got their win against power.
In second game though, they just couldnt do anything about bombed, who went 20-3, absurd had poor game with 0-4 being subbed, sarger was also underwhelming with 5-10.
Sarger was also culprit in jav game going 3-10, racka 7-10 as 9.5* was also not good enough, from positive, bike as as 7.5 going 10-10. In any case prime failed to take out even a single opponent and lost clearly to dice.
Second game saw dwopple doing great with 14-10, but racka was once again underwhelming with 6-10, jz also poor with 4-10, so another pretty clear defeat against terrorist.
And of course base game against cloud with racka making his debut as terrier and rusty ph supporting dwopple in shark was painful.
So besides that 1 wb win, prime needs to really step up if they want to make it to playoffs:
Tasks to work on: sort out base lineup, racka needs to prac hard (especially in jav) to get back to deciding games.
1st week rating: good start
Thunder was one of those teams that had 6 games first weekend and did best out of them collecting 4 wins.
TWs very own "Jekyll/mr hyde" rainbow seeker showed his darker side being first one out in first wb game with 5-10 making it very hard to do anything against pure luck with harder also going painful 2-10. In second game though, that same rainbow seeker went 19-9 collecting 3 achievements to demolish power with rest of the team supporting well.
In first jav game, ease shined and rest of team supported well as thunder took down legendary. In second game, dice was also defeated with mikkiz/Jamal playing key role, showing early signs that Thunder may be the team to beat in jav this season.
First base game was that legendary game vs Terrorist, where it can be sort of considered a choke loss, while in second game they destroyed cloud, showing that Thunder base lineup is also force to reckon with.
Tasks to work on: team looks really strong, if only someone could figure out what type of rainbow we will see in game before it starts.
As conclusion, very cool first weekend, many tight games, some surprise performances, already first trade has been also done with lowest ranked cloud/prime doing some interesting switches.
Players of the week:
WB: bombed, dak, flew
Jav: dreamwin, jamal, stayon
Base: Cripple, spookedone, commodo
Best low stars:
WB: refer
Jav: Ra, rabbit!
Spider: iron survivor, rampage, tiny