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TWDT 30 Regular Season results and addressing controversy of 3-way tie for 5th/6th

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  • #16
    I feel the simplest way to handle this would have been following past precedents regarding tiebreaker situations. Perhaps the rules could be clarified that standings will be sorted only one time in a tiebreaker case with all involved teams being put in their own conference with overall head-to-head record being compared to sort the order of teams. If there's any ties then first compare head-to-head record between those teams, and if still tied then the team with highest head-to-head overall total kills in the conference would win out.

    however because DT is historically a joke league, I don't mind more teams competing.
    Last edited by Turban; Yesterday, 12:07 PM.


    • #17
      Tiny’s team should be DQ’d for ratings fuckery. Cloud and Prime don’t deserve pity entry into playoffs. No shows have fucked teams over every season; us 2 teams were the unlucky ones this time.
      J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

      8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
      8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

      2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


      • #18
        I'll BITE!

        This debate is about pulling out an eliminated teams and gifting them playoffs. Never done before in the history of TWDT.

        Now that's over, my rating adjustments.

        Yes, i was overrated in 2 leagues based on prior seasons and activity. I was borderline ratings and was dropped in 2 leagues.


        Last Season - no movement - 8.5 - went 83-93 last season


        Last Season - went 88-89 on a winning team (6-4) as a 9.5

        We had debates discussing jav ratings, and the argument was if im a 9.5, then mythril is a 9.5 ( 9 star going 111-96). They bumped us both, but decided to bump us both down as we fit more in line with the 9* javs as we were in between ratings essentially.

        Rampage also having a good season as a 9*, of who had a similarly bad season last season.

        This season
        #2 Tiny pure luck 9 8 6 93 68 12 1.37 0.97 9 8 38 34 16 5 89
        #5 Rampage pure luck 9 8 6 89 64 11 1.39 0.93 8 7 52 28 4 5 87

        Last season
        #16 Tiny pure luck 9.5 10 6 88 89 9 0.99 0.70 9 6 35 38 11 4 41
        #17 Rampage npcs 9 11 5 89 104 8 0.86 0.70 9 5 56 22 8 3 38

        Yes, i'm having a good season, but i had a shit season last season and hadnt played since then and was rated a 9, .5 drop.
        I was 4th rated in jav on my team last season behind Lockdown - 8.5 / Cape - 9 / Fieryfire - 8.5 - all got bumped this season.

        justifiable drop.

        Nothing much to see here.


        Last Season - 8 star terr - went 74-40, averaging 19 - 10 in terrior. Holy shit...... quit game came we are.

        dropped to 7.5. Is this really a topic? I'm not even the best 7.5 terr atm.

        Currently behind X-demo - 28-5 Ave to my 25-5 Ave

        I picked a team with good synergy in base and most with dropped ratings and are crushing it. I am doing decent, but not broken, unless x-demo is also broken?

        Long story short, I'm not the topic.

        1:waven> u challenge
        1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

        Originally posted by MHz
        Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


        • #19
          Originally posted by renzi View Post
          Cloud and Prime don’t deserve pity entry into playoffs. No shows have fucked teams over every season; us 2 teams were the unlucky ones this time.
          1:waven> u challenge
          1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

          Originally posted by MHz
          Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


          • #20
            My dude is ranked #2 at 9* when there are 13 in total 10 and 9.5 stars. And the drop from 9.5 to 9 was justifiable? Oh but you didn’t play in between seasons? Guess what probably most other guys didn’t really either?

            Everything is always justifiable in a vacuum but right now you are easily 10* so then just bump to 10 for next time.

            X-Demo is a good point in base. He has done well and might need a bump for next season. But he has limited experience, might be a breakout season? But you have done equally well and have tons of pedigree. We are talking about one player who started in 2012 and has 0 medals in anything vs another guy who started early 2000s and is one of the most decorated players of all time? And they are rated the same. Just by sheer experience you are so much safer as a pick that it is honestly laughable. I don’t think anyone would think twice about chosing between the both of you at 7.5* besides we all know the leaderboard rating for terrs and sharks is flawed.

            Looking at only this season we need to bump temujin to 7.5* in jav for next year. That could be fun. (No shade temu i <3 u). And Mikkiz should be 7.5 terr next year also and hulk can come join me as 7.5 in shark. 😂

            And this is not a slap at Mikkiz or Hulk, it just shows that oogling at the leaderboard is pretty flawed.


            • #21
              If the majority of caps oppose it and then it shouldn't go through
              Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

              - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Captain Lonestar View Post
                My dude is ranked #2 at 9* when there are 13 in total 10 and 9.5 stars. And the drop from 9.5 to 9 was justifiable? Oh but you didn’t play in between seasons? Guess what probably most other guys didn’t really either?

                Everything is always justifiable in a vacuum but right now you are easily 10* so then just bump to 10 for next time.

                X-Demo is a good point in base. He has done well and might need a bump for next season. But he has limited experience, might be a breakout season? But you have done equally well and have tons of pedigree. We are talking about one player who started in 2012 and has 0 medals in anything vs another guy who started early 2000s and is one of the most decorated players of all time? And they are rated the same. Just by sheer experience you are so much safer as a pick that it is honestly laughable. I don’t think anyone would think twice about chosing between the both of you at 7.5* besides we all know the leaderboard rating for terrs and sharks is flawed.

                Looking at only this season we need to bump temujin to 7.5* in jav for next year. That could be fun. (No shade temu i <3 u). And Mikkiz should be 7.5 terr next year also and hulk can come join me as 7.5 in shark. 😂

                And this is not a slap at Mikkiz or Hulk, it just shows that oogling at the leaderboard is pretty flawed.
                Tiny finished last season (8 stars) as the number 13 terr from 6 teams...

                I love seeing these guys who aren't caps or ops, haven't played any seasons lately, and didn't even participate in the preseason ratings discussions come in here and start talking about where people should be, or flaws in the system. Like did you really just call Tinys terrier "one of the most decorated players of all time"? That's the #OggieStats 208th best baser of all time with a total 1 TWDTB win (as a spider).

                Mikkiz has a rating of 33 for 3 games played. If he'd played all 8 games, he'd be miles ahead of everyone else. Look at Cape, another great terrier, ahead of X-demo and Tiny with half the games played. The shark leaderboard, too, is basically who played the most games.

                Either live and learn (a major part of this thread existing) or call out issues before the occur. It's insulting to the people who dedicate time to this game to retroactively trash decisions that weren't controversial at the time.


                • #23
                  By tiny being decorated I mean in general. Doesn’t my dude have tons of medals and a few TWL chamipionships? Compared to a guy who has 0. Also x-demo is ahead in kda in terr with 28-5 but he has a 50% winrate when tiny has a 100% winrate. Terr is litterally a garbage ship to rate by kda that much should be clear to anyone that has based ever. Quite frankly tiny suggesting x-demo is a better terrier than him is laughable.

                  My general point is anything can mean anything in a vacuum. Now we have a player that went to bat hard to have his values lowered to cap and he is way and beyond ahead of anyone else in the standings. And coincidentally your cap as well. And during the rating discussion everyone was like ooh aah only spiders should be 10* cause they have highest impact. Sharks were deemed not as important (I don’t agree) but by that logic x-demo should have had a even easier time attaining the 100% winrate if he was better than tiny. Cause he plays behind the most 10* spiders. (And for the record I think the special ships are more important than spiders) but this is the way the rating discussions went.

                  I’ll give to you that I am and have been inactive and I did not participate in the rating discussions. Neither should I because I have not been here. Just find it sus that a player who needed his ratings lowered is ranked #2 in jav and terring his team to 100%. I mean when is even the last time a team went undefeated in any division in twdt? Has it even ever happened? I guess the starts just aligned for the one guy who needed a discount in stars to cap.


                  • #24
                    Tiny Tiny obviously got a free pass getting bumped down to 9 from 9.5 in jav.

                    I call bullshit pointing to your one bad season in jav last twdt.

                    The twdt prior to that you were the #2 jav in stats as a 9.5 and prior to that the #7 jav. Guess what Tiny was the one prior to that as a 9 star? #2 on the leaderboard.

                    Tiny has played in 6 of the last 7 TWLJ finals. Mythril in just 2 of the last 7 TWLJ finals.

                    Edit: I don’t think Tiny is overly broken as an 8.5 wb and 7.5 terr.
                    Last edited by afghan; Yesterday, 04:35 PM.
                    In game alias: mvp

                    twdt-b 2017 finalist
                    twlb 2020 and 2023 champ cheerleader
                    twdt-b 2020 and 2021 champ


                    • #25
                      I don’t know about 7.5 stars in terr. Hell I am rated 7.5 in base.

                      Tiny has remained active from early 2000 all the way until now and participated at least in every single one of the past 11 twdts (since 2019). He is a multi time TWLB playoffs player and even TWLB champion

                      Me on the other hand. Played early 2000 and quit in 2007. Made a brief comeback from 2009-2012. Did not touch the game until 2017, played one season of twdt. Quit again and started for this season.

                      Surely we are both worth the same cap hit! Hahaha


                      • #26
                        What a rabbit hole!

                        People have good seasons they go up, people have bad seasons, they go down. had a bad season last season topped with inactivity. The drop is justifiable. And I’ve always lingered around the 9-9.5. My .5 in jav helps, but it could possible be also that I drafted a good jav team? I expect to be raised to 9.5 again. It’s not a big deal.

                        base? Put me on a different team and I doubt I do as well and you wouldn’t argue my rating. We are on discord and my sharks are bossing me around, topped with underrated spiders, 3 in the top 5, and the best shark duo imo, couple with broken rampage at 7.5 and PA/ unlimited 7.5 spiders. I am not the reason for our undefeated season apart from drafting a great base team.
                        1:waven> u challenge
                        1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                        Originally posted by MHz
                        Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                        • #27
                          I literally went negative in terr last season in a game.
                          1:waven> u challenge
                          1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                          Originally posted by MHz
                          Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Tiny View Post
                            What a rabbit hole!

                            People have good seasons they go up, people have bad seasons, they go down. had a bad season last season topped with inactivity. The drop is justifiable. And I’ve always lingered around the 9-9.5. My .5 in jav helps, but it could possible be also that I drafted a good jav team? I expect to be raised to 9.5 again. It’s not a big deal.

                            base? Put me on a different team and I doubt I do as well and you wouldn’t argue my rating. We are on discord and my sharks are bossing me around, topped with underrated spiders, 3 in the top 5, and the best shark duo imo, couple with broken rampage at 7.5 and PA/ unlimited 7.5 spiders. I am not the reason for our undefeated season apart from drafting a great base team.
                            Yes people go up in down but some people are firmly where they should be over the years. Claiming inactivity as a factor for a game where literally everyone was inactive is an illogical argument. A true measure of activity is the fact that you haven’t skipped a league in over 10 years. It would be like saying Ease/Zidane should be a 9.5 jav because they didn’t play for 3 months before this twdt….

                            I honestly don’t care because I don’t like jav just pointing out that the rating change was a give. In the grand scheme of things the 0.5 is not going to be a game changer without drafting a team that gels and fits the star cap. It does give a small advantage though as it allows a more balanced lineup.
                            In game alias: mvp

                            twdt-b 2017 finalist
                            twlb 2020 and 2023 champ cheerleader
                            twdt-b 2020 and 2021 champ


                            • #29
                              While we're interpreting the rules the obvious decision is to allow Prime to compete once more for a playoff spot as well.


                              • #30
                                I love how the people who missed playoffs and didn't give a single opinion on ratings prior to the season are now puffing their chest out at Tiny. Keep in mind, we weren't even projected to be the top basing team going into the season.

                                Willby/Mark are elite sharks. Multiple people such as GenX have come forward prior to the season to voice dropping their ratings.

                                Public Assassin is a veteran spider who rarely gets opportunities to play DT, until now, and he's been great.

                                Rampage is a sleeper pick, another player who never got the opportunity to TRULY start in spider or play over instead of under-spidering.

                                Vys at 8.5* in spider. Another elite player who doesn't get the respect he deserves when it comes to 3-league player discussions.

                                Originally, Frozen Throne and I were briefly dropped to 9* until further discussion brought us back to 9.5*. Two defending TWLB Champions.

                                Tiny is an average terr, with high IQ. Swap him with SeX-Demo and we'd be just fine.

                                The reality is, the zone just doesn't respect us and hasn't for the past few years. This is the result. See yall in playoffs.
                                4:cripple> everyone DOWNLOAD my cheat engine it removes .5 sec off ur respawn and adds a 3rd into regen energy link is here:

