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TWL Free Agent Thread

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  • #61
    Unfortunately it’s a team game and every finals ive lost including the dice one I put up my numbers and did my thing, you can go search it up..

    The last final you tried to stack was on Cuphead thinking you can go against your masters but followed up with a regular 3-10 (your average in TWL/DT)… good thing for a player of your caliber the expectations aren’t high so I’ll spare you..

    If we digged up your stats in any league game you went + in we would be here all day… please don’t address me again, it’s embarrassing speaking to a player like you who isn’t even considered mediocre in the only ship you play…. Beat it kid

    p.s. First it was Ease isn’t gonna play TWL, now you’re not sure if he’s in your lineup eh.. I wonder if anyone still believes this lol… Make up your mind you Shook kid

    Originally posted by beam View Post

    let's be real here u joined rapid after whining all month that evil's jav line couldn't beat theirs so u just wanted a free jav title to go along with having a good shot at winning ld w/ them cuz our lines are pretty even in wb (if ease plays u have no chance but i don't think he will).

    this whole high road ur tryin to take is bullshit and u only joined rapid cuz u felt it was MORE stacked overall with u than Evil was with u.

    also the whole "if i wanted to stack id win every year" is complete nonsense man u've played as the favorite on dice and lost u played on a solid finals team with ease on thunder and lost u literally spammed me in all capital letters about how nobody had a chance of beating u when u recruited lasenza to pandora.... and lost in semis. historically u have always played on teams u thought had a realistic chance of winning the league so don't sit here and acting like u consistently played on massive underdog teams.


    • #62
      According to dick riding cum guzzlers I've observed over the years, Evil should have (at least) a 52* line in LD..... Thoughts?


      • #63
        We are all getting downgrading in stats by the circle who have determined who's good or not rofl...I vote for different people to review star rating in the future instead of having the chat kkvothe do it every year.
        Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

        - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


        • #64
          Originally posted by bike View Post
          To continue with the NBA analogy...
          The greatest NBA teams of history have 2 superstars and then they role players. (Jordan/Pippen, Malone/Stockton, Curry/Thompson, Shaq/Kobe).
          The teams with even 3 superstars aren't nearly as legendary or well-respected. (Curry/Durant/Thompson LOL who even cared. What a lame team) (Kyrie/Harden/Durant - did they even last? No. Ego blows up)

          The current issue, for both jav and wbs leagues as far as I can tell, is that there are two teams with 4-5 superstars in each league.
          Aside from being a far cry from emulating the NBA greats, I don't even see how 4-5 giga-egos can coexist together like that for a 3-4 month season. (Like Kyrie/Harden/Durant)

          So the humble and modest petition would be to at least give up 1-2 superstars per league and spread the wealth.
          But yes everybody wants to win - no one wants to be the hero and go to a weaker team, yada yada yada. Those bitmap medal soooo tempting ehhh Exalt? ;-)

          If each team gave up two superstars per league, then that means 2 more teams could each have 2 superstars per league as well, which then gives us a total of 5 reasonable competitive teams which would be kind of sick. Then I for one would look forward to TWL every week and probably even want to watch some of the matches on YouTube if they're recorded. We still need to help out that 6th team though, so if you all actually have 3 players with balls who care to benefit the whole zone (rather than sacrifice the zone for another bitmap medal) would be stellar and I'm sure you would be karmically rewarded in seen and unseen ways for such a selfless act.

          Can we just be a bit more like the NBA?
          (Draft league is pretty close to this with the star limit max allowing 2 superstars to play on one team, but TWL could allow for higher quality role players than draft league does. Something like two 9.5-10s, one ~8.5-9, and two 7.5-8.5 would be sick.)

          Don't we all secretly wish we were professional athletes anyway? Or we like to think we are competing on sort of high level?
          Sorry to say but currently TWL is not some sort of high level thing. High level means the betting line is close. As is, most games scheduled to happen in the league are a wash and no one would even take a bet on them.
          Props to draft league though - definitely could bet there. Good stuff.

          p.s. I love you all you guys/girls/they/them's. Not ragging on anyone. We're all doing the best we can, and if we knew better we would do better. So, the hope is maybe the above potential parallels to the NBA offer some inspiration for some pilots to better themselves and better the zone, or if it simply provides you with inspiration to absolutely destroy me whenever you vs me that's cool too. I welcome the challenge!

          Who wants to be legendary?

          love, bike


          • #65
            Should I keep going?

            dog shit player can’t even win a game ease drops 19 in lmao
            Attached Files


            • #66
              can link all of my stats that you want man doesn't change anything I said about you if anything it just kinda shows you know I'm right and struck a nerve
              Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

              Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

              Don't Poke the Bear.


              • #67
                Fo sho 😉

                Originally posted by beam View Post
                can link all of my stats that you want man doesn't change anything I said about you if anything it just kinda shows you know I'm right and struck a nerve


                • #68
                  Shoutout to Jessup, this thread has been super entertaining, well done


                  • #69
                    I can't wait for this last dance documentary to come out

                    . Click image for larger version

Name:	michael-jackson-popcorn.gif
Views:	316
Size:	54.2 KB
ID:	1361436


                    • #70
                      haha phone screenshots.
                      don't you guys have computers?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Rab View Post
                        People are always arguing about EPL needing a salary cap.




                        • #72
                          Beam, I heard divine is looking for 1 more player at the 5th spot in LD… Apok is currently being acquired and is moving in so pack your bags and the rest of your belongings will be outside the lobby… your cab is paid…


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Best View Post
                            Beam, I heard divine is looking for 1 more player at the 5th spot in LD… Apok is currently being acquired and is moving in so pack your bags and the rest of your belongings will be outside the lobby… your cab is paid…
                            I’m Lebron when he won his title in LA. I already got my AD in Bike.. we’re good man. Go somewhere else


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Best View Post
                              Beam, I heard divine is looking for 1 more player at the 5th spot in LD… Apok is currently being acquired and is moving in so pack your bags and the rest of your belongings will be outside the lobby… your cab is paid…
                              brother I don't care one bit that u jumped ship to join what u believe is the favorite to win ld and lj like u do every year just don't come on here and act like ur some underdog cuz that's embarrassing

                              can post all the records u want about me but my record vs u in ld is x-0 so u can keep stacking but until u beat me I don't want to hear u talk
                              Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

                              Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

                              Don't Poke the Bear.


                              • #75
                                calling your master again eh… gg

                                Originally posted by beam View Post

                                brother I don't care one bit that u jumped ship to join what u believe is the favorite to win ld and lj like u do every year just don't come on here and act like ur some underdog cuz that's embarrassing

                                can post all the records u want about me but my record vs u in ld is x-0 so u can keep stacking but until u beat me I don't want to hear u talk
                                Attached Files

