I missed you Sufficient it's been a while since I saw you post.
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Can the lancaster every become a legitimate basing craft?
Bricks! That's it! Do everything Proj said except give it a brick instead of the rep. That's one kickass way to defend your terr. Plant a brick a split second before a burst is about to get him. :]
Definitely make it two tiles wide. There are so many uses for a brick in basing. You can use it to protect the flag as Suff said. You can use it to defend your terr. You can use it to corner the enemy. Hell, you could even use it to block fr entrance for a few crucial seconds whilst your cram regroups. A short stay alive time of 5-10 seconds, as Suff said, would be ideal. Hot damn, we need to try this out!
[/EDIT]Last edited by Jason; 04-20-2004, 03:01 PM.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
Originally posted by SufficientI like how the portal is 'propritery' (sp) for the terr only. I'd like to see the brick incoorporated into the game ... and perhaps for the lanc. Maybe a 2 block brick ... this could serve as a shield for the lanc which relies on either open shots at the nme ... or safe shots from behind walls. It could also serve as a useful keepaway tool if bricked on the flag. Of course the timer of the brick should be regulated to something like 5-10 sec or something.
or just put ?go base settings to all arenas (keep pub cloackers).
lets see how much ppl use it in pub. and if u add it for twd or twl. im sure some ppl will use it and learn it more.
You put in a lanc limit of one per freq. If you have the brick stay alive time five seconds, and the respawn is five seconds, there's no way for the lanc to keep respawning and laying a brick. You could never get that kind of timing down. The lanc would have to die at the EXACT second he lays the brick, every single time. I think a brick is something worth exploring.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
If you give another ship a defensive weapon like a rep or brick it would make it super hard to break cram. Don't get me wrong I'm not bashing you too hard for trying to come up with new ideas.
Shark> Rep Rep Rep Die
Lanc> Brick Die
Shark 2> Rep Rep Rep Die
I would like to see these new lanc ideas put into pub like Jebu said. Mabye the idea with the port... Test it out for a few weeks.
You guys are assuming that this team will have PERFECT timing... and you're wrong in that assumption. If the attacking team isn't a piece of shit, it will get in close to the cram, and keep the lanc from ever getting in position to lay the brick. Also, you're forgetting the fact that a jav bomb could smack against that brick and whipe out the cram. The only thing a brick will do is mix things up. It's got as many advantages as it does disadvantages. And if you really want to get all pissy about it, make the brick one tile wide, just wide enough for the lanc or some other ship to hide behind in fr fights. And then you widen the entrance to fr to three tiles. There, the brick can only get in the way, but not completely seal off fr.jasonofabitch loves!!!!
Originally posted by Disco JesusYou guys are assuming that this team will have PERFECT timing... and you're wrong in that assumption. If the attacking team isn't a piece of shit, it will get in close to the cram, and keep the lanc from ever getting in position to lay the brick. Also, you're forgetting the fact that a jav bomb could smack against that brick and whipe out the cram. The only thing a brick will do is mix things up. It's got as many advantages as it does disadvantages. And if you really want to get all pissy about it, make the brick one tile wide, just wide enough for the lanc or some other ship to hide behind in fr fights. And then you widen the entrance to fr to three tiles. There, the brick can only get in the way, but not completely seal off fr.
The part about having a bomb hit the brick doesn't apply if the sharks have SOME/Any timing. Even if it does hit it can't take out the terr. Allowing time for (at least) one shark or lanc to respawn.
If you change the brick to one tile it can still hold the enm team out of the flag room and block jav bombs from hitting the terr.
The brick, no matter how you change it, either doesn't have enough effect, or it has too much of an effect. (< not being stuck up but I don't see how a brick will work)
Last edited by Vitron; 04-20-2004, 07:07 PM.
Call me crazy, but with the way the settings are in ?go base I am actually worried that the Lancer will overtake the Spider as the basing stable... It's ability to do high damage with multiple shots, plus a spread of 2-4 bullets, makes it extremely powerful. Like Jav and WB, it can have a very legitimate place in any baseduel. Jav is helpful for breaking cram and the occasional terr kill, wb for shark/terr kills, and the lanc is a spider-killer.
I agree, the Lanc is very underrated right now. Give it some time, and it will see even more use than it already does.
Enough now.. 2 AM and I still have studying to do.
I don't think the Lancaster will ever take the spot of the Spider with the current settings. The Lancaster still recharges a bit slow, and the double shots really cost alot of energy. As long as you are in lower, the Lancaster is the stronger of the two. But in flagroombattles the spider is still the best ship.
The lancaster, now, is at least an option to have 1 or maybe 2 in your team.You ate some priest porridge
Originally posted by JasonYou guys are assuming that this team will have PERFECT timing... and you're wrong in that assumption. If the attacking team isn't a piece of shit, it will get in close to the cram, and keep the lanc from ever getting in position to lay the brick. Also, you're forgetting the fact that a jav bomb could smack against that brick and whipe out the cram. The only thing a brick will do is mix things up. It's got as many advantages as it does disadvantages. And if you really want to get all pissy about it, make the brick one tile wide, just wide enough for the lanc or some other ship to hide behind in fr fights. And then you widen the entrance to fr to three tiles. There, the brick can only get in the way, but not completely seal off fr.
bricks + sharks + cram = boring base match, besides the ?go base lanc is good enough - it just needs to be used into TWL.Last edited by Force of Nature; 04-22-2004, 05:23 AM.