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Let's hear it for the lag, shall we ladies and gents?

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  • Originally posted by Lofty
    Lofty, thats just the thing. Moot didn't even sign that garbage and someone used his name as a sig, the whole thing is a joke. Let the moron have his fun, he's in the wrong, and eventually he will understand that TW wants to see a good player like Sika in leagues, not some garbage player like Phrentis who keeps whining over lag. Case closed. Im now done with this thread. - death row

    And I was just about to start having fun with that petition when he started deleting and banning people from it =CCCCCC

    Sorry to rag on you, but you're quoting is just bugging me. Use the reply button (bottom Right) (so much easier)
    The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

    Originally posted by Richard Creager
    All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


    • Ya that was sorta buggin me too

      And K2, how bad was ur lag? i played on lag up to 600 ms and now im usualy about 20-30 ms, but i also played in between abotu 300-400 too. I personaly hate the lag alot more then being on my cable.


      • I'm going to pull a Dick Cheney right about now:

        Dear Phrenitis,
        Not only are you one of the worst basers I've ever seen, you're not even on a squad involved in TWL-B. Thus, whatever your opinion was (as if it mattered) is irrelevant. Secondly, PriitK and Dock> run this zone. This is no democracy where you can pull a "Jason" and bitch at people hoping for a rule change because they exhibit skills greater than your own. In response to your pussyfooting around lag: You lag more than most players I have played against in any sort of organized basing game. You shouldn't be complaining. You have no credibility and you'd better the game by leaving it. Though, I do find it funny that you have created a petition and fake IP adresses.

        Dear other assholes,
        We don't care. We will continue to beat you in TWL matches (unless we don't). As long as any players' average ping and ploss stays below the ping limits, you can go fuck yourself. I advise you to use lotion if you do; the difference is like eating a pie with whipped cream as opposed to without.

        Dear Wadi,
        Stop closing threads. Lofty wasn't talking about TWD. You need to learn to shut the fuck up.

        To Cig Smoke,
        Don't bother typing. I imagine you don't have a high school education, nor a diploma. Consequently, reading your post is like being shot in the face with rubber bullets.

        Divine Rides,
        Yeah motherfucker, I know you're reading this. The pain train is coming for you and we aint makin' no stops in the middle (fuck those other squads); You can't stop this baby. You--Warbird. Me--Terrier. Week 10 bitch. Week 10.


        • 1 sig so guys have a long way to go yet


          • Awesome. I have an action named after me. Everyone start pulling a "Jason" so that when I copyright that bitch I can collect royalties.
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • Nice post, Mitch :up:

              Cumulonimbus, is that a dog with an antenna in the clouds in your avatar? :light:

              "Awesome. I have an action named after me. Everyone start pulling a "Jason" so that when I copyright that bitch I can collect royalties." ...You just used my name, start forkin' over those royalties, bitsh


              • Gee, it seems most the other squads need to plan ahead on who they play in TWL matches

                Damn...wonder what it'd be like if we started planning

                1 sig so guys have a long way to go yet - Cumulonimbus

                Rofl, by the time I signed it earlier today there was 14, but he keeps deleting most of them because of the comical approach they have =P

                Btw Nickname, sorry if my quoting style bugs you, but that's what I'm used to =C

                Life's tough Cig Smoke; reading any post you make bugs me, due to the necessity of deciphering your hieroglyphics
                Last edited by Lofty; 06-17-2004, 02:42 AM.
                Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
                7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
                7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
                7:LofTy> Rofl Drow

                Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl

                death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.


                • Well, I love you too Mitch. You're the bestest player of aaaall tiiime!

                  I keep on deleting them because they're all from the same ip. But, thanks to this I got this wonderful idea!

                  ?cheater Sika, Disqualifier and Foxy Triplesquadding

                  BTW, could you guys please quote the part where I've whined and bitched about lag? Apparently I can't read because I don't find such a part.
                  6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                  Originally posted by Dreamwin
                  3 league vet


                  • Yesterday I found Mitch's weakness. He can't stand it if you blow alot of fucking bullets up his ass. Different with Sika and Domi though, you have to wait untill they are done with that they were planning to do and then hope they combust spontaniously.
                    You ate some priest porridge


                    • Originally posted by Miku19
                      How thoughtful of you to still let me stay unignored!...

                      Anyone want to make a petition to ban Phrenitis' racist ass?
                      The player with the biggest nuts.

                      - destroy


                      • someone close this thread and then throw it away.


                        • Originally posted by Lofty
                          Btw Nickname, sorry if my quoting style bugs you, but that's what I'm used to =C

                          It's not that it bugs me, but theres such an easier method out there for you to use ;/
                          The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                          Originally posted by Richard Creager
                          All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                          • Originally posted by Dabram
                            someone close this thread and then throw it away.
                            yeah plz do
                            Originally posted by Kolar
                            My reaction:

                            ;1;Holy Shit
                            ;1;Al Qaeda took care of method for us


                            • Originally posted by Mitch
                              Dear other assholes,
                              We don't care. We will continue to beat you in TWL matches (unless we don't). As long as any players' average ping and ploss stays below the ping limits, you can go fuck yourself. I advise you to use lotion if you do; the difference is like eating a pie with whipped cream as opposed to without.
                              Thats what diso is trying to say. Moot is UNDER the limits just like sika/domi and all others who play, YET the ref's are keeping him from playing. Atleast thats what i got from there posts. I think if u spec 1 person for visible lag (moot) then all who has visible lag (domi/sika) should also be spec'd. Dont spec 1 person then call it quits.


                              • Originally posted by Jason
                                Awesome. I have an action named after me. Everyone start pulling a "Jason" so that when I copyright that bitch I can collect royalties.
                                Don't be a jason u ass!
                                NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                                internet de la jerome

                                because the internet | hazardous

