Originally posted by olde
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While I agree with you about how these 'elite' 20-year players have an exclusive club of who they play with and allow into their squads, who cares? Did you care about winning TWL when you joined Juice? Obviously not, or you would have gone elsewhere. You did it to help out a squad that needed some players, because you're not the type who'd rather bench on a stacked squad than to join something else and provide competition instead. Take a long look at some squads on the TWD site though and tell me how many active players like you there are in this game. Notice that almost everyone that's never quit the game has multiple medals, and even some of the worst players around have at least one. Were ALL these guys starters for the squads they won medals for? It's statistically impossible, meaning many of them were benching rather than adding to competition by making new squads. That's why this game is the way it is. People have egos about benching over just being good at the game in their own rights.
As for Wolf, they may be 5 crackheads, but at least they tried to do something themselves, rather than being a non-factor on some other squad. I can name more than one player who is basically just a team mascot for some stacked TWL squad. Why do these people exist? Who logs in just so they don't ever play? Losers is the only type of people I can think of like that. I respect crackheads on Wolf more than those mascots on better squads. Maybe that's just me though. At least one group is attempting to improve in whatever way they think viable. That's better than resigning themselves to being team mascot for someone else.
As for next season, maybe there won't be one, maybe there will. I thought this game was dead 10 years ago, but it's still somehow still around. As for growth of players, there really are a few that have improved just from the small period of time I've been back. Maybe you just don't pay attention, but I have. Most people have egos too large to admit when others are better than they used to be, but that doesn't mean they're right to pretend otherwise.