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Whose going to hit it big this season!?

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  • Originally posted by Predator Rulez
    First of all: Vyk KEEP IT CLEAN! STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    allrightyy....... Who was talking about that squads like Diso, pirates, pallies & sk8 wont pull off anything interesting this season?.. I'm too lazy to look it back up... Anyways.. I kinda agreed on all of that.. Yet someone said (I think the same person) that Laser will "hit big", sure they will just like dragonguard did right? Anyways.. I dont really agree on it.. alof of things can happen to a "new" squad like laser before TWL even starts...

    Ok,.. the best part.. I always love it when Cig brings up his predictions. Why? well that's easy.. Hes always wrong it's just a fact o_O He is the kind of dude that knows his homework.. but yet hes always (unlucky) wrong when it comes down to predicting.. (or I just like to tease him) ANYWAYS he said sk8 is gonna suck.. booya.. that's all I needed to know $ TY CIGGY $$


    (Ps. twld: Grapevine twjl: Dice/venom twlb: who cares?)
    I think you meant me Well I was pointing out that the current levels of wbskills are very close. I have the feeling most squads have the potential to win eachother. Some older squads have the ' elite veterans ' but are inactive, so newer squads with active people can make that up with much activity. Btw I dont see much TWLJ competition these days. Only a few squads play twjds and most lack good quality.

    BUt I guess as soon as TWL qualifications start we can all throw our current comments in the dustbin and start a whole new thread.
    .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

    Roxy :


    • Haven't read those 5 pages posts, but anyway, the player who's gonna become a star this season issssssssssss....... I don't know really.
      I don't expect alot of new stars coming up. The ownage nerds from this moment will group in one squad, than destroy the smaller squads with all the people in it who are new to TWL, so they don't get a chance to show skills.

      And "hitting it big" is such an impossible thing anyway. Every player has their good and bad rounds. Someone might do 16-7 once, than another match he goes 8-10. And everybody is like "hah .. luck it was" and he won't be a "star". While that 8-10 might just been a bad round. I don't see anyone go 17-5 each round or so. So what's your criterium on a new star? He has got to MVP every game he plays ? He just has to be the only one geting a positive rec on his squad ?
      Some star might be in a newb squad, so his squaddies will get raped in TWL, while he actually would have rocked if he'd have a better team next to him. Now, with the newbier team he might go 7-10.
      Would Ronaldo for example, still score as much as he does now when he would be in a really shitty team, playing vs Real Madrid ? Don't think so. A good player needs a good squad aswell to own and show what he's worth.

      Your team is as strong as the weakest player in it.
      7:Barton> hi tats
      7:Barton> still no smod?
      7:Barton> :(
      7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
      7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing

      3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
      3:Harder> "MAVRIC I GOTTA BIRD ON MY BACK!!"



      • Originally posted by Predator Rulez
        (Ps. twld: Grapevine twjl: Dice/venom twlb: who cares?)
        Matches of yesterday: GrapeVine - Heavy
        Execute - GrapeVine
        Lost to 2 "new" (don't feel offended) squads. With a big difference in scores.
        Yah .. I'm sure they are gonna own this seasons'TWLD.
        I believe in ALF !!
        7:Barton> hi tats
        7:Barton> still no smod?
        7:Barton> :(
        7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
        7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing

        3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
        3:Harder> "MAVRIC I GOTTA BIRD ON MY BACK!!"



        • The problem with this bickering is its all off season. We wont know which squads will look in good shape till pre-season/TWL qualifications. Theres too much inactivity within squads. I know squads like -f-, venom, pir. and many other squads are not getting a lot of practice. Anyways, stay open minded for now since we will see squads dying and struggling to stay alive. Thats my 3 cents. *puts change on the table*..
          Last edited by Hercules; 10-20-2004, 09:40 AM.
          I found a nickel and I bought a fishing pole, Then I sold some fish, got a raft, fished more, sold massive fish, sold raft, bought a ship, hired a first mate (awesome), picked up a crew, won TWL.....


          • Originally posted by Anduril.
            Would Ronaldo for example, still score as much as he does now when he would be in a really shitty team, playing vs Real Madrid ? Don't think so. A good player needs a good squad aswell to own and show what he's worth.
            Ronaldo is scoring? Ronaldo is doing good? wtfz.. real is doing good? OMG, thats news too me.
            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


            • Originally posted by Anduril.
              Your team is as strong as the weakest player in it.
              Well, Laser is fucked, that's me.


              • Originally posted by Anduril.
                Matches of yesterday: GrapeVine - Heavy
                Execute - GrapeVine
                Lost to 2 "new" (don't feel offended) squads. With a big difference in scores.
                Yah .. I'm sure they are gonna own this seasons'TWLD.
                I believe in ALF !!
                uh oh guys, time to dissolve.
                Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                Philos> there is something about you
                Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                • Originally posted by Predator Rulez
                  First of all: Vyk KEEP IT CLEAN! STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  allrightyy....... Who was talking about that squads like Diso, pirates, pallies & sk8 wont pull off anything interesting this season?.. I'm too lazy to look it back up... Anyways.. I kinda agreed on all of that.. Yet someone said (I think the same person) that Laser will "hit big", sure they will just like dragonguard did right? Anyways.. I dont really agree on it.. alof of things can happen to a "new" squad like laser before TWL even starts...

                  Ok,.. the best part.. I always love it when Cig brings up his predictions. Why? well that's easy.. Hes always wrong it's just a fact o_O He is the kind of dude that knows his homework.. but yet hes always (unlucky) wrong when it comes down to predicting.. (or I just like to tease him) ANYWAYS he said sk8 is gonna suck.. booya.. that's all I needed to know $ TY CIGGY $$


                  (Ps. twld: Grapevine twjl: Dice/venom twlb: who cares?)
                  I didnt say sk8 would suck I said sk8 would do what they do every year, turn inactive when TWL comes around (inactive in sk8's world not regular world) and have a par season and make playoffs like they always do. Which in my mind is good, but i guess others like more then that


                  • What the hell is 'heavy execute'?
                    Failure teaches success.
                    . â–²
                    ▲ ▲


                    • wow.. people are still posting in this tread -_-

                      HI KIM!!
                      1 + 1 = 1


                      • Hey neth i figured that use IME pinyin to type chinese is so much quicker for me, so i'm using that now. Some ppl say IME sucks, but they must suck at chinese to begin with.
                        Failure teaches success.
                        . â–²
                        ▲ ▲


                        • wtf is IME pinyin... i still use NJStar.. lol
                          1 + 1 = 1


                          • Originally posted by Nethila
                            wtf is IME pinyin... i still use NJStar.. lol
                            I use NJStar dad does...I can't read Chinese too well.
                            this is a dated signature

                            FREE GHB, PH


                            • Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              I didnt say sk8 would suck I said sk8 would do what they do every year, turn inactive when TWL comes around (inactive in sk8's world not regular world) and have a par season and make playoffs like they always do. Which in my mind is good, but i guess others like more then that
                              Heh.. I might be inactive this TWL season.. "MIGHT" so not sure yet.. I still think that alot of plalyers will get active again when TWL8 starts... also Sk8 players.. hopefully not too late.
                              Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
                              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              Pred > JRA > the rest of u


                              • Originally posted by Kim
                                Hey neth i figured that use IME pinyin to type chinese is so much quicker for me, so i'm using that now. Some ppl say IME sucks, but they must suck at chinese to begin with.
                                i use that, but i also use 5 bi. it's faster if you know how to type, but otherwise ime pinyin is the best.

