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Decennium for twld?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Zerzera
    Why wouldn't we enter normally? Apart from Venom I think we played everyone, and only couldn't beat Mystery. Not that it matters, but I think we just happen to be amongst the 16 best squads, and that doesn't say anything how far we are up in that top 16 or how much difference there is between the 5 best squads and the rest. I have yet to see a competition in anything where all teams are of equal strength and no squad is absolute best.
    I think what a squad really is about is keeping true to itself and it's members, and that means staying alive when you aren't the best too.
    You are just one pathetic nerd that doesn't know how to get along with other people unless it's winning games together.
    You didnt get a word I said probably. I will say it in english and in dutch:

    I never said that you guys only duel bad squads, I said that you guys were attacking eachother with saying you only play bad squads and that you guys were attacking the twd / twl system. And that attacking is silly, because both you might be decent squads but if all the good squads are going to be more active you guys might drop a bit. In other words: I didnt judge your twd record nor that of Decennium, I just said it was silly that you guys were attacking eachother and attacked TWD/TWL.

    And as for getting along with people... lol.... when I play a game I want to win things, not just talk. I can get along with people just fine, but if I just want to talk with people I would be calling friends or grab a beer. You prefer incuria, I prefered my thing.

    In dutch: ik heb helemaal geen negatief oordeel over decennium of incuria, ik vind het gewoon stom dat jullie elkaar afzeiken met verwijten over dat jullie eventueel slechte squads duellen. In alle eerlijkheid zijn er betere squads dan incuria en decennium die wellicht jullie passeren over een maand. Daarom vind ik het huidige verwijt aan twd/twl ook een beetje stom. Dat is alles, dus waarom je nou vijandig doet weet ik niet, maar goed. En o ik wil graag winnen in een spel, en praten doe ik daarnaast wel, daar heb je chats voor.
    .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

    Roxy :


    • #47
      Once more Nas, I don't know if you read what you wrote yourself. You are judging squads in this statement. And you might not notice it, but you do. And if your squads -uuh what squad again?- would actually be worth something you would have a position to judge.
      Originally posted by Nasir
      1) its 'silly' if squads who normally will never qualify for TWL are pointing at eachother saying that got shitty records and play bad squads to get into TWL, and say that TWD / TWL sux.
      You say that better squads will pass us, then tell me what 16 squads are better than us. I can name about 10. But I can count out Mystery now, you say you play to win, but I don't see how you win by dissolving your squad before TWL. You might start a new squad now and recruit some mighty fine talent. With that you will have a squad that can beat Incuria in duel for sure, but you won't win TWL versus squads that manage to keep the same core for years. I don't understand how you can say you aren't hostile when you use a term like "shitty squads", your definition of a good squad must be totally fucked up. We play to win but we won't cry and dissolve if we lose. If you want to play to win, you must be able to deal with losing too.

      And saying two shitty squads attack eachother shows how little you read of this thread. Cook didn't attack Decennium but people just got defensive over it. Now give me the list of 16 squads that are better than us to prove that we can't at least be the suckiest squad that deserves their spot in TWLD.
      You ate some priest porridge


      • #48
        1. venom
        2. rusher
        3. disoblige
        4. pirates
        5. sk8
        6. dragonguard
        7. dragon
        8. Rapid
        9. Ancients
        10. British Squad
        11. Pallies
        12. -Final-
        13. -Kaos-
        14. Spastic
        15. Melee
        16. Heavy
        17. Dice
        18. Maybe paladen since you lost to them once

        But since you keep being personal I will just make a real statement then: Incuria is not good enough to be in TWL-d. And I have a position to judge since I played in 5 TWL's, this will be my sixth, so I know what kind of squads will do well and which dont.
        .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

        Roxy :


        • #49
          Keep trying Nasir.... I'm sure you could do better than that.


          • #50
            whatever this is going no where I am done talking in this thread, I respect Incuria and gl.
            .: Website, Reseller & A. Hosting

            Roxy :


            • #51
              We'll see in a couple months...and how did this thread go from "Decennium for twld?" to "Incuria for twld?"
              this is a dated signature

              FREE GHB, PH


              • #52
                the only 2 good squads decennium played were rapid and sk8, and they lost to both of them. Just gonna be another easy win in twld.

                I think another problem is that all newb squads care about is getting into twl, so they only play horrible squads to get a good rank and get in. But then everything falls apart when they realize they have to play good squads in twl. Then they get raped, then they dissolve. This really sucks, because squads that dissolve ruin twl.
                I AM NOT AN ANIMAL


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Nasir
                  1. venom
                  2. rusher
                  3. disoblige
                  4. pirates
                  5. sk8
                  6. dragonguard
                  7. dragon
                  8. Rapid
                  9. Ancients
                  10. British Squad
                  11. Pallies
                  12. -Final-
                  13. -Kaos-
                  14. Spastic
                  15. Melee
                  16. Heavy
                  17. Dice
                  18. Maybe paladen since you lost to them once

                  But since you keep being personal I will just make a real statement then: Incuria is not good enough to be in TWL-d. And I have a position to judge since I played in 5 TWL's, this will be my sixth, so I know what kind of squads will do well and which dont.
                  There's no way in fuck I'm losing to rapid or half of those squads.
                  it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Bob (SRB)
                    the only 2 good squads decennium played were rapid and sk8, and they lost to both of them. Just gonna be another easy win in twld.
                    nah they've also played mystery. oh wait...
                    audit> and btw, im your fan!

                    DeeZ NuTs> time to own
                    DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
                    Azreal> LOloL
                    cook> ROFL

                    R.I.P VENOM


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Zerzera
                      Im as good in Warbird now in 3 months as I was in spider after 1 year. You are talking shit about base again Cig Smoke.
                      No im not. Ur just trying to argue with me! I was just saying that for a squad to get good in ANY league really is u just need to be really active. (Example - RB last season) It just so happens that in basing u need more guys meaning u need to recruit more guys. I was sticking up for u in what i posted, not for nas. Plus who says ur better in 3 months of wb then 1 year of spider? What are u basing that on? I dont wb anymore soi couldnt tell u if u are or arent, but they are 2 totatly different ships, plus ur not exaclty "new" to the game. U know how to aim, how to dodge, etc. For a "new" guy to step into a league the eziest thing for him to do would be to step into a spider/basing where it isnt all about solo skill, ist about teamwork and so on.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Nasir
                        1. venom
                        2. rusher
                        3. disoblige
                        4. pirates
                        5. sk8
                        6. dragonguard
                        7. dragon
                        8. Rapid
                        9. Ancients
                        10. British Squad
                        11. Pallies
                        12. -Final-
                        13. -Kaos-
                        14. Spastic
                        15. Melee
                        16. Heavy
                        17. Dice
                        18. Maybe paladen since you lost to them once

                        But since you keep being personal I will just make a real statement then: Incuria is not good enough to be in TWL-d. And I have a position to judge since I played in 5 TWL's, this will be my sixth, so I know what kind of squads will do well and which dont.

                        I dont know much about wbs, b ut i can say as of now -f- isnt alive. i can also say that i dont know who heavy is, dice dont wb, paladen isnt better then incuria. Not sure about british squad or ancients either, but i still think they are top 16 team and will be and deserve to be in TWLD. Plus we know the wont die midseason like so many squads do.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Horny Elf

                          ROFLMAO ELF IS AT IT AGAIN, He keeps trying to make big marks.. but the fact is.. .. it's not really working, proving he has a large penis.. I have 2 screenshots already.. I keep updating my signature after every attempt you have made to impress me with your penis size.. but you keep dissapointing me.. and ONCE AGAIN

                          Originally posted by Horny Elf

                          That's not a big mark man.... try making it hard first.. before bashing ur penis to the keyboard.. GOOD LUCK MAN KEEP ON PRACTICING (one day you'll hit enough characters, so that it wont fit in my signature, hopefully)


                          ps. what was this thread about again?
                          Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
                          Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                          Pred > JRA > the rest of u


                          • #58
                            1. venom - never played
                            2. rusher - they won us but we didn't have too good line
                            3. disoblige - never played
                            4. pirates - never played
                            5. sk8 - never played
                            6. dragonguard - won em
                            7. dragon - never played
                            8. Rapid - hahahahaha (won em)
                            9. Ancients - once again, never played
                            10. British Squad - hahahahah don't make me laugh
                            11. Pallies - won em
                            12. -Final- - -F- is dead
                            13. -Kaos- - aww, now I'm laughing even more
                            14. Spastic - won em
                            15. Melee - dunno
                            16. Heavy - HAHAHA
                            17. Dice - rofl
                            18. Maybe paladen since you lost to them once - lol..can't believe how we lost to them

                            So that would take us almost into top 10.
                            megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
                            L K> taught u what?
                            megaman89> how to suck

                            9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
                            9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
                            9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


                            • #59
                              I wouldn't want to touch Elf's keyboard. <_<
                              megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
                              L K> taught u what?
                              megaman89> how to suck

                              9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
                              9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
                              9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by bubbles19518
                                I'm putting that in my signature ROFL!
                                Wtf.. why are you putting that in your signature?... your such a newbie fake ass copy cat... I'm the one with the copyrights on every single word that horny blurs out.. So step back nub.. Hes mine..
                                Under <ZH>> pred i want to taste your man juice!!!
                                Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                                Pred > JRA > the rest of u

