I did ask P_L before that game if DSin who lost his password due to formatting his PC could use the nickname of my brother Fused but he wasn't allowed to. And thus we did not do this.
I really didn't know Lemar wasn't allowed to play since he been with us for over 2 weeks, and would have been able to play. Now I hear it's not, which I think is really stupid.
What should BasingCrew have done to make sure Dixy would have been replacement for the match in week 6 he wouldn't be able to be? How could we know we were supposed to recruit a shark in week 3 because week 5 would be postponed, and that he aint allowed to play in this second week then.
Like Stabwound said "The reason for the rule is so that you can't recruit people right away for a game that you have to play the next day."
I think you should all quit staring at those damned rules, and have a fair look at it instead.
indeed and the phunishment we got is alrdy too hard
I did ask P_L before that game if DSin who lost his password due to formatting his PC could use the nickname of my brother Fused but he wasn't allowed to. And thus we did not do this.
I really didn't know Lemar wasn't allowed to play since he been with us for over 2 weeks, and would have been able to play. (it seemed fair to me) Now I hear it's not, which I think is really stupid.
What should BasingCrew have done to make sure Dixy would have been replacement for the match in week 6 he wouldn't be able to be? How could we know we were supposed to recruit a shark in week 3 because week 5 would be postponed, and that he aint allowed to play in this second week then.
Like Stabwound said "The reason for the rule is so that you can't recruit people right away for a game that you have to play the next day."
I think you should all quit staring at those damned rules, and have a fair look at it instead.
EDIT: Oh, and we do care about the 2 week ban because Dixy will also not be able to play next weeks game, And still do think there should be no punishment at all.
goddamnit sumpson. you're only saying that because you want the win, as do we. what is the point of having rules, if you can just break them with minor consequences? If it had not been in the rules, specifically, we would hardly have any grounds to base an arguement. but it is explicitly written about postponements.
and lal @ dsin for forgetting his password.. ?lostpassword is a nice command, and you probably dont need a rediculously secure pw for SS.
also, if we had played someone illegal, you would be on our asses. I dont know if microstar was there, but if we had played him, it might have been better than one of our other players, changing the outcome of the game. Probably wouldnt have done too much, but it doesnt matter.
The case in point is that your cheating signifigantly altered the outcome of the game (8v8 instead of 8v7) for your team, therefore the team should be punished. Also, it would be foolish to punish Lemar for a year or whatever someone said, as he is not an assistant or captain, and probably had no say whether he should play or not (i doubt this however, knowing his mouth). The captain should receive the punishment rather than the player as he is responsible.
I usually agree with most of P_L's decisions, and keep my mouth shut, but this one is pretty horid.
I gotta agree with Leroy. Venom had to forfeit to us last week because they didn't have enough players. If the penalty for playing ineligable players is just a ban for the ineligible players for 2 weeks they could have just picked up 3 guys for that game and played us 8v8. It should probably be a forfeit for any game where a squad used inelligible players. It's can be tricky to be sure who is illegible and who isn't, but knowing the rules is part of the captains job.
I do know that it would be rediculous if the outcome of the appeal would change. Since this is the second time something like this has happened in league, the other time they got the same punishment.
That's why I understand them giving us this punnishment too instead of none at all. All there could be done by TWL Ops now is change the rules for the remaining league I guess.
And concealed, I really don't say all this because I am so happy about the win, im more sad about the punnishment than happy for the win.
twl is a joke. end this season, fire the current staff, and get someone who has a clue (although anybody with a clue won't be touching that pile of sh*t even with a stick).
TWL-J champ season 5 (Elusive)
TWL-D champ season 6 (Elusive)
TWL-D champ season 8 (-FINAL-)
TWL-D champ season 10 (Syndicate)
EDIT2: 1.07 Any excessive abuse of the League Conduct Rules during a match will result in a two-week suspension from league play. Repeat game conduct offenses may result in a ban from Trench Wars League for as long as the League Operators feel is sufficient.
I dont think there have been any excessive abuse by lemar nor BasingCrew since we didn't know he was ineligible and should have been eligible.
oh no, you really don't wanna bring out the rules in this argument. Cause if we go by rules, you and your squad are dead meat
5.05 The Standard Waiting Period for roster eligibility goes as follows: Any player joining a Squad for participation in Trench Wars League, will be subject to a one round cool down period after registration and confirmation by a Squad Captain. Players will not be eligible to participate in official Trench Wars League matches until the round proceeding that player joining the Squad has completed (Example: Players joining before round 3 but after round 2 will not be allowed to play in any games until the round 4 games).
5.06 If there are postponements, players which were not originally eligible for the round before it was postponed will still not be eligible for the postponed round.
You, as a squadleader should know about the knows, and if you have any doubts, you could have asked a TWL Op. Like you did with DSin. A-S recruited someone after week 4, brookus thought he could play him but asked me first whether if hes eligible or not, and of couse, hes not.
sigh it was so clear game and it was 8v8 why inc have to whine about everything. rules says that player get phunismet and yes sumpson didn't know about this. is there rules that if week get postponed it will be still same week for players who got recruited (for example 2 weeks ago)?but seriosly this ass whining and crying is childish <_<
oh no, you really don't wanna bring out the rules in this argument. Cause if we go by rules, you and your squad are dead meat
5.05 The Standard Waiting Period for roster eligibility goes as follows: Any player joining a Squad for participation in Trench Wars League, will be subject to a one round cool down period after registration and confirmation by a Squad Captain. Players will not be eligible to participate in official Trench Wars League matches until the round proceeding that player joining the Squad has completed (Example: Players joining before round 3 but after round 2 will not be allowed to play in any games until the round 4 games).
5.06 If there are postponements, players which were not originally eligible for the round before it was postponed will still not be eligible for the postponed round.
You, as a squadleader should know about the knows, and if you have any doubts, you could have asked a TWL Op. Like you did with DSin. A-S recruited someone after week 4, brookus thought he could play him but asked me first whether if hes eligible or not, and of couse, hes not.
Oh well alright, looks like we been wrong then. Not on purpose tho, which some people in here think, which bothers me. But I guess the punishment was right then (If you go by rules, I don't think its fair), I stated that rule in reply of people saying the match should be replayed/forfeited and you saying the TWL Ops will discuss on what will be done, again.
Incuria, you are just being plain stupid. BC has a player, and beats you 8v8 with them, fine rematch them, it isn't my call but i don't think anything different wouldbe the outcome if Herik and Dixy sharked? and how come if you recruit someone they can't play for a week, thats just plain stupid. who the fuck cares, this rule can't be broken anymore cus its hard lock, now just stfu everyone its over.
P.S- Incuria, dont bitch bout never recruiting me ever again cus of posting this shit, i wouldn't want on your fawking squad anywho.
Incuria, you are just being plain stupid. BC has a player, and beats you 8v8 with them, fine rematch them, it isn't my call but i don't think anything different wouldbe the outcome if Herik and Dixy sharked? and how come if you recruit someone they can't play for a week, thats just plain stupid. who the fuck cares, this rule can't be broken anymore cus its hard lock, now just stfu everyone its over.
P.S- Incuria, dont bitch bout never recruiting me ever again cus of posting this shit, i wouldn't want on your fawking squad anywho.
actually, IF a replay is decided, then BC may have to play 7v8 for a period of time
You did not reply to my post, yet you do talk about replaying. I dont want to go by rules, but if you guys insist (In case you want to make it even more un-fair imo), rule 1.07 still stands.
k this year's league sucks so we could end this already kthx
why is everyone saying twlb sucks this year? it's fucking fine. there are a couple teams who will win barely any matches but otherwise there is good competition.
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate