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A 12 Team TWLB season?

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  • #46
    If there was a 24 person roster cap then the people who got axed would make their own squad with other axed people from other squads. Thus making more crappy squads. It doesnt raise the level of play...just adds extra shit teams.
    (AznNycGuy)>waiting to finish this dd.. so i can watch my asian lesbian movie


    • #47
      Originally posted by froedrick
      Try reading posts before you act. Oh wait, you're 14.
      illl be honest i think this game is more suitable for a kid/teenager(early teens, not late) more than it is for a so called adult, or older than that

      except bartman, he's done his deal in life(had kids)


      • #48
        Jeeny, that was 1 season. I been around for quite a few and trust me once u start letting newer squads in and they start losing eveyr week by a blowout they lose interest fast and die. This dont only happen in LB but also LD and LJ. Just syin we should consider this b4 we go letting 20 teams into twlb.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Not ThiX
          illl be honest i think this game is more suitable for a kid/teenager(early teens, not late) more than it is for a so called adult, or older than that

          except bartman, he's done his deal in life(had kids)
          I'll be honest. Stop being an idiot.
          7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
          1:Rough> is radiation an element?
          8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
          Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
          Piston> I own in belim
          6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once


          • #50
            Originally posted by froedrick
            I'll be honest. Stop being an idiot.

            gotta agree with that.

            god, pc games is for every age.
            its like playing with cards, you play it when you are 10 and when you are 80


            • #51
              not at all true, people don't take off from work to play cards all day


              • #52
                I beg to differ


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Not ThiX
                  not at all true, people don't take off from work to play cards all day

                  they got soliter and freecell in their pc, thats why ^_^


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Not ThiX
                    illl be honest i think this game is more suitable for a kid/teenager(early teens, not late) more than it is for a so called adult, or older than that

                    except bartman, he's done his deal in life(had kids)
                    Why do you say things without thinking first?

                    Which age group is the one who has ALREADY worked hard to make themselves some free time to waste the way they want? The group that already 'has a life'?

                    Which age group(s) should be preparing to enter their adult lives? Which group should not be wasting their free time on activities that don't contribute to that preparation?

                    People have two choices:
                    - they can work their ass off early in life and coast the last half of their lives
                    - they can coast the first half of their lives and them bust their old asses during the last half of thier life

                    You chose
                    Last edited by Ephemeral; 12-08-2005, 07:22 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                      Jeeny, that was 1 season. I been around for quite a few and trust me once u start letting newer squads in and they start losing eveyr week by a blowout they lose interest fast and die. This dont only happen in LB but also LD and LJ. Just syin we should consider this b4 we go letting 20 teams into twlb.
                      I know, I was just using that as an example :santa:
                      Originally posted by turmio
                      jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                      Originally posted by grand
                      I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Ephemeral
                        - they can coast the first half of their lives and them bust their old asses during the last half of thier life
                        What about
                        - they can coast the first half of their lives and then inherit a fortune from a rich uncle and coast the second half of their lives :P



                        • #57
                          ?buy rich uncle
                          You do not have enough points to purchase that item
                          curse you pub
                          ?find dads revenge


                          • #58
                            Godspeed> Haz ur in Tenure, a training squad
                            Godspeed> thinking that they're going to TWL

                            Hey thix, if you're going to be all offensive about being called a training squad, don't make fun of other squads. I felt bad for you with people bashing you in this thread, but i guess you do deserve the bashing people give you.

                            Anyways, video games generally are for all ages =)
                            Last edited by Royst; 12-11-2005, 04:49 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Royst
                              Godspeed> Haz ur in Tenure, a training squad
                              Godspeed> thinking that they're going to TWL

                              Hey thix, if you're going to be all offensive about being called a training squad, don't make fun of other squads. I felt bad for you with people bashing you in this thread, but i guess you do deserve the bashing people give you.

                              Anyways, video games generally are for all ages =)
                              agree with roy
                              Last edited by PrOnEsSim; 12-13-2005, 07:44 AM.
                              TWLD Champion 2014
                              TWDTB Champion 2013
                              TWDTB Champion 2016
                              TWDTB Champion 2017
                              TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                              -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Pure_Luck
                                It was like this last twl qualifications and it picked up to enough teams. Volcano forming, I bet we will have enough for 14 quality teams. If we don't we can always do 12 but we'll make that decision when the time comes.
                                Forgot Unionville :>
                                1:Massori> ROFL I TOUCH MY ANUS AND SHIT PIECES CAME OUT

                                (JAMAL)> whinin fukin newbs

                                Necromotic> YOU PUSSY FUKS
                                nethila> NECRO TALKED
                                nethila> SCREENSHOT IT

                                1:Dwopple> i texted me the other day
                                1:demonfaze> dwopple texted himself
                                1:cripple> LOL
                                1:Dwopple> LOL
                                1:demonfaze> that was the girl dwopple was texting yesterday
                                1:cripple> LOL
                                1:Amputate> LOL
                                1:Dwopple> LOL
                                1:demonfaze> found out it was himself

