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Anyone else feel this way?

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  • Originally posted by brookus
    Been there and done that. I didn't notice it was boring at all.
    Ahhhh, so now we see the reason behind the cheating and lag inducing: to make things interesting. Well, I suggest that we give the cheaters and lag inducers a medal now since they are doing so much good for the TW world.

    Do you honestly think that their aren't any cheaters playing in TWL? How many people have been forced to spec in past TWL seasons? I know of only one in all the games I have seen and that includes the past Sika terring days of old. And yet, people aren't upset at that one person for inducing lag (according to the staffer). Instead, we get statements like yours that complain about the people pointing out the facts. But ya, let's keep things "interesting".

    Your ignorance is seriously staggering.

    I didnt say that their arent cheaters in TWL. I also believe there are a few ppl who use programs or some sorta of cheat as well. The difference is every post i make isnt about it because i cant do anything about it. The fact is i dont know a single player on Dice squad that cheats/cheated in TWL since i joined them back on shriek. I agree players like Kazi's lag is horrific and its crazy how he can eat 3 bullets and still bomb, it annoys me too brookus, but im not on staff and thats not my job to say if he is or isnt cheating.

    Eph: Do u not realize how u act on here? U want this to be some sorta retirement home or something. Your the one that takes this game serious and gets all emotional and professional on every single post u make. I did the diso forums thing as a joke because someone told me to, sure i might of got ppl who dislike me after that and thats fine, but it was pretty funny to hear every one of u whine about it. It sounded to me like you were and are still the one who cares more because more then a year went by and ur still on that stupid topic. No one else in TW even remembers it except for you.

    Rivalries and upseting trashtalking squads is what makes this fun. I know when i was on Paladen years back and Light was the trash talking squad then, we always tried our best to upset them that season. Unfortunatlly it never happend, but we probably tried and played our best game vs them simply to beat them because they talked so much trash. We've always had atleast 1 trash talking squad in leagues, its not like this is something new that just happend.


    • Ok Dopey,
      Let's look at your reply one point at a time.
      First you say that I try to be professional and that I care about the game, you are right on both accounts. I care about the game because I enjoy playing, sorry for that 'sin'.

      The you say you did that you fuck over Diso and Pallies as a joke and because someone told you to do it. So you are saying, and correct me if I am wrong here, you have no responsibility for your behavior if someone tells you to do it? Let me try to help you understand by putting in a context you can understand. Is this how you deal drugs IRL? You contact fronts you some dope, you sell it but keep the money and tell him that someone told you to do it? You tell those people dealing with you that although some people may disliked you for doing that but it was fun to hear your contact whine about it. Then you tell your dealer that he cares too much about how you fucked him over last year over something stupid and that no one else even remembers it, just front you some more dope.

      Well I have news for you Piggy, the actions that people do follow them around, even in a online game community. You may wish that everyone forgets the moronic shit that you have done, you may hope that everyone buys into your lame explanation on how other people MAKE you do this kiddie shit. You can even try to blur the truth by trying to misdirecting the issue by confusing it with a small bit of trash talking that can sometimes be fun to do. Breaking into Diso's private forum and then publically posting the information is NO where near the same as a good natured taunt to an enemy in a game. But most people see right through you lameness and idiotic attempts to bend and deflect and truth. The best thing you can do is go find some other online community where you can pull your pud and get off on turning it into some kind of soap opera.


      • I never said it wasnt me or my responsability for doing it eph u idiot. I know i did it i just said i did it. Plus i realy dont care if ppl forget about it or not, but ur the only one who even talks about it anymore.

        Also you callin me a kid over and over but look at ur own posts about me, its real mature of a 50 year old to be calling us "kids" piggy and all kinds of names. Now come on eph, if we are kids should u really be bullying us around?


        • Originally posted by a2m+
          (purposely ironic)
          I'm sure it is. Maybe the skeletons in your closet are just dyin' to come out?
          Save a tree; eat a beaver

          1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
          1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick



          • why, are you interested?
            TWLB Champions Season 8
            TWLJ Champions Season 8
            TWLB Champions Season 10
            TWLB Champions Season 11


            • loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool this is getting good
              DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
              DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
              DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP

              1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
              1:waven> is if im going to prison
              1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


              • yo meg we play passion in LJ this week i get to start again rite?


                • re

                  rofl, personally i dont think kazi cheats i just like making fun of mohammed. Its fun when people do weird shots somehow because they know how or they eat a FC, it makes the game more intesne when u heard on ur team chat WTF FUCKING CHEATER ! and than you continue to play with more intensity. TW is good the way it is, too much drama isn't good. I remember back in DSBL7 prolly the most dramatic series was danger vs rh, cig prolly remembesr this. We had to replay the 3rd game of the series ( best out of 3) 4 times, because of match being too close or because of cheating. This eventually caused half of danger's lineup to get banned for finals, and half of our lineup leaving b4 the last final deciding match because our own player who was running league fucked us over by making another rematch match. Too much drama and bad guys is just bad for the game, gets every1 pissed bout cheating and whining and makes the game not fun. The season is good the way it is, stop complaining.

                  P.S If you want drama read this and stfu in this thread.
                  Last edited by eelam <tw>; 06-05-2006, 11:49 AM.
                  TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                  TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                  KISS MY RINGS

                  1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                  1:Eelam> ROFLMAO

