Originally posted by Izor
As for your specific incident with sk8 I don't know. I wasn't there so I can't say. From your link it seems like you were only willing to schedule one time more or less and so was sk8. Since no time was agreed to, the league operator assigned a time which was open. Although I wasn't there, 2pm-4pm times are usually always filled on a Sunday, so you were assigned either 1pm or 5pm.. and you were given 1pm. The reason I can think for that was because if you were given 5pm EST on Sunday, then that means you get exactly the time you want and sk8 is completley screwed. So a time inbetween was chosen.
It sucks that your players were banned and you had such a small roster. It's too bad that you couldn't make it to that game. But it's not the fault of the league operators if your squad can't be around. The fact is, being a participant in league, you should be prepared to have a squad that is ready more than just one timeslot, with at least 3-4 players at any time so that at least you don't forfeit.
Like I said, everyone gets screwed sometimes, and that time you got screwed. Ripping into other squads like Squad!! and the fact that THEY managed to have a more successful season isn't fair to them. Even if you think you are better, in the end they WERE better. They won the games they needed and showed up to the games they needed to advance to the playoffs and you didn't.
As for how you were screwed the rest of your season I can't comment. I was only really active for the first 4 weeks of TWL and I think I saw your squad play every week and you had full lineups. I also remember you losing some easy games.