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Appeal decision from Pandora: Denied

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  • Well I checked and the good news is you can't be kicked out of TWL for being fools. After reading Eelam's first post and being almost convinced myself even though I know the truth, I am now finding myself questioning everything he has said ever since I have known him. That lying bastard will probably never let me take a turn from behind...

    Or maybe I'm wrong, and Mouse "accidently" demoted Sarger and I from captain during this famous incident, too. That was another funny part to this no one knows about. Since all your "attempts" of getting back into TWL have so obviously failed, I am going to do what anyone in my position would do: write a book. I'm thinking of calling it "Cain and Abel: I Opened Pandora's Box and It Was Worse Than I Thought".

    This is what I have gatherd since I was not lucky enough to be present during this charade. After Mouse and Eelam got into it, Eelam began working on Mouse's midsection with a steady stream of telling Mouse that he wouldn't be playing in TWL if he didn't practice (ya, welcome to my world). Mouse counters and decides to do what any sensible tw fanatic would do and challenge Eelam to a duel. "I don't need to practice, lets duel!", screams Mouse before losing 4-10. More yell yell, some scream scream, and then the crescendo. My guess is Megaman was right and Mouse said, or at least thought, "have fun watching me in TWL" and axed him.

    Mouse has, of course, secretely been planning this move for quite some time and has been waiting for the precise moment to strike. 1 game left, first-round bye secured, already in the semi's with 2 games to go until end of season: perfect. After the deed was done, Mouse began to secure his power base. He began by immediately demoting Sarger and Vatican, lowering their authority and status, as well as limiting their crucial access to the TWD profile page in order to make a political statement and begin swaying hearts and minds; and to keep us from axing him I guess.

    Mouse completes the cout' by entering go base for the first time (and has carried it out half a dozen times alrady, wait what the hell is going on here, its like im in the twilight zone or something, pjotter help me) in 4 months to spread the word that eelam was, in fact, axed, so that any attempts at claiming it was an accident in order to appeal could be thwarted. With the pieces all set into place, Mouse proceeds to pretend to go along with the appeal attempts (which I had no part of please believe me! damage control! damage control!) and bogus hopelessly pathetic arguments proving nothing in order to retain some semblence of being a human being.

    Two days later, appeals have been denied, the dust has cleared, and Mouse reinstates Sarger and I as captains, allows Eelam to rejoin roster, and leaves for another 4 months, his absolute dictatorship secure, and his hopes of Eelam never having fun accomplished. It would be extremey sad if you were all to let this sorry squad get its filthy name onto a permanent twlb map. Another interesting side note: I have recently found a new hobby of making fun of these people on pandoras twd profile, and for the last 2 days while everyone has been listening to our lawyer apoc's and his so obviously self- created alt na$'s "speals about appeals" (I just thought of that), our TWD page has basically given away eelams dirty lies:

    wtf guys, why aren't you constantly checking our profile? I change it every day! Who am I writing it for anyways! Don't answer that.


    • Confucius say..

      u make mouse angry, u pay price


      • Vati we love you. When will you hold autograph sessions for your new book?
        Originally posted by paradise!
        pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
        1:Reaver> HALP
        1:Reaver> HELELP
        1:Reaver> SAW CRANS MOM NAKED
        1:Reaver> HELP YOU DUMB FUCKS


        • Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
          thank you NAS for pointing that out and thank you APOC for what you said. The reason i believe i am not in league is because 1. this deals with pandora and 2. it is me. If this dealt with -final- and with a player like Domi, we wont be having this conversation right here. IF you guys wanna read the rules anally than I can do it as well, Na$ just brought up my point. We will surely be sending in another appeal trying to overrule this. Until you can prove that mouse axed me purposely or that w/e reading me/nas/apoc share about the rule 5.08( i think ) the 24 h is wrong i should be allowed back onto roster. The onus is on staff to prove all this not us, because all of pandora including myself and mouse said it was an accident, what more do you need.
          Lets take a look at the rule in question:

          5.09 In the event that a player is accidentally de-rostered from a Trench Wars League Squad, an Email must be sent to the Trench Wars League Operators within 24 hours or else they will be subject to all roster lock and waiting period restrictions. (See Rules 5.06, 5.07 and 5.08) If the player becomes rostered on another Trench Wars Leagues or Trench Wars Divisions Squad within the 24-hour period, this offer will not apply.

          Now, lets see how the rule applies. When something like this happens, what is to be done first is look at this part of the rule, and only this part:

          In the event that a player is accidentally de-rostered from a Trench Wars League Squad

          Is the answer to this question Yes, you continue on with the rest of the rule. Is the answer to this question however No, the rest of the rule is of no more importance to the situation and the appeal is denied.

          When looked at the first question one looks at the moment the de-rostering happened. This is at the moment that Mouse threw his hissy fit and axed Eelam. Was this an accident, or intentional? At the moment Mouse axed Eelam it was intentional, this is supported by Mouse statements made in .?go base in the witness of multiple players. It does not matter if Mouse later realised that he was a complete twat and claimed it to be an accident. It is about the moment the de-rostering happened. As I just established that at that moment it was no accident, the rest of the rule does no longer apply in this situation, therefore appeal denied.

          Ow, and throwing this on the methodological side in regards to the rules wouldn't work, cause if you do it would mean the whole package of rules needs to be revised and appeals would start flying in left and right about interpretation's. We are not a University where we have to justify our research, we don't sent people to jail, take away their freedom. It would be nonsense for anyone to put time into defining every word in the rules.

          Reaver basically already said this, maybe you understand now.
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • so what about the diso-mambo appeal?
            Originally posted by Tyson
            There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
            Originally posted by HeavenSent
            Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
            Originally posted by Izor
            Women should never be working in the first place.


            • if you dont go out of your way to be a dick, people dont have reasons to dislike you

              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


              • Thank god for Pandora's emo captains. You can always count on them for some entertainment each and every TWL season.


                • this thread is priceless, it starts off with a guy getting axed and then calling his captain to get it fixed, but not getting it fixed, then calling him AGAIN, to fix it, and it still not getting fixed! Then people need to weigh in with there own opinions, and a debate over the definition of accident appears? If you don't know what an 'accident' is then your brain is mush, you are just meat with eyes. I mean come on, if you're saying 'oh the rules don't make sense, what is an accident' then i ask you what the word 'the' is, it's all over the rules, and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND FOR I AM BUSY SOILING MYSELF, GWAAAAAAAAAA

                  Originally posted by duel pasta View Post

                  laughing in class and people whonder why
                  thumbs up

                  Originally posted by Cross View Post
                  lol newbie

                  EDIT: this is what happens when two 14-year-old teenagers get into fight while they are going trough puberty.
                  thumbs up

                  Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                  Plus, the sun was in his eyes.
                  thumbs up

                  Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
                  The reason i believe i am not in league is because 1. this deals with pandora and 2. it is me. If this dealt with -final- and with a player like Domi, we wont be having this conversation right here.
                  Domi's squadleader wouldn't have axed him because he got mad at him (over probably nothing). Domi also wouldn't go around crying like a child. The fact that you think you're some sort of Martyr or that 'Staff is out to get you' is so amazing laughable. Buddy, I hate to say it, actually no i don't, but the point is, you're not important enough for people to be out to get you.
                  The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                  Originally posted by Richard Creager
                  All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                  • I'm going to try to give an unbiased opinion on this, and how can i be biased, i don't hate anyone

                    The issue i have a problem grasping is what exactly would be a prime example of a person being accidentally derostered? Does this rule apply for say..when I, as a captain axe someone but accidentally axe someone else? (and how will this be proven?) or when someone accidentally presses 'leave squad' when trying to see their statistics? (how will that be proven?) In my opinion its either we get a set example of what being derostered is, or we just don't have the rule at all. What is it exactly trying to prevent? I just don't understand how it is proven someone can be derostered accidentally.

                    At the same time, the current rule provides a loophole that means that "i can axe anyone i want and if if we can make some excuse as to why they were accidentally derostered" If I axed say..hopkin because i wanted to teach him a lesson for singing in chat all the time, would I be able to appeal to staff and say anything like "I didn't mean to axe him, he messaged me saying he was leaving and he left squadname so I thought I should axe him off roster" would this excuse work although my reason for axing him was totally different? This is what it is, an internal squad affair that causes staff to intervene, and what is staff supposed to know what exactly happened?

                    So in the current rule, pandora does have a suitable reason as to why their reason (whether or not legitimate, nobody will know) and as for the rule of accidently derostering, their story does prove to work under rule 5.09. However, if we look at what staff has to go through, we have to recognize that they have to
                    1) decide whether the reason is legitimate, is it a viable excuse?
                    2) notice that a similar issue occured last season.
                    If we want to set a precedence, what happened last season should apply to this issue. Unless, of course, their definition of "accidently derostering" is different. But the story does have parts of being possibly fabricated, so they had to decide on the information..or lack thereof. The story works, but whether true or not, it is difficult to believe for many people, and for staff to believe this would make them look like fools/incompetent.

                    At the end of the day, Eelam is not allowed back in twl. The reason seems viable, it works, and although true or not, I don't think it is viable enough for staff to believe it to be legitimate.

                    At the end of the day, to prevent this confusion, i think we need a good example to what derostering is, or get rid of the rule completely. Internal squad affairs sucks.


                    • This thread was delicious.
                      LUE 402 >>> j00
                      Ha ha HA. Not to scale.


                      • At the end of the day we all need to thank mouse and eepal for being such crazy fucks and making twl forums interesting. Move this thread to trash talk and forums will die til mouse gets eelam to say something else. And cheers to pascone for starting this thread and sitting back to soak in the impending shit storm, theres been over ten people on this thread since it was made. 4 pages in a day. I sure wish I was on another squad so I could enjoy all this, fuck!


                        • we're subspace pilots, we do what we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • i dont get why people are arguing over this..

                            if your captain did something wrong.. the whole squad should be responsible also. And evidence shown that it WASNT an accident since mouse told all the people in ?go base he axed eelam cause of "insert reason", which made them the witness, so I agree to the decision staff made.
                            9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB

                            4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
                            4:Nimrook> No?
                            4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
                            4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
                            4:Akuun> ROFL
                            4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
                            4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
                            4:Nimrook> lol

                            3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball


                            • Pandora's box got opened, and unleashed stupidity on the world.
                              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                              • to be honest I can't really say staff has done anything wrong regarding this issue tho it is true the rules are meant to prevent squadhopping not re-joining after a stupid emo fight so it wouldn't necessarily be against the rules if eelam joined us back (which I hope of course) but whatever happens we'll always have genes to replace eelam so np
                                TWLB season 13 champion (dicE)

