Originally posted by Kim
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No announcement yet.
a few things that should happen next season
There are those who already has put big amounts of time into creating stuff like TWLM and hot and not, and when their personal interest in the game has fallen, you get ungrateful bitches calling them lazy. You are contributing NOTHING with threads like these, you just want more rides from the free ride others put time in creating for you.
News flash: If you want to have something done, DO it yourself, don't whine and try to put the workload on someone else. If you have the resources, knowledge and will to do this, but you still can't, reconsider the bad choices you've made to get such a bad rep that your help isn't wanted. Nobody wants a fucking dipshit running anything.Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry
5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it
Settle down
I like the input finally on things we need to fix for twl. This is a good dialogue to be having, but trash talking people like kim or any other staffers isn't going to be helpful. They have contributed more to this game than anyone else. There will be some staff changes and if you want to vent your opinions on individual staffers you can always email me at pureluck@trenchwars.org . Thanks
Originally posted by Pure_Luck View PostOkay,
I like the input finally on things we need to fix for twl. This is a good dialogue to be having, but trash talking people like kim or any other staffers isn't going to be helpful. They have contributed more to this game than anyone else. There will be some staff changes and if you want to vent your opinions on individual staffers you can always email me at pureluck@trenchwars.org . Thanks
oh and noah go fuck yourselfkthx bai
RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive
aquatiq > you all !
mwahahah..im tired!..baihttps://soundcloud.com/annux-1/annux-relief
1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
1:soild>they can say what they like
1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
The suggestions below are nothing new, they have been floated many times in the past. The suggestions below assume that improvement is desired and that this community really wants to close the door on whining, gossip, and bullshit.
People who are staff should not be playing in the league, it only opens the door for problems.
Rules should be clarified enough to limit the amount of interpretation staff must do.
League needs to figure out how to properly communicate. These forums do not represent the ideal methodology for communications. If forums are going to be used, assign a communications position and hold them responsible. It has been suggested that the web site become the focal point.
Whatever approach is used, communications should be proactive. When not proactive, communications should be done as responsively as possible.
Prohibit frustrated staffers from venting on forums.
Prohibit staff from arguing on forums or in game. There should be no debating or arguing coming from staffers, it undermines staff authority.
If staff makes a mistake, acknowledge and move on.
Each season, post a running list of issues to be resolved for the next season. Not every issue can or should be fixed in real time. Having the list publically available illustrates to the community that improvement is important and should limit the amount of intra-season whining and debating.
Dump the 'Hot or Not' on the web site. When 'Hot or Not' was being used, it looked like nothing more than a league-sponsored 12 year old girl gossip-fest.
Players need to respect staff and rules. If arguing, stirring up shit, and exploiting any little crap you can find is your objective, go find somewhere else to do it.
?Buy backbone and drop the hammer on repeat cheaters or anyone else who has proven themselves as disruptive to the league. This is a free, by invitation game. No one as any 'rights' to play. We play in the league 'at the pleasure' of those who put their time and effort into setting it all up for us.
Dump the current All-Stars approach, just like the 'Hot or Not' it has been poorly implemented and really only represents another flash point for whining and bitching. In its place, use the web site to communicate post-season awards for outstanding staffers, squad captains, and perhaps a few players who have contributed to the betterment of the league. (No popular voting, post the criteria and a selected group of staffers make the decision each year.)
Post the names of those players that have been previously banned or booted on the site. There is no way to hold captains and players responsible for bringing pressure idiots if we don’t know who they are.
by stopping staff playing twl do you mean only twl/twd ops? stopping zhs/ers wouldn't be necessary.TWL-J Season 11 Champion
TWL-J Season 21 Champion
TWL-B Season 21 Champion
TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
TWDT-D 2017 Champion
TWDT-J 2017 Champion
Originally posted by Exalt View Postsounds good, i already talked to Kim in game, hopefully everythings straightened out
oh and noah go fuck yourselfkthx bai
Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry
5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it
Originally posted by Noah View PostWhy? Because you understood that there were some merit behind what I posted? Hopefully, you'll not only understand, but act on it as well.
In the end, this is a forum. A forum is used to discuss ideas with others. Thats exactly what I did. There is no reason to be vengeful for me stating my opinions when the majority of the people visiting this thread agreed anyway. Even Pure_Luck stated that he was glad someone finally made realistic goals to achieve for next season. Maybe you need to take some advice yourself, and instead of bringing others and their opinions down, try to put out your own in a more positive way. This actually assumes a person to have a sense of originality, which apparently not everyone has...RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive
i think pascone argued that he would get too bored of his job if he couldnt play twl as well.
If build had been admited to lb, we would still be in playoffs, and thats one less dropout from the basing league.
hot or not sucks, so does all star, so does the twl site
i.e. Build STILL never got its 50 points from beating stray in like week 1.
This could be a result of pascone Being on stray, or that he fits Ephem's and Heavensents entire list of Do nots
i.e. threatened to *shutup Royce 3 times after we beat stray, i guess thats his only Real comeback, POWER...lol
plz change the player max and minimum, a smaller min, and smaller max would be nice, many players want a roster cap, obviously some other things have to be changed as well to go with that.
AND PLEASE edit the rules, these are NOT laws, its quite easy to change them. Make them clearer, as if someone that understood english had written them. As they are now, it allows twl ops WAY too much choice on how they are interpreted
btw, Noah, stfu. Make us twl ops or site admins and ill glady clear up the rules, transfer the script from the twlm site into the TWL site, i cant do hot or not, as basing is just below me, all star would matter if it was recorded >> not hard to do? as if twd matches arent recorded every 10 minutes. and i could easily insure that there is no interpretation of who is actually qualified to make twl.umm... OBAMA FOR PRES
If you try to give suggestions without putting lots of negative comments about those in charge, you'll see a different tone. I'll keep up giving threads like this shit until those who create them show some proper respect to those who actually does work around here. There's a huge difference between a legit suggestion, without any negative remarks, and a post without respect for those who does work for free for you entertainment.
I too appreciate seeing someone giving a shit, and putting up suggestions, but I'll hold my praises for those who bothers to do it the right way.Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry
5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it
Originally posted by Noah View PostIf you try to give suggestions without putting lots of negative comments about those in charge, you'll see a different tone. I'll keep up giving threads like this shit until those who create them show some proper respect to those who actually does work around here. There's a huge difference between a legit suggestion, without any negative remarks, and a post without respect for those who does work for free for you entertainment.
I too appreciate seeing someone giving a shit, and putting up suggestions, but I'll hold my praises for those who bothers to do it the right way.RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive