I can't schedule the mini-tourny game. It doesn't appear as an option.
I got the same problem, wont show the mini-tournament match when I go to scheduling. Anyways if you could fix it, our players got dsb-finals this weekend so it might limit our options (3 or 4pm EST would be nice if staff or pirates reads this)
Mini-Tourny Negotiations Thu 19th Feb 2009 - By: RiiStar
Since this "Mini-Tourny" was hastily organized and added to the mix...
I've Fixed the negotiations page to show this newly added round...
Extended Negotiations cut off till Friday 11pm EST...
If you still have issues, decide on a time between squads and Tell Mirrorrim!
It's not like there's shit loads of squads fighting over Time Slots...
PubBot8> Going to 69 :greedy:
Jacklyn> I'll play with this clit thing later
Dr.Coiff> i've played with it
3:Mirror <ZH>> fly around and boom blow everyone up
Since Sweet sent 5 PM and I never got the chance to accept it can you make the LD vs Sweet at 5 PM por favor, thanks. Also, can you possibly set the Dynasty game to 4 PM? I don't think they ever sent a time. If a dynasty cap could respond in the thread confirming whether or not 4 pm works it would be great. Thanks.
Phiz> I probably am gay
Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet
yeah, thanks for not giving us a fair chance to schedule a time. now our opponent has all the scheduling leverage so we have to either play at a time that's way too late or play at the same time as the other lb game, which i really wanted to watch. that's nice.
fuck you twl ops, fuck you penetrate, we're no-showing.
Originally posted by Tone
It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
5 pm is way too late? sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt your shuffle board tournament. you guys suggested 4 pm, you could've left it to the twl ops and hoped luck was on your side this season. last year dice fucked us because they had higher priority as a three-league squad, royst couldn't show, and we got our taints waxed.
i don't really have anything against a 3 pm game, but a lot of my squad has had trouble showing up before 2 pm this season and i'd prefer to have more than an hour of practice before the match. i'll float the idea around with them, though.
Originally posted by turmio
jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
Originally posted by grand
I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...
Alright, what's the deal here? I sent the only time for the Heavy game that I was aware of, which was 5 PM, and yet the game is set to fucking 1 PM? WHAT? Can I get an explanation?
Phiz> I probably am gay
Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet
HEAVY suggested the time of 1 PM EST on the TWL website, that is what HMS set the time to in the end. If that's way too early for you guys, please contact him about it.
Retired SSCU Trenchwars Head Sysop
1:24> they'd rather add afks than me
24 is in for Freq 1 as a Warbird.
1:M_M God> gg
help: (renzi) (Public 33): is it possible for a washing machine to cause a wireless connection to lag?
If you want to contact Thunder and see if they will move their match, I am more than willing to move it but it needs to be done in less than 4 hours after this post.
Do you honestly think contacting heavy would get anything done? They sent 1 PM for a reason and they got their time due to someone not being able to decipher rules a third grader would understand.
EDIT: I shouldn't even need to contact them, it's not my personal duty to see to it that all of you don't screw up. I'm tired of there being errors week after week. I'm not playing TWL next year, let me run things and show you how this fucking thing works.
Phiz> I probably am gay
Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet
It is your job to ensure that you guys get a game scheduled. If is our responsibility to ensure the games are scheduled if you guys dont set one to your liking. If you want a time. get it set up. Otherwise accept the time that was given.
I have followed the rules section 8 to the letter. Perhaps you should reread it.
violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk
[Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
[Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life