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TWLB Round 3 Power Rankings and Prediction Thread

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  • TWLB Round 3 Power Rankings and Prediction Thread

    #1 - Thunder (2-0) (Up from #3)

    After an impressive victory over Pirates and an absolute thrashing of BC, Thunder has claimed the #1 spot. They have now proven depth and skill show little room for being upset. They won decisively against a disorganized BC line without showing what I consider to be their strongest line. Enjoy the top of the heap, guys.

    #2 - Disoblige (2-0) (Up from #5)

    Beating both Mainliner and Pirates has proven that Disoblige is a force to be reckoned with. Da1 has consistently proven to be lethal at just the right times and is the running with Blasphemy for best special playing right now. The additions of Kawrae and Spikey have proven to shore up Diso's line and allow for dynamic special play. They are easy contenders for the #1 spot and their performance over the next couple weeks will very telling.

    #3 - Mainliner (1-1) (Down from - #2)[/B]
    Here's where the fun begins. Having lost to a dominant Diso line last week, ML still managed to put up 11 minutes against them. Then, in Round 2, ML managed a win over an organized Spastic line without a good chunk of their starters. Perhaps this is indicative of a weak Spastic team but for now, ML is king of the (1-1)'s. Next week against Pirates will be crucial in justifying ML's high position.

    #4 - Pirates (0-2) (No Change from #4)

    WHAT!?! A (0-2) team in the TOP 4? Are you mad, Apoc? Well, maybe. But Pirate's two losses have come hard fought from current #1 and #2 slotted teams, Diso and Thunder. They put up solid performances against both and I expect them to be very difficult opponents next week against ML. This is, of course, a must win for Pirates even moreso than for ML. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt in this last ranking in the Top 4. If the squads below can stack up 10+ minutes against both Diso and Thunder then Pirates will head southward. Until then, enjoy stasis.

    #5 - Penetrate(1-1) (Up from #7)

    Penetrate at #5. Yes that's right. Why is Penetrate at #5? Above Spastic who beat them last round? I'm placing them here because of how tight they looked against dice. Now, with dice in freefall, this may not be much, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt this time. I'm starting to think things are coming together for these guys. Unfortunately, I don't think next week's match against Thunder is exactly what they need right now to shore things up. But, who knows?

    #6 - Spastic (1-1) (No Change from #6)

    And here we are. Why is Spastic ranked below Penetrate? What sort of strange logic is Apoc using? I'll put it this way: Spastic's inability to capitalize on a very weak Mainliner team coupled with Penetrate's thrashing of Dice has me convinced that Pen is a slightly better team than Spastic. Maybe unjustified I know, but hey, they're my rankings.

    #7 - BasingCrew (1-1) (Up from #8)

    So you beat dice. Something that is looking less and less difficult to accomplish and you guys got absolutely schooled by Thunder. This is not the makings of a successful season in a League that is very tight in skill level! Next week's match against Disoblige is going to be ugly unless you guys play some cards I'm not seeing.

    #8 - Dice (0-2) (Down from #1)

    It's not the people on your roster. It's the people in your games. There is so little room for error against supposedly easy matches I shudder to see what is going to happen against some stronger opponents. A couple more losses and you guys are out of playoffs, so you better start waking up all your starters. You've been playing like the worst team in the league and as long as this continues, in the nethers you shall stay.

    Round 3 Predictions

    Thunder v. Penetrate
    15:00 : 5:00

    Disoblige v. BasingCrew
    15:00 : 3:00

    Mainliner v. Pirates
    15:00 : 12:00

    dice v. Spastic
    2:00 : 15:00
    3:sarger> the expression on her face said "ez" but the "arms" said "IMPOSSIBLE"

    For some reason, this guy decided to post the entire wiki (or other) on pancakes. -Aquatiq

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apocalypse WOW! View Post
    #6 - Spastic (1-1) (No Change from #6)

    And here we are. Why is Spastic ranked below Penetrate? What sort of strange logic is Apoc using? I'll put it this way: Spastic's inability to capitalize on a very weak Mainliner team coupled with Penetrate's thrashing of Dice has me convinced that Pen is a slightly better team than Spastic. Maybe unjustified I know, but hey, they're my rankings.
    if you didnt notice we didnt exactly have all or our starters here either, but hey you are entitled to your illogical and unjustified opinion just as you said
    TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
    TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
    Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion

    Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"

    Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
    - John F. Kennedy

    A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
    Originally posted by kthx
    Umm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.


    • #3
      1. Thunder - depth
      2. Disoblige - heart
      3. Mainliner - pandora
      4. Spastic - domi
      5. Penetrate - wind
      6. Basingcrew - greens
      7. Pirates - serious?
      8. Dice - duh

      If you disagree, you are wrong and stupid.


      • #4

        Thunder - Tamils
        Disoblige - da1
        Mainliner - Tamils +Zung
        Penetrate - Azns
        Spastic - Domi+Black man
        Pirates - Your shit
        Dice - Mushroom Haircut + down syndrome
        Basingcrew - just got no chance

        1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
        1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


        • #5
          that is it

          ev to the rescue
          TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
          TWLB Season 9 Champion: -FINAL-

          Sika> go in, burst and portal out © everett 2006 all rights reserved
          Cross> feel like masturbating after seeing everett in javbirt
          1:LF> my gf gives bad head, how do i fix this 1:pinkSTAR> give head to another guy 1:LF> k ur ignored
          4:moot> cintra thinks he's as good as ev now so he's decided not to talk in public like him
          1:broly> winning this title is like having sex


          • #6
            spastic is probably top 8 squad in twlb
            Originally posted by Tone
            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
            Originally posted by the_paul
            Gargle battery acid fuckface
            Originally posted by Material Girl
            I tried downloading a soundcard


            • #7
              well that amused me anyhow, twas a fun read

              i was thinking of what order i'd put the squads and too be honest i find that very hard to do. Some squads have more depth than others and DICE have shown that's important as their noshows and seemingly struggling to show a line last game show.

              Also it's a pity 3 games are scheduled at the same time i'd liked to have watched the Diso vs Pirates match :S

              The mainliner vs spastic match was a close call, i'd have preferred spastic to win but it was an entertaining watch and shows that the league will hopefully be a relatively close one
              In my world,
              I am King


