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Axe Pascone and the Delectable issue.

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  • #76
    jones is on to something here..... Also seeing that ignite is the past owner and sole captain of puma, a squad notoriously known for its double squadding and chronic abuse of the twd system, certainly doesnt lend any weight to your "war on tw cheaters" campaign.

    But i guess if i had invested hundreds(thousands? LOL) of dollars into a shitty 2d spaceship game in the hopes of buying a worthless twld championship like ignite, i would want to protect my own personal agenda too. I just wouldnt hide behind the notion that Im looking out for the better interests of the community.


    • #77
      Originally posted by SLaQ n Sauce View Post
      jones is on to something here..... Also seeing that ignite is the past owner and sole captain of puma, a squad notoriously known for its double squadding and chronic abuse of the twd system, certainly doesnt lend any weight to your "war on tw cheaters" campaign.

      But i guess if i had invested hundreds(thousands? LOL) of dollars into a shitty 2d spaceship game in the hopes of buying a worthless twld championship like ignite, i would want to protect my own personal agenda too. I just wouldnt hide behind the notion that Im looking out for the better interests of the community.
      Couldn't of said it better myself.
      7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
      7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
      7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*


      7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
      7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

      1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
      1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


      • #78
        Dear Mirrorrim,

        Originally posted by MirrorriM View Post
        So from this thread I gather that people think:

        2) Pascone shouldnt be a TWL cap

        2) This is something I can handle. Vigi did not play 1 TWL game or Pre-season game. He also joined after TWL squads qualified for TWL. I didnt get a chance to see if he was TWL rostered before he was removed, but looks like he had no effect whatsoever on TWL. "Because Pascone is fishy" isnt enough, based on what I just mentioned, to remove him as a TWL cap.

        Of course vigi was on the TWL roster before he was removed. He had been on the squad since the beginning of november, had the highest K-D ratio and was constantly being mentioned in starting lineups by predictors.

        Mirrorrim please stop listening to all the poorly educated misogynistic teenage dumbasses on these threads and listen to logic and reason instead of passing them off as the consensus of TW. If you want a consensus opinion, take a poll. Just because a few of delectable's e-friends have gathered here to defend him, doesn't mean most people in the zone want to see a known cheater, and evader get off his ban just because he's "popular" or a good warbird.

        Finally, this is more than just pascone is "fishy." Pascone has on numerous ocassions knowingly allowed delectable to be on his squad. And delectable has been caught on numerous ocassions evading a ban. All one has to do is take a look at Pascone's roster on any squad from time to time and see the guy with the best record. Seriously. It's usually Delectable. I think you should talk to Rudy about this because he's the one that has probably banned delectable at least six times over the past half year or so. Explain to me, how the fuck Pascone would not know who the guy that gets 15 kills a game is on his squad and talks the SAME as delectable and plays the SAME as delectable is not delectable.

        Just think for a second. How do you go about proving that Pascone knows that it is delectable on his squad? The answer is that it is virtually impossible to do so without either him or delectable actually admitting that. And what are the chances of that? None. So what do you expect? Pascone isn't going to hold up a sign saying "I LET #1 WARBIRD CHEATER/EVADER ON SAKE." No. Only I hold signs.
        Last edited by ignite ignite; 01-09-2009, 01:14 PM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Jones View Post
          your big words doesn't justify you PAYING a past cheater to captain your squad.

          words of a hypocrite are empty and make me sick
          Jones wouldn't you agree that that there is a difference between allowing a formerly unbanned cheater and a currently banned one?

          And don't pretend you know anything about me, but the retarded rumors of the mindless zombies of TW that go around ranting ignite pays people.

          p.s. I'm glad you think I have a big vocabulary. I haven't even really showcased it, but I do go to a top 8 college.
          Last edited by ignite ignite; 01-09-2009, 01:16 PM.


          • #80
            Originally posted by SLaQ n Sauce View Post
            jones is on to something here..... Also seeing that ignite is the past owner and sole captain of puma, a squad notoriously known for its double squadding and chronic abuse of the twd system, certainly doesnt lend any weight to your "war on tw cheaters" campaign.
            If you took the time to read my posts rather than mindlessly espousing your hearsay view of me, you would know that I began by admitting by mistakes 6 years ago with the PUMA squad and it's cheating, but because of that experience I can tell you that as a captain of a squad, especially a competitive TWL one, one knows who is on the squad and what's happening within.


            • #81
              Originally posted by ignite ignite View Post
              If you took the time to read my posts rather than mindlessly espousing your hearsay view of me, you would know that I began by admitting by mistakes 6 years ago with the PUMA squad and it's cheating, but because of that experience I can tell you that as a captain of a squad, especially a competitive TWL one, one knows who is on the squad and what's happening within.

              First off you aren't a Captain.. and why is that.. Because you made another mistake in TWL/TWD and didn't allow for you to be a captain of Quake because you would have been ineligible for TWL otherwise. That was as recently as last year, once a cheating nobody, always a cheating nobody. Even after paying all that money to win TWL, even if do happen to win you still still just be an asscap on the plaque, money well spent.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #82
                Ouch, burned.
                TWLD Champion 'Season 11'
                TWLD Champion 'Season 14'
                Trench Wars Veteran


                • #83
                  unban mythril along with delectable
                  1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


                  • #84
                    1. dele should never have gotten a ban free for the finals

                    2. the fact that he evades his ban shows that he shouldn’t be unbanned as he is still willing to break the rules

                    3. pascone asked for favours last time to get him the one day ban free – for him to be captain of the squad where dele evades on is obviously more than co-incidence … he has made his position on staff unattainable since to the community he is breaking rules to help his cheating friend

                    somebody blamed the programmers rather than the players for using CE and saying they should fix the code and unban them all ??

                    wtf logic is that ?

                    you don’t accidently use CE and anyone who knows enough to use it would know that it’s not allowed and if your caught you get banned, fuck them
                    In my world,
                    I am King



                    • #85
                      while you peons continue to try to distract the thread from the actual issue, mirror (you know, the only one besides rudy on this thread who is actually capable of doing anything) made a rather telling post:

                      Originally posted by MirrorriM View Post
                      So from this thread I gather that people think:

                      1) Pascone should be axed from staff
                      2) Pascone shouldnt be a TWL cap
                      3) Dele should not be allowed to play TWL (and a few who think he should)

                      1) Pascone did ask me and others to make sure dele was not on his roster several times before the season and a few times during the season. Checks were done by Bang Ops and only recently was something found. But it's not up to me what happens to him.

                      2) This is something I can handle. Vigi did not play 1 TWL game or Pre-season game. He also joined after TWL squads qualified for TWL. I didnt get a chance to see if he was TWL rostered before he was removed, but looks like he had no effect whatsoever on TWL. "Because Pascone is fishy" isnt enough, based on what I just mentioned, to remove him as a TWL cap.

                      3) As soon as I found out the news, I checked to see if he had played any TWL games. Turns out he didnt, yay. He's still permabanned so not much else to discuss.
                      1 - we know it is not your call, but it is SOMEBODY'S call. and i highly doubt that a call of this magnitude is made with a singular opinion. it is up to all staff members, especially the one presiding over the very thing that pascone continues to make his offenses in, to give everything they can to cut the head off this monster. this sort of "it's not my responsibility" talk is exactly the kind of apathy and inaction that i was talking about earlier.

                      we know that alias checks didn't pick anything up before, but they have now. nobody is blaming the ops for not catching it earlier, we are imploring the staff to remove pascone as a preventative means for future offenses, whether it be from pascone or any other would-be loose cannons.

                      2 - what vigi did or didn't do in twl has little to do with this. just because a sprinter is loaded on steroids but gets injured the day of the race and can't run doesn't mean it's ok. the point is to address the actual offense here - a twl captain (who just happens to also be staff) broke the rules by putting a banned player on his roster. the twl qualification cutoff day is not some magical day where all sins are absolved - the right action should be taken, no matter when.

                      "because he's fishy" is not the accusation here. BECAUSE HE TRIED TO PLAY A BANNED PLAYER is. that is not fishy - it's being caught red handed. how much more evidence do you need?

                      3 - of course he's not allowed to play twl. he's banned. and his ban doesn't expire until way past hard lock, so this is a complete non-issue.

                      frankly, the "fishy" thing about all this is the seeming deliberate ignorance by those who can actually do something about this, which makes me think that there may be things at work here we "regular players" are not made aware of. while the actions of the lower staff are still rather transparent, that of the upper staff has always been some kind of secret society hush hush. like i said before, i don't see how anybody could just forget about what pascone has pulled, has tried to pull, and will continue to pull if he is not stripped of all power and influence. what's going on here guys?
                      Gripe> apok is good but he's completely wasted his youth playing this game


                      • #86
                        I think everyone can come to the conclusion here that ignite feels threatened by Sake in TWL and therefore wants it removed. The reasoning?

                        Well... for starters.... if Ignite does not win a TWL championship, then he is out a hell of a lot of money down the drain for nothing

                        Stray won LD last year, not the supposed "top" squad Style, and that threatens Ignite, and Dele playing on Sake basically would mean Quake has no chance whatsoever of winning LD, because dele is better than anyone on quakes starting 5 right now

                        I'm not saying what pascone did with dele is right, or that dele should be unbanned just for the hell of it, but if that's what it took to deny ignite his championship I would completely be down for it. Ignite needs a dose of reality.
                        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                        RaCka> mad impressive


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by kthx View Post

                          First off you aren't a Captain.. and why is that.. Because you made another mistake in TWL/TWD and didn't allow for you to be a captain of Quake because you would have been ineligible for TWL otherwise. That was as recently as last year, once a cheating nobody, always a cheating nobody. Even after paying all that money to win TWL, even if do happen to win you still still just be an asscap on the plaque, money well spent.
                          Get your facts straight. I'm not captain because I'm one of many people that can't be captain right now because our squad dissolved in TWL. This list includes people like Kim and exquisite.

                          An assistant captain on a plaque? With all the money I have, I'll make my own plaque that says captain and squadowner of Quake, Ignite. Everyone knows, I run this show. Don't matter what it says on twd website. What are you on Heavy, anyways?

                          Originally posted by tragiK View Post
                          while you peons continue to try to distract the thread from the actual issue, mirror (you know, the only one besides rudy on this thread who is actually capable of doing anything) made a rather telling post:

                          2 - what vigi did or didn't do in twl has little to do with this. just because a sprinter is loaded on steroids but gets injured the day of the race and can't run doesn't mean it's ok.
                          Excellent point.

                          Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                          I think everyone can come to the conclusion here that ignite feels threatened by Sake in TWL and therefore wants it removed. The reasoning?

                          Well... for starters.... if Ignite does not win a TWL championship, then he is out a hell of a lot of money down the drain for nothing

                          Stray won LD last year, not the supposed "top" squad Style, and that threatens Ignite, and Dele playing on Sake basically would mean Quake has no chance whatsoever of winning LD, because dele is better than anyone on quakes starting 5 right now

                          I'm not saying what pascone did with dele is right, or that dele should be unbanned just for the hell of it, but if that's what it took to deny ignite his championship I would completely be down for it. Ignite needs a dose of reality.
                          OH MY DOUCHE! This thread isn't about me, stop drinking the hatorade and end this fuckery talk about my money, like you know anything about how I spend it.

                          Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
                          1. dele should never have gotten a ban free for the finals

                          2. the fact that he evades his ban shows that he shouldn’t be unbanned as he is still willing to break the rules

                          3. pascone asked for favours last time to get him the one day ban free – for him to be captain of the squad where dele evades on is obviously more than co-incidence … he has made his position on staff unattainable since to the community he is breaking rules to help his cheating friend

                          somebody blamed the programmers rather than the players for using CE and saying they should fix the code and unban them all ??

                          wtf logic is that ?

                          you don’t accidently use CE and anyone who knows enough to use it would know that it’s not allowed and if your caught you get banned, fuck them

                          Last edited by Kolar; 01-09-2009, 04:16 PM.


                          • #88
                            First off you aren't a Captain.. and why is that.. Because you made another mistake in TWL/TWD and didn't allow for you to be a captain of Quake because you would have been ineligible for TWL otherwise. That was as recently as last year, once a cheating nobody, always a cheating nobody.
                            Get your facts straight. I'm not captain because I'm one of many people that can't be captain right now because our squad dissolved in TWL. This list includes people like Kim and exquisite.
                            Pretty sure my facts were straight then. And if you didn't care about your name on a plaque you wouldn't be paying so much money to make sure your squad wins it assistant captain ignite.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • #89
                              4 straight posts.... I think its time for ignite to get a forum ban!
                              RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                              RaCka> mad impressive


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                                Pretty sure my facts were straight then. And if you didn't care about your name on a plaque you wouldn't be paying so much money to make sure your squad wins it assistant captain ignite.
                                I'm done lowering the level of my posts to your grandmother's basement, kid. Get on topic, or get out.

