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PUBlicizing IP addresses

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  • PUBlicizing IP addresses

    In a recent trash thread directed at PUB I showed how pub threatened to ddos a player on my team during TWLB games, and then sent me this message yesterday:

    [Mar 04 12:46] Pub: recap: the tards you axed menel/hk for left midseason for dumb reasons and renzi lost mini tourny for you guys by getting ddosed. mene/hk have played every game for thunder. hope you're satisfied with your decisions :3 gl

    Renzi did in fact only get lag during TWLB, though it's impossible to prove that he was ddos'd. Furthermore, Draft has been similarly threatened by Pub:

    1: Pub> here's the deal
    1: Pub> your IP is 99.344.3.10
    1: Pub> fuck off.
    1: Draft> ROFL
    1:killergt> OH NO'S
    1:killergt> IP'D
    1: Draft> IP'D
    1:zidane> ROFL?
    1:zidane> AHAHAHAH
    1: Draft> so u got my ip, cool
    1: Pub> obviously you guys don't know what can be done with an IP
    1: Pub> remain oblivious

    1Ub> ease where are you going to college
    1:Ease> florida
    1Ub> strange, why is your internet from california
    1:High Templar> LOL

    About a week ago I noticed PH posting someone's ip address in forums when he incorrectly thought that player was flaming him. I don't know if the IP address was real or if ph was just fucking with him; I'm not too worried about him. But something else concerns me.

    I wouldn't mind having some degree of privacy when playing this game. Of course, I know that staff and forum moderators should have access to player's ip addresses; however, I think that posting someone's IP address should be against staff policy, and threatening to ddos attack someone should absolutely be a bannable offense. The last thing any online community needs is assholes scaring players away or messing with their connection speeds. Whether they are actually commiting the offense is immaterial. I don't know what, if anything, can be done about this. I have been told that anyone on lists for the TWD bot or on staff.txt has access to player databases. Obviously, I know little about such things. I just hope that by bringing attention to this that something can be done to make it less likely to occur.

    Oh and one more thing, this is also an appeal for all of our TWLB games that we lost.

  • #2
    You got owned, and it wasn't because of pub. give it up.


    • #3
      I'm more concerned with discouraging people from this behavior than finding excuses for losing TWLB.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post

        Oh and one more thing, this is also an appeal for all of our TWLB games that we lost.

        For real though threatening people with a ddos attack (which is what pub did if you read between the lines) should absolutely be bannable. Maybe not in this case, because there was no rule for it (as far as I know). But definitely, this should not be tolerated.
        Mr 12 inch wonder


        • #5
          holy fuk, HORN RIMMED GLASSES NERD much?
          What maneuver could possibly be smoover?


          • #6
            I like shorn trimmed lasses with horn rimmed glasses.

            Pho real, I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate Concealed.
            Mr 12 inch wonder


            • #7
              rofl this guy tells me I'm sad then makes 2 threads about me, this is classic.

              I told you before, I'll tell you again. it wasn't me. it never was me. it will never be me. talk all the shit in the world, make a hundred drama threads, blame the demise of your squad on me, and blame the ddosing on me. I don't give a shit.

              edit: I told vatic when I INFORMED him that I was not threatening him, simply passing along a piece of friendly advice. the drama was how he decided to interpret it and handle it. see previous statement for more info. I'm sure draft will be pasting more logs and I was speaking simple english. I didn't threaten him, I simply asked him to fuck off in a slightly more harsh manner because, here's a shocker, I asked him politely several times first and he kept coming at me no matter how nice and patient I was with him. in fact, him throwing my courtesy back in my face is the source of my problem with him.

              fyi what you're doing is severely hypocritical. don't whine about drama then be the center of it. also, maybe if draft ever pasted the rest of that log instead of just that fraction to try to make me look like retard, you'd see that I had every reason to say and do what I said and did.

              edit 2: another little bit of information: thunder players (that I don't have a problem with) were getting hit too. was that me as well? check your information before you start up a giant drama fest, guy. if you paid attention, I wasn't even around for half the sundays in which twl was held.
              Last edited by Pub; 03-05-2009, 07:34 PM.
              6:dald> my entire squad convinced me that thunder lost in all 3 playoffs
              6:dald> did like 5 help calls only to find out thunder didn't play any games

              2:Bolt> im getting so many PMs its unbelievable
              2:Fludd> hack tmac
              2:tmac> go ahead and try bitch i got NORTON

              Season 12 TWL-D/TWL-J champion (thunder)


              • #8
                Random spite messagers get two threads to the head motha-fucka.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                  About a week ago I noticed PH posting someone's ip address in forums when he incorrectly thought that player was flaming him. I don't know if the IP address was real or if ph was just fucking with him; I'm not too worried about him. But something else concerns me.
                  there was a bunch of shit here but i just edited it out because it is now irrelevant.

                  draft, fyi, if that is your actual ip then you're on a completely different internet than the rest of us. teach me how to get there.

                  draft's correspondence is pretty much the only way i want to see my name brought up in this thread again. i'm not a cyber-criminal and i don't appreciate it even being suggested that i might possibly have an outside shot at perhaps being one, maybe.

                  edit: whoa, i just realized vati wasn't even talking about ganon-knight's thread, but rather this. yeah, anyone who takes that seriously has no idea what is going on or how shit works.
                  Last edited by PH; 03-05-2009, 08:02 PM.
                  Originally posted by Tone
                  It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                  Originally posted by the_paul
                  Gargle battery acid fuckface
                  Originally posted by Material Girl
                  I tried downloading a soundcard


                  • #10
                    Can't believe people would actually take a DDOS threat to heart. if you can even call those ridiculous quotes a threat.

                    lol whats next, threatening to fly across the world and beat someone up irl should be a bannable offense. hell lets make any kind of threat bannable that doesnt exceed "i'm going to blow up your in game spaceship with my in game spaceship".

                    You don't need proof just some random quotes from reliable sources like phizey.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Menelvagor View Post
                      lol whats next, threatening to fly across the world and beat someone up irl should be a bannable offense.
                      tagmor's fucked.

                      also, an irrelevant little side note that I forgot to mention @ vatican: I wasn't even here for the lb match in question, but it's entertaining that all I have to do is rub the downfall of mainliner in your face and you get so enraged that you make a page long thread in trash talk about me and another page long thread attempting to appeal your loss because of me.

                      and people try to tell me I care when I do shit for the lulz.
                      6:dald> my entire squad convinced me that thunder lost in all 3 playoffs
                      6:dald> did like 5 help calls only to find out thunder didn't play any games

                      2:Bolt> im getting so many PMs its unbelievable
                      2:Fludd> hack tmac
                      2:tmac> go ahead and try bitch i got NORTON

                      Season 12 TWL-D/TWL-J champion (thunder)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pub View Post
                        tagmor's fucked.

                        also, an irrelevant little side note that I forgot to mention @ vatican: I wasn't even here for the lb match in question, but it's entertaining that all I have to do is rub the downfall of mainliner in your face and you get so enraged that you make a page long thread in trash talk about me and another page long thread attempting to appeal your loss because of me.

                        and people try to tell me I care when I do shit for the lulz.
                        You can't think I was serious about the appeal. I don't think you ddos attacked renzi, I just think you know someone who did as you told me before and after the season. If you get lulz from sending messages to people to rub defeat in their face, cool for you, it's not what this is about. And PH, i obviously don't think you are a cyber criminal, which is why I said you were probably just fucking with someone. I was just, as a newb who doesn't know any better, wondering if we should have people threatening to do so and posting their ip address, like you did here.

                        Originally posted by PH View Post
                        here's the deal

                        your ip is

                        my name's not a dick, keep it out of your mouth
                        But if it's just a joke and I need to get over it because knowing someone's IP address means nothing, then mb. But if I was in some other online games I've played before, and some admin said something like that in public, it would be frowned upon.


                        • #13
                          ok i'll go ahead and kill the joke by explaining it.

                          192.168.*.* is a local ip, completely untouchable by anyone outside of your own network. hence, i "threatened" an immune ip. because ip hack jokes are all the fucking rage in trench wars these days, right?

                          as for 99.344.3.10, that's not a valid ip. at least not on this internet. still waiting to hear from draft on how to get to the internet that he's on, because that's pretty sweet.
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                          Originally posted by the_paul
                          Gargle battery acid fuckface
                          Originally posted by Material Girl
                          I tried downloading a soundcard


                          • #14
                            Well anyways I gave mirrorrim some stock in citigroup when she retired from Mainliner, hopefully that appeal gets accepted.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Menelvagor View Post
                              Can't believe people would actually take a DDOS threat to heart. if you can even call those ridiculous quotes a threat.

                              lol whats next, threatening to fly across the world and beat someone up irl should be a bannable offense. hell lets make any kind of threat bannable that doesnt exceed "i'm going to blow up your in game spaceship with my in game spaceship".

                              You don't need proof just some random quotes from reliable sources like phizey.
                              right, because the two are exactly the same. thanks menelvagor for the superb example. i'm not sure i understood what threatening someone with a ddos attack WAS until you compared it to dropping a couple g's on a plain ticket to kick somebody else's ass. good thing this isn't bannable yet because just for the record, i am going to kick the mothergoosing shit out of you for being such a retard.

                              i think vati's suspicions are pretty legit when anyone who's been around in this community for a couple of seasons knows that pub loves to stalk people through computers and shit like that. the guy's DEVIOUS. he's also a faggot though, for the record.
                              Originally posted by turmio
                              jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                              Originally posted by grand
                              I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...

