little buddha <zh>
Dream Rise <ZH>
H.M.S. Stargazer
mad jack the pirat
little buddha <zh>
Dream Rise <ZH>
H.M.S. Stargazer
mad jack the pirat
omega red> ok so tell me how did Paladen start?
Jessup> Well.. back in 1999 KJW made the squad . It as I understand was one of the first active squads the zone had along with -final-
Jessup> we really owe this squad all to him and leperous and yomama and matorian of of course jebass
omega red> how did you come to be Paladen captain?
Jessup> i actually got into the mix after kjw started to become inactive and semi retire.. jebass I met playing elims and had seen the squad around, they seemed like nice people and a well known squad so I worked my way in
Jessup> At that stage it was really Matorian and Jebass doing all the work. I just happened to be hyper and super addicted to the game and I guess added that activity level and energy to it
Jessup> so they let me cap and I stayed true to them many years from then on.. of course we have a long history and it all isn't exactly clear heheh
omega red> Jebass and Jessup seem to be synonymous to me, what has Jebass meant to Paladen as a pilot?
Jessup> Well Jebass and Jessup have been a staple.. I'll be honest Jebass is the real rock for this squad as far as consistent time put in.. although have been along by his side for many years helping too. As a pilot , I dunno.. I had a men stray early on. We all definitely come from the old school style of mid-range and snipe range play
Jessup> so I fit in well since I could shoot fairly accurately from a distance.
omega red> How do you guys manage to stay alive as a squad? I've ran squads before, and it isn’t always easy keeping a squad alive usually through the first year, how do you guys do it?
Jessup> Well I think it has to do with the fact that we always had a large roster and many old players who don't totally retire. They come back and know we will be here and either rejoin or are still rostered. We have always kept open arms.
Jessup> The number of players we have had is quite amazing. Literally 100's of players and they are always welcome back.
omega red> I understand Paladen used to be at a higher level back in the day, what is the closest you guys came to winning TWLD? or did you win a prior title?
Jessup> Yes when KJW was cap the team was one of the top squads as I understand. Honestly this was before my time here. We never won a title but I believe they did make it to semifinals.. Don't quote me on this though. perhaps we can dig through old records and see lol
omega red> so you've told me about legends of old, who are the players right now who are forming this new Paladen core going forward?
Jessup> Right now we have a decent line I think if we can get them to show up. I like to think anything is possible and we may get some wins people don't expect.
Jessup> the starters are guys like Plead, attacks, jebass, dour, axwell, rackateer, tyf , sassafras, and me.. it really depends but some of these people I'm sure are known out there as the good wbs they are
omega red> alright thank you for your time Jessup, and GL in TWL!
Jessup> Thanks omega . This was fun. Ty for work you are doing

As we see Paladen entering TWL as one if not the oldest running active squad in the zone it's fun to see them active and always playing in DD. They look to take some new and old blood to TWLD and challenge the top dogs for a shot at the title. They come in with Jebass and Dour leading the pack with old faithfuls like Jessup and Alextron close behind. They are smart players and know how to play the game of warbird. They do face an army of warbirds in Feirce, while Burn and Potenza also have quality pilots within their ranks. If Paladen can beat the lower squads like You2be, Lego, Dudgeon, and Vikings, they can possibly squeak into playoffs and make a run for it. I feel it's a long shot for Paladen to win it all, but underdogs have won before (Sweet) so miracles can happen.