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TWLB Final

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Jamal
    Deal with it, stop crying.
    Originally posted by ÆNIMA
    You whine ...
    You whine ...
    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
    Crv you are just complaining because you lost.
    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
    You are just a sore loser.


    • #62
      Originally posted by CrvenBan
      (just grab Conc, bend him over and SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! on the ass untill it's glowing red)
      Buy me dinner first, at very least, asshole.
      Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


      • #63
        i wasnt watching the whole match, and i didnt watch spastic's sharks, but i notcie whenever i paly them that eggs r evil guy eats alot of my spider bulelts, but one spider cant change the outcome of the game. I dont know who their sharks are, so i cant say they lag. But pure luck and that aenima guy have had some itense lag at times...but who hasnt. If spastics whole team was laggy i dont see how not a single one of diso's players could have been lagging. Its not like all spastic players live in the same area. or do they?

        p.s. i totally agree about everything said about the cram, and also that sucks we didnt get to play diso the whole entire season. that better change next season, because they are the one team i enjoy playing every single time we play them. although im not a huge fan of the lemon guy, i think he likes me, and i keep telling him im not into that gay shit. ( me sometime lemon)
        Last edited by HellzNo!; 09-02-2003, 09:57 AM.

        Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
        Asia Minor> maybe not
        Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
        bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
        bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
        bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
        bloodzombie> seriously


        • #64
          Originally posted by Gabraham
          As one of those "laggy sharks", I'd like to say that I play from an up to date comp, cable conn, in the US with 40-50 generally. Also, I don't have kazaa on my comp, nor have I ever used anying like it for SS and lag.

          with that disclaimer out of the way..Our demand is this:

          give back old LT settings in pub or DIE!
          'til then, all your base are ours.
          even if you take our 5 spids away from us

          Long live LTs
          Why would u say something like that... I practice terring in pub sometimes since I don't get to terr in ?go base. Not that u would care but I have never seen u become such a fan of LT's as a matter of fact I've never seen u LT Gab. Congrats you are on my hate list.

          Blood Love Overcomes Our Depressions


          • #65
            Originally posted by Tyson Bitbeast
            Why would u say something like that... I practice terring in pub sometimes since I don't get to terr in ?go base. Not that u would care but I have never seen u become such a fan of LT's as a matter of fact I've never seen u LT Gab. Congrats you are on my hate list.

            I can't say for sure =) ... but Gab was trying to be funny Ty ...


            • #66
              Originally posted by HellzNo!
              i wasnt watching the whole match, and i didnt watch spastic's sharks, but i notcie whenever i paly them that eggs r evil guy eats alot of my spider bulelts, but one spider cant change the outcome of the game. I dont know who their sharks are, so i cant say they lag. But pure luck and that aenima guy have had some itense lag at times...but who hasnt. If spastics whole team was laggy i dont see how not a single one of diso's players could have been lagging. Its not like all spastic players live in the same area. or do they?
              Spastic members are from different areas ... East and West Coast US, as well as Canada, and Europe (Portugual and Neth I think ... Edit: forgot Finland =P). Unfortunately (to AE: =P <3) ... we were unable to really use AE too much in jav or spid (we did use him for 3 games though =D). I can tell you my personal connection is NU campus connection (T-whatever I think) ... I get stable 70 ms w/minimum pl, I rarely spike (only when there is some school connection problem or lots of ppl are on ss) ...

              As I said before ... if you believe someone is lagcheating ... use ?cheater .. it's your right to use it ...


              • #67
                I keep telling the members of spastic that I live in Antartica, but for some reason they won't believe me. Oh well. and nockm if you tell them where I might have told you I might live; I'll post you 18,000 little boxes of toothpicks c.o.d. <the minty ones>

                If silliness was a crime, I'd be sitting on the electric chair.
                Lothario> as far as i'm concerned, if you're not Spacedust or Da Farmer, you shouldn';t be Leving or LTing


                • #68
                  if cram is the best way to keep base, you can only criticize yourself if you dont use it. not to say that lining is worse tho, because i truely think that it can be done pretty damn well but the only time i have seen my ideal type of line was in a cyanide vs. bohemians 6v6.. and it was invincible, and i know i can transpose it to 8v8. but anyway, im tired of all the boohoo-ing about the cram. if you hate it so much dont sit there and bitch every time the red bullets start raining down on you. think about about it, think about ways to break it other than the "getting good angles on shots and working as a team" horse shit that bram talked about. breaking the cram with the conventional way is anything but easy no matter what god damn angles you have. be creative. find a fucking weakness and capitalize on it. i have recently thought of a new plan myself but only my squad is aware of it.
                  Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                  apt>yes u can wtf
                  apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                  apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                  apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                  Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                  apt>ill show you pictures
                  apt>next time I masturbate


                  • #69
                    that was definitely one of the most boring basing matches i've ever watched. 5v5 spiders. point and snore.

                    i used to fancy myself a good spider pilot. i knew when to charge, when to hang back, when to drop everything i was doing to take a few bullets intended towards my terrier... but i absolutely hate even touching spider anymore because of how stale everything is. since the cram got popular, my role in basing was reduced to sitting comfortably in a "hotspot" and being able to hit my shoot button faster than the other guys. so i took it upon myself to quit playing spider altogether and concentrate on ships that are rarely used. sometimes i have great lanc/weasel games, sometimes i royally suck... but losing horribly in a lanc is a bazillion times more fun for me than owning as a spider. i even started using the ship i hate the most: warbird. even a skilless ship such as that is still incredibly more challenging than playing spider.

                    all in all, i wish more people would take this approach. we can't exactly force people to stop cramming or using so many spiders, but i'm hoping other people will get as bored of monotony as i did and try new things. and especially if the lev gets brought back, things will be alot fresher... for a while, at least.

                    don't be afraid to try bizarre lineups. i have the utmost respect for pallies for some of the things they pulled in matches.
                    plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                    • #70
                      First of all. Yes. Disoblige crams. Disoblige uses 5 spiders. But that doesn't mean we like to do it. We do it because we're afraid of being out-played, but most of my squadmates would much rather play 4 spiders and a javelin. (Personally I too enjoy that lineup more, but I play to win, and up to now, 5 spiders and cramming is the best way to win) For the record, I believe that with time someone will find a way to beat a 5 spider cram even without limiting the spiders. Do as we say, don't do as we do.

                      Second of all. Yes, most americans have better ping than us europeans. Does that mean you can't lag? No. Ping is not the only thing that contributes to lag, and connection is not the only thing that affects your ping. The same goes for packetloss.

                      Originally posted by Sufficient
                      Yes, shark is a defensive ship ... PRIMARY purpose of shark is to protect the terr ... secondary purpose is to protect the other teammates. Mining is lower on the list in priorities.
                      Says who? The base has not changed in the last 3 seasons. The rules are pretty much the same, yet 3 seasons ago sharks were used to mine, and also to engage the enemy terrier. Which was highly effective I might add. The shark is primarily a defensive ship if you cram. The main point, I think, Miau is trying to convey is this: "Playing the way it's played now takes away a lot of the potential in the shark. You can only repel, die and repel again." With that being said, I can't say I agree 100%, but there's some truth to it. The shark has become a defensive ship, because the players have decided to use it as such. 3 seasons ago, sharks often got MVP, why is this? Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because player attitudes towards the shark, and basing strategies has changed. Who knows what basing will look like in another 3 seasons? Or 2, or 1. All ships first priority is to defend the terrier, except for perhaps the warbird, which is set to kill the opposing terrier, and by that, indirectly, defending your own terrier.


                      Damn, I lost my train of thought, oh well, more later I guess
                      "Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by sTuPiD-gErBiL
                        don't be afraid to try bizarre lineups. i have the utmost respect for pallies for some of the things they pulled in matches.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Jonas
                          First of all. Yes. Disoblige crams. Disoblige uses 5 spiders. But that doesn't mean we like to do it. We do it because we're afraid of being out-played, but most of my squadmates would much rather play 4 spiders and a javelin. (Personally I too enjoy that lineup more, but I play to win, and up to now, 5 spiders and cramming is the best way to win) For the record, I believe that with time someone will find a way to beat a 5 spider cram even without limiting the spiders. Do as we say, don't do as we do.

                          Second of all. Yes, most americans have better ping than us europeans. Does that mean you can't lag? No. Ping is not the only thing that contributes to lag, and connection is not the only thing that affects your ping. The same goes for packetloss.

                          Says who? The base has not changed in the last 3 seasons. The rules are pretty much the same, yet 3 seasons ago sharks were used to mine, and also to engage the enemy terrier. Which was highly effective I might add. The shark is primarily a defensive ship if you cram. The main point, I think, Miau is trying to convey is this: "Playing the way it's played now takes away a lot of the potential in the shark. You can only repel, die and repel again." With that being said, I can't say I agree 100%, but there's some truth to it. The shark has become a defensive ship, because the players have decided to use it as such. 3 seasons ago, sharks often got MVP, why is this? Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because player attitudes towards the shark, and basing strategies has changed. Who knows what basing will look like in another 3 seasons? Or 2, or 1. All ships first priority is to defend the terrier, except for perhaps the warbird, which is set to kill the opposing terrier, and by that, indirectly, defending your own terrier.


                          Damn, I lost my train of thought, oh well, more later I guess
                          My problem is that some of you have the mentality of *forcing* other players/teams to play to play certain ships and certain strategies. Basing is supposed to be squads and teams doing what they want in terms of picking what ships they want to play and what strats they want to use ... let ppl have some freedom ...

                          So why are ppl saying limit basing to 4 spids?
                          And why are ppl trying to discourage the "style" of playing sharks w/o mines?

                          Let ppl experiment and play their own game ... not what others *would like / want* them to play it ...


                          • #73

                            If a basejav that shoots from his ass only could easily win over a jav that knows all the tricky bombshots, then I say there is something wrong with the map.

                            Same situation now.. sharks that don't know shit about mining can win easily over more skilled (in various aspects of the ship) sharks. Something is not right


                            • #74
                              In Mighty Ducks. When the team used the Flying V, only 1 person on the team needed to know how to use his stick, and shoot a puck. The rest of the team just needed to know how to skate in a straight line.

                              It was something very simple that they devised up, and it worked. But guess what. It only worked once. The 2nd time they tried it, the opposing team had already found a way to defeat it.

                              There was no one raising their voice crying "UNFAIR THEY'RE NOT USING SKILL!" The opposing team just buckled down and said "look, this is what we gotta do, to stop that"

                              Why the hell can't you people do that? The cram is breakable.
                              Ну вот...


                              • #75
                                That was the dumbest analogy I've ever seen. A) the flying V would never work in real hockey, B) real people don't act like they do in movies. The point is, if the flying V had made hockey a lot less fun for all of the players, and the people were real people, and not actors, I'm sure people would have discussed changing the rules. I don't see that there are very many people saying that Spastic's win was unjust or unfair, I just see people trying to figure out how to make it so that basing is less boring.
                                5:gen> man
                                5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady

