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  • #46
    Ya you could change the map, but with TWL so close, it will be the team who gets adjusted first that will win. You need time to adjust to a map. And from what I understood TWL wont be that far away from now. 4 spid limit is simply the best solution for this TWL IMO. Tho you could look into changing the map for further games, but I am talking about coming twl.
    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


    • #47
      All of those ideas sound "sufficient" (oh i couldn't resist), but you have to understand that TWL is close and there should be testing before a new map is thrown at all the teams. A 4 spider max proved to be a good idea during BWC, let's impliment it, it won't make too big of a deal, but it won't go unnoticed.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Galleleo
        Ya you could change the map, but with TWL so close
        I thought we were still in a "TWD might be reset, maybe, possibly" mode.
        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


        • #49
          On a side note, having the freedom to pick what stradegy ur team uses, goes rite out the door when the oposing team (if equal/better skill) chooses 5 spiders bc you'll simply be outspider'd vs someone close to ur skill level. Of course if its vs ezier ppl then yes u can do it, but if vs someone good and they play 5 spiders the other team is bound to play 5 spiders 9 outa 10 games, which in the end limits the way teams play more then giving it freedom. 4 spider max wouldnt hinder the cram that much, but breaking a cram of 4 spiders is a whole hella lot ezier then breaking 5 spiders, and it would always give u the equal spider v spider ratio, that way u win/lose by who u play in jav/wb instead of losing by being out spiderd. Like they said above point isnt to eliminate the cram, bc the cram is here to stay and unless map change it will be the way of defence for most everyone, but u can make the cram weaker by eliminating 1 of the spiders and turning him into something else, which in the end could make the squad stronger.

          It will definatly make it way more exciting w/ spider limit, the 1 shark idea would help weaken the cram by alot, but stab is rite the jav would have a field day.


          • #50
            It's obvious that spiders are overpowered, or teams wouldn't use 5 of them. So then let's tweak the spiders. Make their bullets less powerful? Make them the same strength but a lesser rate of fire? Leave them how they are, but make the bullets take more energy? I think these are all better ideas than forcing a limit on them. I guarantee you that if the spider ship was changed to make it worse, almost every squad would opt for a few different ships (warbird, jav) than 5 spiders.

            There is something fundamentally flawed with the game, when a team of 8 ships uses 5 of the same ship. There is obviously a severe game-balance problem. So let's fix it! Hacking a spider off a team is just a quick and dirty fix because no one wants to upset the game by doing something so out of the question like tweaking the spider or changing the map a little bit.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Fruitang
              Pallies played a 1 spider/1 javelin/3 warbird strategy in TWL against Shriek. It was most fun.
              It wasn't that fun for a2m+, he got like 45 deaths in terr that match $$
              6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

              Originally posted by Dreamwin
              3 league vet


              • #52
                <3 paul

                Anyways, all those changes are good, maps and spider strength, but it takes time to make those changes, you need to test em, then people will start whining again, change it again etc. etc. etc. I am just saying 4 spids max is an easy change. Just a change in the rules, and it will make the basing more fun.
                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                • #53
                  Good read Stab. I don't see why we need such a quick-'n-easy solution (4 spid max) which is like sticking your finger in a hole of the Hoover Dam. Better to look at the problem, and come up with a solution that takes into account the long term affects on TW. And Gal ... yes ... if you think that the only way to counter a 5 spid team is to play 5 spids ... then what about when this 4 spid max is implemented. I can almost guaruntee u that every team will start playing 4 spid 1 jav. And I do mean EVERY team. The only other ship teams might use is a wb for easier teams. The problem of ship diversity will still be a problem.

                  Have some patience and think of the long term implication before tryin to mess around with quick fixes.


                  • #54
                    At first, I wasnt the one saying, you are forced to play 5 spiders, second if you read my posts. You will see that I am talking about TWL, and that the map changes and stuff should be looked at for a permanemt change. And third, there is no ship diversity now.. The only way I want this thing is not to make a wider shipdeversity, just to make the cram weaker, and get more fr fights in the basing games. But you guys dont seem to read my posts.
                    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Galleleo
                      The only way I want this thing is not to make a wider shipdeversity, just to make the cram weaker, and get more fr fights in the basing games.
                      Btw ... I ALWAYS read every post when I post in a thread. Sry if I confused differing opinions.

                      Ship diversity is just as important as FR battles. Here is (what i think is) the perfect situation for basing:

                      1) Map with distinct areas ... a lower area, middle area, and FR. All fairly big I think. If you want more FR battles ... make the FR bigger ... it's that simple. Theoretically the lower area should be easiest to get into ... mid should be harder to get into and FR should be even harder (that's how it is now sorta).
                      2) Ships that are sorta like a rock/paper/scissors setup. TW's ships are intrinsically unbalanced ... of course we can't drastically change them ... however if you want a good permanent solution ... this probably needs to be addressed.
                      3) No ship restrictions / very few ship restrictions ... let the teams decide what they are good at and what they WANT to play ... we all play differently, so let us play what we are good at and what we'd like to play.
                      4) Strict lag limits ... I don't want lag bombs by javs and lag shots by wbs being the deciding factor of a game. We are getting to a pt where almost everyone has access to broadband (at their home or at a library or college or even a friend's place). TWD and TWL are first and foremost a place of fun and competition (emphasis on competition).

                      And btw ... a javs and wbs have the ability to kill the nme terr in one shot ... in some ways ... this ability does not encourage the team aspect of "gradually winning the base" ... there is no gradual winning when ur terr is killed in one shot nor is it really teamwork for a wb or jav to do his own thing, go solo ... and kill the nme terr.


                      • #56
                        Well, we already have laggy spiders eating 10000000 bullets and killing everybody with 1200 dmg bullets.. and laggy sharks.. ignoring reps, so a laggy jav or wb doesnt really matter. and if your terr is a bit good and your team is also, it should be hard for a jav or wb to kill your terr.
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • #57
                          And a laggy jav would be even worse than a laggy spid.


                          • #58
                            Let 5 spiders stand, open up the fr entrance.


                            • #59
                              I'm all for a 4 spider limit and I sense a poll brewing
                              Originally posted by Facetious
                              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                              • #60
                                what do you guyz mean TWL IS CLOSE???? OMG!!

