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TWL 7 squads

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  • Originally posted by Nickname
    don't go all braging about how your squad is so amazing
    Nick, you're my buddy and all, but I don't think he did this. - Gallileo's racist thread

    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


    • Didn't anyone besides me want to be an astronaut?
      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


      • Originally posted by NaiLed
        4 spider limit please.
        FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn.


        • Originally posted by Jason
          Didn't anyone besides me want to be an astronaut?
          Until I saw Apollo 13. Tom Hanks shunted my dreams.
          5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
          5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
          5:royst> i wish it was calculus

          1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

          1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


          • Originally posted by Nickname
            Firefighter - everybody wants to be a firefighter at some point, after 9/11 i bet even more americans did.
            I never wanted to be a firefighter. Rock star is where it's at.


            • Originally posted by Nickname
              I've been playing organised basing matches since before you started cont. The shark is an easy ship to fly, get over it. I learned how to shark while on pallies in a few weeks. (part of that is the beez was there to help, but mostly all you need to be a good shark is a good team, exceptional sharks to exist but to be good you don't need a lot of work) As for sharking pairings again it isn't hard to figure out what your partner is going to do as most sharks paring will know exactly what each will do because they'll disucss it earlier to avoid double reppings and the like. You can like twlb, heck it used to be my favourite league, but don't go all braging about how your squad is so amazing when it only won the league once, while under odd conditions, while you weren't even on it. Base can be fun, fr battles are fun - it's just javs is fun for me all the time.

              I have to disagree with you here, Stabwound is an exceptional shark.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • Go nailed

                4 spider limit please
                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                • it's me again. stab, i'm not sure if you were talkign about me, or anyone in specifice, but i never once said one league takes more skill to succeed in then another(it probably wasnt aimed at me, cause i havent posted for a few pages). What i am saying, and will never stop saying it is, for a team to play one league, and only one league, it is ten times easier to succeed, then to try and win in 3 seperate leagues. The concentration, effort, and time it takes is insane. Except for pallies, we just show up and do it. and what were you talking about a couple pages back, it's better to excel in one league then be "average" in three leagues. All the squads that get mentioned above you guys in every list(twl not twlb) are always above average in all three leagues. Pallies finished 2nd in two leagues, and 6th in the other. Diso finished 4th, 2nd, and 1st. Light, top 3 in two leagues. you get the picture. halfway through this post i played a twdd, so i forgot my point. bye bye

                  p.s. i still dont know my talent, besides assfucking suddens mom at the same i go 17-5 in a twjd, im not sure what i can do. and even that talent has something to do with the game.

                  Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
                  Asia Minor> maybe not
                  Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
                  bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
                  bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
                  bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
                  bloodzombie> seriously


                  • Why does every TWL thread end with TWLB basing arguments, how some people think non basing squads cannot win TWLB and some people think they can win TWLB. My thought are we were all newbies once and have basing traits, therefore a good squad with good potential in both leauges can win TWLB. Plus the main basing ships (Spider and jav) Can be filled by a skilled TWLder and TWLJER anyday all you need is someone with knowledge of the terrier and sharks and I myseld even picked up the art of controling these ships from the past. Anyways people who can dodge, aim better and use coordination will = TWLB winners. So Truly it is up for grabs.


                    P.S. This is only my opinion and I wont waist my time replying to any objections of the nature because the only true way to prove my thesis, is in the game.


                    • Originally posted by Sufficient
                      Basing is not going to improve or become fun if you just whine and say it's boring ... words w/o actions means nothing. If you WANT to make basing more fun and more skill-based, then DO something about it. We don't need ur empty whines ... go play whatever you want then, but stay away from basing.

                      Everything you do is only as fun as you make it to be ... if you're not willing to put anything into basing ... you're not gonna get anything out of it. So if you want base to be fun and improve ... then start designing a map or asking ops to tweak ship settings or play around with the rules. Posting about it w/o doin anything wastes my time and yours.
                      Newsflash - Nothing ever EVER gets changed.

                      (okay, about 1 thing a year gets changed, but theres a lot to be changed so the chances of the 1 thing a year getting changed as being the thing you wanted are beyond low)
                      The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                      Originally posted by Richard Creager
                      All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                      • Originally posted by bloodzombie
                        Nick, you're my buddy and all, but I don't think he did this.
                        Originally posted by Stabwound
                        It's better to be masters of one league instead of being average in 2 or 3 leagues.
                        Thats not bragging about how his squad is so amazing?
                        The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                        Originally posted by Richard Creager
                        All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                        • Originally posted by Nickname
                          Newsflash - Nothing ever EVER gets changed.

                          (okay, about 1 thing a year gets changed, but theres a lot to be changed so the chances of the 1 thing a year getting changed as being the thing you wanted are beyond low)
                          What kind of attitude is that? If you're gonna be like that then why are you even playing? There is always the hope that slowly but surely TWL in general (including wb, jav, and basing) ... will become more fun and more based on skill ... and in general a better league each time. Like I said ... nothing will ever get changed if you have this attitude (quoted from Nick) "Nothing ever EVER gets changed."


                          • we're straying into petty bickering, time to bring this discussion back on track.

                            I'm rather interested to see how this twl will shape up. With the competitve shrinkage of (well, most likely) TWLB and the explosion of squads and players in the other two leagues, one has to wonder if this will be the greatest season yet... when it finally gets here of course. Looks like leagues will, once again, take place during the summer, so the most active squads may shift to somewhat younger players, as many older veteran players disappear to summer jobs, internships, enjoying the fucking weather, etc. People rarely discuss the seasonality of trench, but anyone who plays on a regular basis knows there's lulls in competitive play. Any thoughts on what the delay might do to the quality of the league? Are people getting bored with the long wait?


                            • i believe thats why P_L is trying to do this draft tourny thing to pass some time.

                              and bZ, nick named diso and light on a list of better squads then spastic bc of howl ong there run went. I was simply adding on to his list saying that i believe that the old Cripples who won a TWBL title w/ a perfect season, then had a perfect season till the last game of the next year lost to WF who then won the title that year. I belive both of them squads deserve to be ranked higher then SPastic in all time basing squads, for spastic won 1 title, the title wasnt even on an undefeated season. If Spastic wins it again or comes very close then i say we all give them there props, they aer good yes, but i cant say they are one of the best all time till they prove it such as light,diso did recently. Even pallies proved they are better over a long period of time in basing, i'd put them ahead of spastic in all time to.


                              • lol some people are really full of themselves

