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TWL 7 squads

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  • it's not really 4 leagues (as i get the jist) it's just 3 portions of 1 big league. A spider league and other such things have been considered but thats 4 hours of subspacing if you're on a squad that covers all leagues, which is too long for most (i'd guess)
    The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

    Originally posted by Richard Creager
    All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


    • stop writing essays!!! they are hurting my head

      anyho, 16 is a good number, don't change it, and like what i said before, just wait until TWL starts/finishes, THEN talk about this squad is better than that squad.. blah blah blah blah blah
      1 + 1 = 1


      • ya rand's idea is elite, as well as Esc's adding on. I think that'd like rand said create rivals and stuff. Plus it'd prolly make the league's best players more spread out bc all basers couldnt flock to 1 squad, and all duelers to another and such. If u kept the roster limit on (35) u could only rack in about 10 from each league (ld/lj/lb) which in the end is still alot, but it'd spread things around.


        • But rand, its our choise too just stick with basing. We just dont WANT to play in the other 2 leagues. Thats whats this squad is based on.
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • Originally posted by Galleleo
            But rand, its our choise too just stick with basing. We just dont WANT to play in the other 2 leagues. Thats whats this squad is based on.
            Yeah but what's to say about a squad that just bases? It helps to be diversified and have SOME standing in all leagues


            • I don't like the idea of the same squads in all 3 leagues, I think you'd see a lot more squads dissolve.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • Whoever thinks that duellers are actually better than the greatest basers is just a stupid laggot. I perfected a lot better at this game when I played with a dammed 56k. Including the facts that destroy believes that "l33t" people can own us with ease... they are(70%) euros... *no offense*

                I'm just gonna tell you that you can show your beef agaisnt me at TWLB anytime, whoever you may be.

                Cya there, "l33t" people.

                *Here I'm off not-posting for another 2 months, gotta get an insanity check when I see all the crap some morons may type in TW's forums...*
                When you strive hard to learn knowledge, you discover that you simply lost your time.


                • Its incredible how Sk8 is underestimated (im sorry if i didnt type it correctly)! hm.. truly I dont care since we have our loyal members which are practicing so we can show something in TWL.

                  We actually are the most active squad during the euro time and trying to play on EST time too.

                  TWL 7


                  1- Syndicate
                  2- -final-
                  3- Value (if they dont dissolve)
                  4- Grapevine or pallies or Sk8
                  5- dragonguard or shriek or Night (if they dont dissolve)

                  1- Syndicate
                  2- -final-
                  3- Shriek (if they dont dissolve)
                  4- Pallies
                  5- Diso or grapevine or pirates or Sk8
                  1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                  1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                  1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                  1:Vitja> afk
                  1:Underground> haha vit
                  1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                  -Sk8 site and forums:


                  • Forcing a squad to compete and do well in 3 totally different leagues is a shitty idea, because although I know a lot of people are on "fly by night" squads that will barely make it past TWL before dissolving, a lot of people are on squads with many people that they consider to be friends. You can't change the entire TWL and squad system just like that. Also, there is no way you could make 16 squads that would be able to compete in all 3 leagues. It would just force people into creating 3-4 "ubersquads" while the rest get fucked into oblivion.


                    • Shit... now I have to force myself to enjoy playing wbs and javs. And Under... predicting more than one squad coming in a certain spot in the top 5 isn't a prediction.


                      • I wouldn't bet on sk8 being THE activest squad during euro peek times (1-5 EST).... And diso will go further then 5th in twlj =)
                        Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                        You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                        There wont be another election for president.
                        Obama is the Omega President.


                        • Sk8 is definatly 1 of the top 3 in activeness (euro time), with the exception to Night who is pretty active, and Ancients are fairly active to, but overall on a day to day basis Sk8 plays nearly the same amount of games as the day b4 and its pretty many games. We also get some games in late nite eastern time, maybe 1-2 a nite or so, but not every single nite. Not many squads can say they are fairly active enuff to play almost the whole day around the clock.

                          I dont know how good sk8 will do in any league, and chances of winning the league are probably pretty slim, and are slim for most squads since there is so much compatition, but i think we'll make playoffs in LD/LJ and have a nice season in them 2, and we are trying to make LB, which in the end will probably be more of a learning experience for some players.


                          • sk8 might be underrated based on a couple years of lackluster performance.

                            ug, you overrated pallies and underrated diso.
                   - Gallileo's racist thread

                            "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                            • I dont think Pallies are overrated, for they have a fairly nic shot in winning all 3 leagues, depending who shows up each and every week. But Blood, Legionare,FoN, Lethe, pj/scuz/alot otherz and u got urself a pretty dam good jav team. In TWLD u got blood/Lethe/luke/mattey/sleepy(jav lineup as well) + a few others and u got urself a very nice TWLD lineup, maybe not championship teams but i'd say very close. As for TWLB w/ u guys, u guys the last few years are always good in it, no matter how active u been in the offseason. Sure it mite hurt u guys vs some even squads, but u'll still make playoffs and still have a great season. I also forgot Hellzno! for all 3 leagues, he's very underrated by some ppl, but is VERY and i stress very good in all 3 leagues.

                              Doh hit enter and it posted now i havta edit :<

                              As for diso it'll be very tuff for them to repeat TWLJ as champions, it would of been hard enuff, but since they lost Download its especialy hard. Sure they got lemon,da1, apples, and a few good javah's left but it wont repeat as TWLJ champs, and will have a hard time vs the top squads. And in TWLD, they are very reliant on just a few guys, CUmu/Archer/bram especialy and lately they arent exactly the most active ppl in ss. I think there TWLD season will be a huge downfall to last season. Unless they can get those 3 guys online each and every week.

                              In TWLB, they lost some very important ppl, again download was a good spider, Thundies, NOCKM to name 3 very big loss's. Sure they picked up nailed and cumu and stuff, but it'll be hard to replace especialy NOCKM in basing. And they arent exactly practicing much in TWBD either. Although WP seems active so thats a huge pluss for them.
                              Last edited by Cig Smoke; 01-20-2004, 04:44 PM.


                              • We get our asses stomped in every twd game.
                       - Gallileo's racist thread

                                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

