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Was I trolled this twdt season by those in charge?

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  • #16
    Equal chance to play? Many players won't see the field but guess who's the only one crying? You first claim you should be rated very low then say you're better than others rated as you, then now you should be starter in all 3 leagues! Can't be more self centered than this guy


    • #17
      Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
      Equal chance to play? Many players won't see the field but guess who's the only one crying? You first claim you should be rated very low then say you're better than others rated as you, then now you should be starter in all 3 leagues! Can't be more self centered than this guy
      We all should get an equal opportunity to play shouldn't we? I said I should be a 6.5 in base is all.. i never argued with any other rating. I NEVER play base competitively. I do think I'm a 6.5 in base as a result. Self centered you say? Has your cap flat out refused u a chat on ur team and shut you out before the season even begins? That is a concern anyone would have going into twdt. I also say this with no offense towards you hell but I am better than you in every ship by far. You just don't have the experience or skill I do unless u base well which I'm clueless about who is who in that division. You are getting better though. No need to jump in and stir the pot up either please. I don't see how anyone can argue I should not be traded to another team than roughs as he is outright denying me a place on his team. Make me a free agent please so I can go somewhere else with less volatility towards me. This guy just came at me for ZERO reason. I don't even know Rough at all nor have I ever squadded with him yet he has some passionate disdain for me. Very odd..
      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


      • #18
        PS I'd still be willing to play for haze if rough relaxes . It just seems he is refusing to allow me on the team.
        TSLD CHAMPION 2018
        TSLB CHAMPION 2018


        • #19
          I'm not talking about me or Cyclone or other 6/6/6, there are many examples of better player that sometimes spend a season without playing or almost. And no there is no equal opportunities to play, it's not TSL. Captains made their choices and that's all. Captain don't want to play you? That's his right and in no way you should be put on free agency. Anyway who would pick you? They all had the opportunity to do so. RaCka has the opportunity to pick you but picked his dog Dexter, Ease got the opportunity to pick you but picked me, Zidane got the opportunity to pick you but picked Cyclone... You get it?

          Just shut the fuck up, play elim/twd/base/whatever else, show you can be usefull for a team and Rough will be glad to trade you if someone want you.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
            I'm not talking about me or Cyclone or other 6/6/6, there are many examples of better player that sometimes spend a season without playing or almost. And no there is no equal opportunities to play, it's not TSL. Captains made their choices and that's all. Captain don't want to play you? That's his right and in no way you should be put on free agency. Anyway who would pick you? They all had the opportunity to do so. RaCka has the opportunity to pick you but picked his dog Dexter, Ease got the opportunity to pick you but picked me, Zidane got the opportunity to pick you but picked Cyclone... You get it?

            Just shut the fuck up, play elim/twd/base/whatever else, show you can be usefull for a team and Rough will be glad to trade you if someone want you.
            I am useful for teams , You shut the fuck up.. jesus why so foul? I am top scorer on Ravage and was top scorer or close to it trading back and forth on Paladen. You know I had best stats in TWL and TWD because you were on Paladen. That is the whole point of this. I am being blacklisted from playing and attacked before the season even begins. I did nothing to rough for him to be like this. I don't see how a cap can even do this to a player who signs up for a league. . I can play as well as most on Haze or better so shud be utilized. I don't want to fight I just want to be part of a team. :\ This is TWDT not elim or twd. WE ALL GET ON A TEAM,,
            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jessup View Post

              I have a treasure trove of incriminating evidence against most of these people running this...
              This. This, Jess, is why people don't want to play with you. You know I have no problem with you and I have defended you on these forums when people have made personal attacks against you. But Jesus, how do you make a post saying "how dare these people not play me" while at the same time insinuate like mild extortion of those same people? Why would Rough want you on his chat if you're collecting treasure troves on incriminating evidence against people?

              And since when does a captain have to play a person in dt? You are definitely not the first person scorned by having been picked and then never played.

              You getting picked last was a funny troll. If no captain wanted you and they were joking on chat to pick you last because they knew it would piss you off, it certainly worked. You're basically proving their point with this thread. I agree with Rab, a public name change would probably benefit you, but it would also help if you were a little less of a cunt.
              Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
              Message has been sent to online moderators
              2:BLeeN> veh yes
              2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
              2:BLeeN> ok then no
              :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
              (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


              • #22
                you deserved to be trolled for killing paladin fucking foolup

                Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                wbduel Map Maker Legend


                • #23
                  Excuse me? A cunt? For what? screenshotting messages i see when I log in to the game attacking me randomly? OR when I am minding my own biz and I see pms calling me foul names with hate speech abuse involved by some of these same people who are running this? Do I send foul messages to them out of the blue for giggles? Do I instigate trolling in the zone verses people? Am I the one pming them laughing weeks before TWDT saying no one will be using them and trying to get reactions? You people are like goddamn Karens. You come up to me and start uncalled for shit and don't mind your own damn business and verbally assault me and when I react you turn it around and act like its time to call the cops and accuse me of the abuse you started. I am reacting and not instigating. I've had a fair amount of these caps harass me for years and do foul stuff to me and I'm a cunt for calling it out and mentioning it? I am a kind and decent person when treated properly but I won't take abuse lying down. At what stage will these people relax and give me a chance to play and share in the game with them? I am no slouch in this game and pool good stats especially if I have some time to gel with my teammates and have a positive interaction with my team but many of these people make it impossible who are in charge along with certain players. The toxicity is not starting with me. I simply am making a record of the things I deal with by these people who can't mind their own business and actively reach out to invade my space and confront me being a jerk.

                  When it comes to the forums I certainly am no worse than others. I have opinions and voice them. I noticed many yell at biet for example with his new overlay rudely and I didn't see you call those people cunts. The worst I did before twdt was protest me being made a 7 star in base. People jumped all over me for it. I don't base hardly ever so it shouldn't have been a big deal but people overreacted. I was not the only one asking my star to remain the same as it originally was but those people weren't attacked by a mob for it. All I want to do is play this game like anyone else and not have to deal with this savage mob who attack me personally.

                  So you think its funny I get picked last by a bunch of cap trolls in twdt when we have a special twdt thanx to wirah involving money and I am publicly being locked out before it even starts. Rough shouldn't be allowed as a Cap to do what he did and Beam as op shopuld step in a tell rough to chill. I fail to see the humor in this. Would you be laughing if it was you in my position? I see no justification for being treated the way rough just trolled me at all. I did nothing to him or anyone on haze as a squad. I just want to play like anyone else and feel I deserve it as much if not more than anyone. I have been locked out of twdt now for the second season in a row when I can play better than many on this team.. it makes zero sense other than a persistent trolling. Don't be Karens please..

                  Also a cap should give certain players shots if their original line isnt working. Subs are important in twdt.. again I see no reason why me wanting to play is unreasonable especially if I have the skillz.
                  TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                  TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                  TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                  TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                  • #24
                    allow jessup into free agency


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 2pac View Post
                      you deserved to be trolled for killing paladin fucking foolup
                      This is the type idiotic replies towards me I deal with constantly. I capped paladen for 13 years with jebass who retired and so did KJW and so did Up In Ya !! and so did Yomoma and bobr plays pub only now. This is nothing more than a troll by someone who bashed paladen for years. You didn't even know who the caps were or anything about them or the players on our team. How you pretend to care about paladen now is a complete joke 2paczzzzzzz. Were you gonna join it and help us? Nope.. didn't think so. It is also spelled Paladen.. FOOL Do you even realize bobr made trench wars settings and the zone? Paladen fucking made trench wars.. but you have no clue. You gonna yell at bobr for not playing? loool

                      Come to think of it this is also tying into why I am being blacklisted, These same 3 squads basically that played musical chairs for the last 6 years using the same people are being tribal and locking out people who never were in their clicks. Paladen had many players who were able to compete and play well thru the years. I am one of those people but made a decision not to join the stacked squads because honestly they were pretty drama filled and egotistical and troll like. Wasn't my cup of tea. Now it is over though I'd like to join the ranks and show I can compete and get a chance to play with others who i faced vsing so many years.
                      TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                      TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                      • #26
                        just want to say I went afk for my last draft pick so I didn't pick cyclone over jessup. i'd rather jess for sure lol


                        • #27
                          jessup crybaby of 2020 aka trump

                          Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                          wbduel Map Maker Legend


                          • #28
                            Send me to zids squad plz beam.. I'd love to be there.. or to racka or turbans.. no way Rough is going to change it seems and any squad unity it appears is ruined now on his part with me.. I just want a squad that will accept me. I don't wanna make drama at all with the squad I join. I just wanna help us win.
                            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                            TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 2pac View Post
                              jessup crybaby of 2020 aka trump
                              lol hardly I'm a pure socialist hahah thx for the laff pac.. ur aka some dude like Kanye West for president :laugh: just offbeat as fk.. its cool tho i can hang with gangstas sometime rofl. I did play in a successful rap band a few years so am about dat.. yo
                              TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                              TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                              TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                              TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                              • #30
                                Free agency seems a good solution then #ALLPLAYERSMATTER

