This is for entertainment purposes only.
Dozens of players asked for the return of Hot or Not, and I said no. They tried to bribe me, but I have far too much intregity, so I said no. Then they doubled their offer, and awayyyy we goooo!
DO NOT read this if you are sensitive. There's a lot of new and returning players, and if you're unfamiliar with Hot or Not, I'm going to be ripping into everyone all season. If you're expecting fair and balanced treatment, you're in the wrong place.
I'm going to be as mean as possible, which is what the people want. Nay, demand. I'm catering to you the reader, not the player. Due to the insane volume of games (30 per week), I've had to create sheets that automate as much as possible to reduce the workload. This means that Hot or Not is only available in Google Docs format. I haven't found a way to successfully convert them into anything else. Sorry!
Without further ado, for the first time in seven seasons...
TWDT 2022 Hot or Not