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Donald Trump vs Joe Biden

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  • #31
    I'd say it's more defeatist nihilism because at this point theres very little I can do. It isn't like anything can truly be done at this point. Governments are much better at these things than they used to be. Cheap, abundant (although unhealthy and sickly) foods are readily available as is entertainment more diverse and easier to obtain ever in human history. Unless people are truly uncomfortable theres nothing to fight against and no reason to leave our couches. But our civilization and humanity has always been a pendulum swinging back and forth. It won't be until we struggle as a whole or suffer that things will change.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #32
      I asked Nostrodamus and he said:

      Trump will die from covid.
      Biden will vs Pence and win.
      Biden will die from covid.
      Kamala Harris becomes president in 2021.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Exalt View Post
        If we are being honest here, both Trump and Biden have severe mental deterioration going on. They've both lost it. Everyone talks about Biden having it, but anyone that remembers Trump from 2016 would know that he is completely gone now too. His dementia is as bad as Reagan's was in his second term. Trump won't last two terms as it stands. Biden likely won't either. They're too old and degraded. The real candidates for both parties right now are Pence and Harris. That's the truth of it.

        Anyway, in 2016, Trump was essentially a pure populist. He called out the long-time politicians for corruption and doing nothing. He was full-on anti-establishment at that point, and he was honestly kind of funny at times with his one-liners. I knew a lot of people who were rooting for him at that time, not because of his stupid racist bullshit or the party he represented (both ridiculously dumb), but because he called out the lifelong politicians and actually made some sense (sometimes). Also, people like Bernie Sanders were screwed by the DNC, it was leaked by Assange, and he was the only other anti-establishment candidate besides Trump. That was an anti-establishment election year, so Trump was a lot of default choices, especially since the entire country almost unanimously hated Hillary Clinton, and most people thought it couldn't get that bad with Trump as a leader. It's not like presidents ever do much anyways.

        Trump in 2020 is nothing like that whatsoever. He's as firmly establishment as they come, completely sheltered from the real world outside of his nightly Fox News propaganda, and he's deteriorated into a 3 year old toddler who does nothing but throw temper tantrums and talk about past presidents like Obama as if anyone gives a fuck about him or Hillary anymore. The man also has severe dementia or mental retardation or something going on, because he can't focus for even 3 seconds. He's still on the racism bullshit (not even making layups like the white supremacist question), can't shut the fuck up for any length of time, has no policies or plans whatsoever, and the entire republican party now essentially boils down to one and only one thing: owning the libs. People like Herman Cain and Karens who cry about masks literally die to own the libs. That's how stupid those people are. It's just pathetic at this point. Republicans stand for absolutely nothing these days. They can't even claim to be fiscally responsible, because the deficit has ballooned to all-time highs under Trump due to the bullshit tax cut nobody needed.

        I honestly don't know how Biden ever got the nomination over literally anyone else either. South Carolina boomers who voted him and forced the Dems to go all-in on Biden (to stop Bernie Sanders of course) fucked the country over just as much as any uneducated idiot who votes Trump in 2020. Biden was never the right answer. Neither is Trump. Two senile, grumpy old men fighting over nothing. Neither knows a single fucking thing about how the country is doing outside of their rich friends and personal bubbles. Neither has a plan to do anything positive for average Americans. I seriously don't know why Biden is even running for president at this point, because the man doesn't even look like he wants it. Trump probably doesn't either, but his life is ruined as soon as he stops being president. He's more than likely got jail time ahead of him in the future, but I'm sure he knows that already.

        The real losers here are all Americans, because the stupidity going on in the country is beyond belief right now, and none of it gets fixed under either of these two clowns. Trump will lose, because everyone is sick of his shit at this point, but 4 years of Biden will do no favors for anyone either. There really needs to be an age limit on presidents at this point. Nobody older than 70 should ever be allowed to run again.
        Absolutely fucking crushed this one out of the park. In reality the at least just as important races this year are the Senators who are up for re-election. But most people only care about who the President is and keep voting for the incumbent, thats how we have 50 fucking year sitting Senators.
        JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

        turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

        Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
        the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


        • #34
          Originally posted by kthx View Post
          It's just the fucking game we are playing unfortunately now that we have an uneducated voting population. Go to left or right website, x candidate has mail in voting person cheating etc. Theres massive election fraud happening on both sides of the aisle, you have mail carrier unions that deliver ballots publically supporting Biden. I sadly prefer the person telling me openly about it as opposed to the opposite.

          Frankly it doesn't matter, the world is collapsing into another dark age of ignorance where scientific facts are thrown put the window in the name of racism or other isms. Our renaissance will either see the golden age of humanity with space exploration, mining, and colonization or us living under the thumb of a malignant technocracy that involves population control and no representation. I'd say the election, fun as it is to talk about is largely meaningless when you look at the next 25 years of humanity.

          Even if we elected someone both sides loved the levers of power are elsewhere and evil has always been nothing if not patient to curtail the freedoms we were granted by whichever deity or inherent right you believe in.

          I may not agree with your political side of things, but you're not wrong. Anti-intellectualism has been preached for so long, that the vast majority of the voting population just aren't able to use critical thinking. They're not very bright, easily manipulated, and don't get taught about media spin, politics, history, or anything of that sort that would help them sort through things. The people that notice there's a problem just get ignored by the media machines who push wedge issues to divide everyone instead, and there's no real way of fixing anything through an electoral system that was designed to be an oligarchy from the very start.

          I really think we are living in a collapse of the Roman Republic type situation. Well, more like the slow decline of the Roman Republic, but it's the same thing. America won't dissolve like the Soviet Union did, and I don't see anyone in America becoming another Julius Ceaser, but it is no longer a 1st world country in any metric except military power. Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang both reminded me of the Gracchi brothers (Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus). The social unrest going on with BLM/police, antifa/far right extremists, etc were all paralleled during the fall of the Roman Republic. The apathy of everyone else and the belief that America will last and stay on top forever was exactly the same in Rome, which made the average citizens not bother to defend their institutions. The Roman Republic worked fine for about 300 years before it started to really decline, with the political system purposely doing nothing but punishing political enemies and preventing any positive change from ever happening. America is about 50 years short of that period, but it's close enough. The House and Senate constantly deadlocking each other and doing absolutely nothing during the coronavirus crises shows exactly how similar we've become to the Romans. Also, the issue that started the true fall of the Roman Republic was economic inequality and the unwillingness of the rich Romans and politicians to fix it. People’s needs were not being addressed for decades, so eventually it lead to violence, and at that point, republics are usually done for. America is extremely close to that exact situation happening now. BLM and white nationalism and all the rest are just sideshows for the real culprit that spawns them, which is income inequality (MLK came to this same conclusion, and it got him assassinated). Add in the political process being completely corrupted due to special interest bribes (political donations), the people losing all faith in the political system, the cultural and social decline, etc and you have a recipe that's really similar.

          HIstory really does tend to repeat itself. The sad thing is that America is repeating multiple histories all at once. Much of what's going on right now also resemble the rise of fascism in various countries, the rise of communism in various countries, etc. Nothing is ever exactly the same, but America keeps making all the same mistakes as those from the past, and nobody seems to give a shit. If climate change scientists are correct about the massive changes the earth might go through in the next 10-20 years though, then we are all truly fucked regardless. What's most odd to me though are conservative 'Christians' not believing in climate change, since the book of Revelation is like the poster child for it. All the natural disasters and things predicted in climate change are the same as what is said to happen in the bible. They should try reading it sometime. Trump would also be an 'antichrist' in many regards (lower case), and the worship of him by evangelicals fits the bill. Interesting times we live in I suppose.

          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
          RaCka> mad impressive


          • #35
            Originally posted by Exalt View Post
            the entire republican party now essentially boils down to one and only one thing: owning the libs. People like Herman Cain and Karens who cry about masks literally die to own the libs. That's how stupid those people are.
            Damn, I'm a prophet right now.

            People now with COVID:
            1. Hope Hicks - Trump Senior Council, former Trump WH communications director
            2. Donald Trump - President
            3. Melania Trump - First Lady
            4. Ronna McDaniel - RNC chair
            5. Mike Lee - Republican Senator, UT
            6. Thom Thillis - Republican Senator, NC
            7. Kellyanne Conway- Former White House counselor
            8. Bill Stepien- Trump Campaign Manager
            9. Various Trump administration press staffers
            The entire republican party is getting sick due to their stupidity about not taking the virus seriously.

            The White House has also went from saying Trump was 'asymptomatic' to 'slightly fatigued' to 'slight fever' to 'transferring to Walter Reed hospital' to 'given experimental drugs'. The man is sick as fuck if you read between the lines. He might not make it. The Republican party will literally implode if all of these people die out. Their SCOTUS nomination also loses it's votes if any more Senators from the Judiciary committee come down with it, and all were at the rose garden nomination where this spread. Ironic.
            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
            RaCka> mad impressive


            • #36
              they all got covid THE END.
              2018 TWDT Champion 2019 TWLD Final 4 2019 TWDTJ Semi finalist 2019 2x TWDTD Finalist 2020 TW Forum Mafia Game champion


              • #37
                Originally posted by Exalt View Post

                Damn, I'm a prophet right now.

                People now with COVID:
                1. Hope Hicks - Trump Senior Council, former Trump WH communications director
                2. Donald Trump - President
                3. Melania Trump - First Lady
                4. Ronna McDaniel - RNC chair
                5. Mike Lee - Republican Senator, UT
                6. Thom Thillis - Republican Senator, NC
                7. Kellyanne Conway- Former White House counselor
                8. Bill Stepien- Trump Campaign Manager
                9. Various Trump administration press staffers
                The entire republican party is getting sick due to their stupidity about not taking the virus seriously.

                The White House has also went from saying Trump was 'asymptomatic' to 'slightly fatigued' to 'slight fever' to 'transferring to Walter Reed hospital' to 'given experimental drugs'. The man is sick as fuck if you read between the lines. He might not make it. The Republican party will literally implode if all of these people die out. Their SCOTUS nomination also loses it's votes if any more Senators from the Judiciary committee come down with it, and all were at the rose garden nomination where this spread. Ironic.
                I figured it was s publicity stunt so he could still campaign while saying he has Covid. It isn't like it's particularly deadly even compared to swine flu h1n1 etc.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #38
                  Originally posted by kthx View Post

                  I figured it was s publicity stunt so he could still campaign while saying he has Covid. It isn't like it's particularly deadly even compared to swine flu h1n1 etc.
                  it isn't particularly deadly for young, healthy people, but Trump is 74 and overweight. He's the prime candidate for severe complications and/or death. I don't really think it's a publicity stunt because he doesn't gain anything by doing it. Losing two weeks in the spotlight and being unable to attend rallies really doesn't sound like something Trump would ever willingly do either. The only way this is a hoax is if it's a publicity stunt done to take the focus away from his terrible debate performance and a legitimate excuse to cancel all future debates. That's possible for sure, but why would he transfer to the hospital then? He was on oxygen going there too, if the leaked 'anonymous' (Meadows) reports are true. Trump also apparently knew about his COVID positive before the debate, so my guess is he waited because he wanted to give it to Biden, who would almost certainly die from it had he gotten it.

                  Besides all that, two of the three senators who have tested positive are on the judiciary committee, Without them, the SCOTUS nomination can't be pushed through now. Hell, if the Senate loses too many republican senators to covid, they lose their majority and the democrats could push through the 2.2 trillion stimulus package regardless of what McConnell wants. I highly doubt this is something any of them would agree to fake. It's a terrible look for them, since they all look like idiots now for pretending it was a hoax and that masks weren't needed.
                  RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                  RaCka> mad impressive


                  • #39
                    He hasn't lost time in the spotlight. All attention is on Trump.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                      I really think we are living in a collapse of the Roman Republic type situation. Well, more like the slow decline of the Roman Republic, but it's the same thing. America won't dissolve like the Soviet Union did, and I don't see anyone in America becoming another Julius Ceaser, but it is no longer a 1st world country in any metric except military power.
                      I find it surreal that so many non-americans in the west think that america is still culturally relevant, but I'm wondering if it's just because they conflate 'people who happen to be american' with america. City values tend to be called american values a lot now, which is odd because they both predate the nation and american media is doing a really poor job of pushing them in general. I'm kind of disturbed to know how few manufacturers have adopted lean principles or some more modern system that I haven't heard of (and especially disturbed by how many have adopted in-name-only sensationalist veneers over bureaucracy), not because it would bother me to see these businesses fail but because they still haven't.
                      Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                      Also, the issue that started the true fall of the Roman Republic was economic inequality and the unwillingness of the rich Romans and politicians to fix it. People’s needs were not being addressed for decades, so eventually it lead to violence, and at that point, republics are usually done for.
                      Income equality caused the empire itself (the government) to finally collapse, but the decline of the empire was a result of entrenched government spending. After paying for aggressive military expansion and establishing a wealthy elite the now-huge bureaucracy was never dismantled and started to be used for increasingly short-sighted powergrabs, welfare, etc. Obviously, dismantling it wasn't in the interests of anyone able to do so because it maintained the status quo before it failed completely, but it was an unsustainable level of centralization in the first place.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by scarlet View Post
                        I find it surreal that so many non-americans in the west think that america is still culturally relevant, but I'm wondering if it's just because they conflate 'people who happen to be american' with america. City values tend to be called american values a lot now, which is odd because they both predate the nation and american media is doing a really poor job of pushing them in general. I'm kind of disturbed to know how few manufacturers have adopted lean principles or some more modern system that I haven't heard of (and especially disturbed by how many have adopted in-name-only sensationalist veneers over bureaucracy), not because it would bother me to see these businesses fail but because they still haven't.

                        Income equality caused the empire itself (the government) to finally collapse, but the decline of the empire was a result of entrenched government spending. After paying for aggressive military expansion and establishing a wealthy elite the now-huge bureaucracy was never dismantled and started to be used for increasingly short-sighted powergrabs, welfare, etc. Obviously, dismantling it wasn't in the interests of anyone able to do so because it maintained the status quo before it failed completely, but it was an unsustainable level of centralization in the first place.
                        To be fair, I was talking about the fall of the republic, not the empire as a whole. That arguably lasted until 1453 through Byzantium if you want to get technical about it. The Republic is far easier to gauge and compare. Want to know what really killed it off though? Caesar was a progressive (for the time period) who actually helped the common people, while the Senate did everything in it's power to not do. He seized land of the conservative Senators (who owned most of the land and broke the economy by working it with slaves) and started a free grain welfare program. Caesar only fashioned himself into a dictator because the senate was completely broken and was ruining the empire. He took total power because it was the only true way to fix things at that point. He planned on restoring the Republic after he gave up power, but then of course, he was assassinated by that same Senate. After Augustus took over, he said fuck that and killed off the Senate and the Republic entirely.

                        As for businesses never failing, like the saying goes, it's socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the poor. That's literally how post-Reagan US Economic policy works. That's why big businesses can screw up time and time again and never go under. The government will not let them. Besides that, these same big businesses run the government through political donations, so when they screw up, they know they will get bailed out. It's a circular system. It inherently privatizes the gains and socializes the losses. Big businesses literally cannot fail under this system. The 2008 crash and subsequent bailouts should have reminded everyone of that fact long ago.

                        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                        RaCka> mad impressive


                        • #42
                          Yep, the "too big to fail" concept is ridiculous. The damage caused by any business failing is far less than that caused by incentivizing risk and irresponsibility. Let them fail. That risk is necessary in order for markets to function properly and self-correct, punishing imprudence and poor management.

                          The Glass-Steagall Act was an important piece of legislation implemented after the crash in 1929 made to prevent commercial and investment banking from overlapping. The Glass Steagall repeal (the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act) was supported overwhelmingly by Republicans and Democrats in the Senate in 1999 and was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It took only 9 short years for the 2008 crisis to occur as a direct result. Virtually the entire world went into a recession. Banks were bailed out and had hardly a slap on the wrist for their role, because "they couldn't help themselves." Nobody imprisoned. Democrats still remember Obama and Clinton fondly and Republicans still seem to admire their elected representatives, three of whom crafted this downright evil legislation which brought nothing but suffering to the world.
                          "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
                          -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


                          • #43
                            Some interesting read here.

                            Among all, Prophet Rab's failed prediction.

                            Rab upon learning that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of SubSpace, Emperor and Representative of God on Earth, Sir Donald John Trump, was ill:

                            Rab three days later seeing that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of SubSpace, Emperor and Representative of God on Earth, Sir Donald John Trump, is back in better shape than ever:

                            Thank you to everyone for your contribution, by the way the debate was really bad from both side.

                            The fight will be tough, Biden won the black vote with a brilliant strategy, he made sure that if a black does not vote for him then he is not black (proof : ), and already corrupting the spirit of valiant latino warriors such as the great Cripple of SubSpace, yet proud support of our Emperor, with tactics worthy of the great strategists of the past (proof : )

                            But I have faith in God to help his son win the battle against the mighty Joe Biden.

                            My participation here is over, I leave room for the wise people to discuss if they want.

                            TRUMP 2020


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                              Some interesting read here.

                              Among all, Prophet Rab's failed prediction.

                              Rab upon learning that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of SubSpace, Emperor and Representative of God on Earth, Sir Donald John Trump, was ill:

                              Rab three days later seeing that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of SubSpace, Emperor and Representative of God on Earth, Sir Donald John Trump, is back in better shape than ever:

                              Thank you to everyone for your contribution, by the way the debate was really bad from both side.

                              The fight will be tough, Biden won the black vote with a brilliant strategy, he made sure that if a black does not vote for him then he is not black (proof : ), and already corrupting the spirit of valiant latino warriors such as the great Cripple of SubSpace, yet proud support of our Emperor, with tactics worthy of the great strategists of the past (proof : )

                              But I have faith in God to help his son win the battle against the mighty Joe Biden.

                              My participation here is over, I leave room for the wise people to discuss if they want.

                              TRUMP 2020
                              Trump cancelling the Stimulus talks lost the election for him in one single tweet. The stock market crashed to go along with it, and people are really, really angry. Republican Senators on hot seats are now looking to ditch him. They won't even say they support him anymore, but just dodge the question entirely. Everyone sees the writing on the wall. Him catching COVID changed the polls to being fairly close to being a landslide in favor of Biden. At this point, it may be a worse landslide than Reagan vs Mondale. Texas might even flip Blue, and the Senate is looking more and more like it will become Democrat controlled, because Trump's collateral damage destroyed the party's chances.

                              Speaking of which:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	2SsnC7.png
Views:	159
Size:	669.0 KB
ID:	1348136
                              RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                              RaCka> mad impressive


                              • #45
                                Polling numbers are near perfect identification for true voting numbers thankfully, as we saw in 2016.

                                This is the stimulus bill Pelosi sent to the Senate.

                                300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance.

                                $300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts -

                                $300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities

                                $30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/

                                because that will keep people employed

                                $200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program

                                $300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Dems

                                $500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it

                                $720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000

                                is to help people. The rest is for admin costs

                                $25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / it's on page 136

                                $7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries

                                $35,000,000 to the JFK Center for performing Arts / again?

                                $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives

                                $3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA

                                $315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs

                                $95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development

                                9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg 134

                                $1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163

                                $25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg 165

                                $492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg 167

                                $526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through

                                2021 pg 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused)

                                Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress

                                $25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169

                                $3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172

                                $5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg 172

                                $2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175

                                $5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg 175

                                $2,500,000 Office of Housing

                                Did you see this part: $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives

                                He said he would sign the standalone 1200 per citizen it's smart not to add all that garbage to it. While we are in a financial crisis why add money for refugee resettlement in the midst of a supposed pandemic. I doubt anyone who reads more than headlines will be upset over this.
                                Last edited by kthx; 10-07-2020, 05:54 PM.
                                Rabble Rabble Rabble

