I think I should mention that in most Canadian population centres (major cities), US networks are freely available on our televisions. Yes we see American TV news. We can also buy American newspapers if we so choose at newstands in major cities, and we can read American news on the Internet.
In fact because Canadians do have so much access to America (and NOT the other way around), Canadians are much better informed than the average American.
P.S. FatherG... here's some more examples:
Panama - America invading a soverign country for it's own purposes
Nicaragura - America trying to subvert a goverment it didn't like
Columbia - America subverting a government causing it to collaspe and thereby helping with all the problems in that country because they liked communists
Zaire - America supporting the brutal dictator Motobu because they feared Lamumba would listen to the Soviets
East Timor - America supporting Suharto and Indonesia and turning a blind eye to Timor because Indonesia was a valuable ally. They supported by selling arms to Indonesia which they damn well knew the Indonesians were using for genocide
Taking over of the Middle and West of the continent - Wars with Mexico, wars and genocide of the Natives
Japan - America uses force (Commendore Perry and his gunships) to force Japan to a trade agreement in the mid-1800s
Phillipines - a de facto American colony until modern times
Hawaii - One of many Pacific islands (including Guam) conquered by America to expand
Iran - America supports the brutal and repressive Shah and props up his corrupt regime in order to secure oil, directly led to the Iranian hostage crisis and America being called the 'Great Satan'
Saudi Arabia - America supporting a brutal dictatorship where freedom and expression are forcibly repressed in the name of oil
Turkey - America supporting an ally against the Soviets and turning a blind eye to genocide against the Kurds
There are actually a bunch more examples where America either secretly or openly toppled foreign governments unsympathetic to it's own in order to increase it's power. So before you think that America has been almost completely benign and would never harm other legitimately elected governments of other countries or that America would not support things like genocide directly or indirectly... think again. Sure maybe the average citizen wouldn't (and most people who don't like America have no problems with Americans as people, but just with the country as a whole), but the country sure as hell will do whatever it takes.
I think I should mention that in most Canadian population centres (major cities), US networks are freely available on our televisions. Yes we see American TV news. We can also buy American newspapers if we so choose at newstands in major cities, and we can read American news on the Internet.
In fact because Canadians do have so much access to America (and NOT the other way around), Canadians are much better informed than the average American.
When you've got 64 percent of French-Canadian teenagers saying America's a force for evil, you've got a problem in the media and education up there. We have a balanced media here. You don't. You won't take the Fox News Channel, because your government is afraid of it.
When you've got 64 percent of French-Canadian teenagers saying America's a force for evil, you've got a problem in the media and education up there. We have a balanced media here. You don't. You won't take the Fox News Channel, because your government is afraid of it.
rofl, you are still basing your facts on a report on cnet.com?? you must be sad.. go read some real news
When you've got 64 percent of French-Canadian teenagers saying America's a force for evil, you've got a problem in the media and education up there. We have a balanced media here. You don't. You won't take the Fox News Channel, because your government is afraid of it.
Just a quick post as I'm tired. Ignite, I don't know why you're highlighting Canadians or French-Canadians over this. It's not like they're an exception in the world. Perhaps you could tell me one single country that thinks America at the moment is a force for good. I can't think of one.
Acutally the CRTC I believe accepts or rejects networks from broadcasting in Canada, there's a case in Quebec atm with the same problem. The federal govn. does not have any direct impact on their decisions.
Again I've said the "evil scary force in the world" probably isn't what the population implied when this poll was taken. Relations between our two nations probably isn't the best it has ever been but you can't make wide based accusations against an entire nation using a poll like this when even the wording is shady.
With that said you can't then say using this kind of evidence that there's something wrong with our education systems and media (with Youth and Adults exposed to more American news and influence then ever before) when you probably have no idea how systems work in this country Perish. Globally sourced Information is freely given throughout Canada like in any free society, on TV, the Net and other forms of media. Education gives us the tools to be objective and to understand this sometimes biased information (like in any kind of media in any country), not to pass on formed opinions and stand points.
The opinions on wheater the US was justified (In anything they do these days ) had nothing to do with the thread, I don't see why we can't all act mature and read the title even if it's a complete waste of forum space (or just flame Perish for making it).
Aaaaah fuck it, so Canadians hate us, thats ok just tell any canadian you see to go suck on a fucking ice cube. Who cares if they hate us Americans. If they try to do something about it it will only further set them back.
I lkiked Canada from what I have seen of it, and I think that most of those people who hate the US are 125 pound nerds sitting behing the protection of a Computer Screen.
that's probably the dumbest god damn thing you've ever said, and that's quite the accomplisment considering how many completely ridiculous things you've said.
and for the record, canadian youth isn't taught hatred for america... it's pretty much acquired from seeing dumbasses like dick creager posting bullshit superiority crap like that. remember the last nation to think so highly of themselves? i believe it was the nazi's and look how much you guys hate them
That sure holds a lot of weight coming from you.
I guess you are the superior authority on what's dumb.
First time was to protect Kuwait and the oil reserve that would of been taken over by Saddam - you needed that oil as bad as we did. Second time i agree with to some degree, but not whole heartedly
Originally posted by Nethila
Afghanistan 1 time
can we say al quaida? harboring them and not handing them over?
Originally posted by Nethila
threatening to attack Korea once
I dont know much on this subject so ill let it be
Originally posted by Nethila
, constantly pressuring other countries to destroy/or stop making nuclear weapons while possessing most in the world itself
do you really want countries having nuclear weapons that are unstable? North Korea could be a ticking time bomb, who knows what could happen if they got WMD's
Originally posted by Nethila
constantly complaining other countries that are selling weapons (planes, tanks, etc) are promoting wars, while US are selling weapons to other country all the time.
only to countries that can be trusted - not ones like Iraq
10 years later in the same country 1 mil of innocent people are victims of genocide, about 50.000 women brutally raped, over 20.000 of those even killed. INNOCENT. WOMEN. CHILDREN. No interest for US there so they did nothing, just watched the slaughter of some little people with the rest of the world. But when time came for innocent people to pay back, the oh so mighy US stepped in looking at the consequences that would arise and said: wait a minute now, you can't do that.
whoah buddy, I do believe this was in your backyard. So the question is, why did it require the US to save them? Why couldn't the euros handle one themselves? Why did it take years before you guys asked us to step in?
funny thing is you canadians(hell euros too) have stood right next to us for everything you guys are complaining about right now, except the latest iraqi war. Other than that you are making claims against yourselves as your country did nothing to stop or change it. You agreed with it. Face it you aren't as clean as you think. as crven said. Open your eyes.
according to epis logic, i am much more informed than you english because I get a couple tv channels from you.
You have access to more american news, but it does not mean you are more informed. That is a poor argument to make.
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
according to epis logic, i am much more informed than you english because I get a couple tv channels from you.
You have access to more american news, but it does not mean you are more informed. That is a poor argument to make.
Ah, but Epi's point was central to the argument that people can't blame this poll on the Canadian media. The arguments Ignite made are more or less straight out of Bill O'Reilly's mouth and blamed the poll on the "leftist Canadian media", leading to the complaint that Fox news isn't carried in Canadian cable packages.
First, just to quickly get that Fox news angle out of the way, how balanced a perspective can they be if their approach to this issue keeps returning to the issue of whether or not their own station gets picked up.
Second, Canadians have access to other sources of American media that to blame the opinions of Canadian teens solely on the Canadian media and education is a dubious leap of logic. American media is very influential on Canadians, and definitely much more so than Canadian media on America.
Third, the American view is that Canada and its media is relatively left wing. Some moderate Democrats would be considered to be fairly right wing in Canadian perspectives. On the other hand, the Canadian media, especially the newspapers, are considered by many Canadians to be further right leaning that the general populace. If you want an example, during the recent election, most newspaper pundits and polls predicted that the U.S. friendly Conservatives would edge out the incumbent Liberals. The results however were that the Liberals edged out the Conservatives to retain power.