Starcraft is not even pretend the best game ever. Especially not without multiplayer, and we're talking about single player, so...
Rion, Underdogs is mostly pirated games, they are just games noone cares enough to defend. Thats why it's abandonware, not freeware. (Except the stuff that is freeware)
Sarien, a lot of old WH4k is real time, though i agree with you.
Someone needs to help me get System Shock 2 running under WinXP Pro. I've got a GeForce 4 Ti4600 with the latest drivers (the 61.77's), and I'm running DirectX 9.0c. The game will launch into the main screen, however, it fucks up when I try to start a new game. It will get past the main screen and show the intro movie, then it crashes to the desktop and I see a dialog box containing this:
ERROR: Direct3d device driver does not accurately report texture memory usage.
Contact your 3d accelerator vendor for updated drivers.
What zee fuck? Is DX 9.0c too advanced for SS2 to handle or what? I have to fix this shit and check this game out. It looks amazing!
EDIT: Upon further inspection, it would appear as though I'm running DX 9.0c. Apparently, when I installed SP2 for XP it upgraded my DX a bit too, or something like that.
Hahaha, Anyone ever play Master of Orion 1? That game was the shit, back in the day.
Two more games: Total Annihilation: KINGDOMS and Total Annihilation: IRON PLAGUE(the exp). Stronghold Crusader is fun too, if you feel like getting frustrated by like level 2 -_-
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
medievel total war w/ viking expansion pack is pretty fun.
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
Try these, and u will never need to buy a new single player game
Master Of Orion 3 (Really good single player game, its a Space Strategy Game and it takes a crapload of time to finish a match))
And after this I stopped reading his post. MOO3, even when not compared to the MUCH MUCH better, MUCH MUCH more polished, and MUCH MUCH more fun MOO, and MOO2, is STILL a festering pile of dog crap. I mean, people can have their opinions, but this game is so bad I think you'd probably want to contract syphilus before spending a cent on this game. Imagine a game where your best hope for fun is making the computer play for you and win, and you've got MOO3.
DoW, I agree with you angell, it needs fixing, but maybe you don't remember the starcraft, or WCIII, or TA betas and first releases. Unit balance and AI are the last things to get spit shined before release (thus the BETA), but if instead you want to talk about gameplay that finally deviates from the cookie cutter Blizzard model, or unit graphics that interact on a higher level than any RTS previous, or just damn good graphics and unit design in general then we can talk about DoW.
Bilbo: I couldn't get in to Syberia, went too slow for me, and I'm a veteran adventure gamer. Does it get better outside the first town?