no. But you do because you seem to laugh ahah instead of haha
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
the initial "a" simulates the intake of breath before the beginning of the laughter at the fact that you place the us invasion of afghanistan before september 11th in whatever warped little sense of chronology your brain works on.
I'm guessing he means something that might have happened with Bush Sr.
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
I am 100% sure he said something about bringing the boys home from Irak, I just meant, he could have used other words, and he could have meant something different, and I just misunderstood his intentions. for example, he meant he would bring the boys home sooner that is planned now and he wont start new wars, when I understood he would take the boys home when he became president.. I just know he said something about it.
Anyways, this could go on and on, point is: I dont give a shit, America is fucked.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
1:Rough> is radiation an element?
8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
Piston> I own in belim
6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once
1. The iraqi population has quite a history of revolt and the only way sadam could keep control of them was ruthless subjugation mixed with religous persecution. Even the huns that went through there just gave up and basically exterminated most of them.
2. Islam is not alone with it's nehilistic 'terrorist.' The catholics (spanish & portugese) that swarmed the Americas subugated and exterminated the native populations in their search for golden cities and desire to purge 'non-christain' devil-worship type dogma and force their own catholic version of G.
Suprising the Islamic religious leaders do not seem to be doing much to rein-in terrorist (that justify murder in the name of islam.) Mayby because most all of those islamic countries are dictator / royal-family run (?who do they answer to?) backed up by religious leaders, that get their share of the oil-$ revenue. Even the US gov't reneiged on EVERY treaty it forced on the natives, because all it wanted was the land & dead natives.
3. The $4 trillion (thats thousand billion) debt will not compare to the near $50 trillion debt the US baby boomers will cause when they start drawing social security & medicare benefits (just in time for SS to go bankrupt [2010-2015.]) ?If not taxes where do you expect those funds to come from, how about equally taxing the corporations instead of forcing the citizens to pay +75% of the bill. Free trade, yea except for the gov'ts that use subsidy to prop up their domestic production, and force huge tarrifs on imports to make them too overpriced to compete.
4. How much would the world economic balance shift when the H2 fueled engines with catalyst activated storage tanks get retailed. Do not think that will be allowed to happen any time soon.
3. The $4 trillion (thats thousand billion) debt will not compare to the near $50 trillion debt the US baby boomers will cause when they start drawing social security & medicare benefits (just in time for SS to go bankrupt [2010-2015.]) ?If not taxes where do you expect those funds to come from, how about equally taxing the corporations instead of forcing the citizens to pay +75% of the bill. Free trade, yea except for the gov'ts that use subsidy to prop up their domestic production, and force huge tarrifs on imports to make them too overpriced to compete.
Corporations are already double taxed as is. That would be taxed twice for things, while people are only taxed once.
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
interesting. look at the last 10-15 years.more debt stuff
Just glanced at it looked interesting
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
I am 100% sure he said something about bringing the boys home from Irak, I just meant, he could have used other words, and he could have meant something different, and I just misunderstood his intentions. for example, he meant he would bring the boys home sooner that is planned now and he wont start new wars, when I understood he would take the boys home when he became president.. I just know he said something about it.
Anyways, this could go on and on, point is: I dont give a shit, America is fucked.
First of all Shut the fuck up.....ure from a different country u have no idea what ure talking about....John Kerry never stated he would pull our troops out of Iraq.....he is strongly for the war....and the draft so please actually learn something before u come in here spouting ure mouth off...foreginers like u dont know everything....i know....hard to believe but its true
Secondly ure country still has free speech? Ure country would belong to Hitler if it wasnt for gg to u buddy and thanks for the gratitude....nice to know we sent our soliders over to die for a country who's next generation were a bunch of cocky Anti-American assholes
Originally posted by Tone
Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better
funny, dont go talking about americans dying in the second world war, about 600.000 americans died, about 3 to 4 million europeans died, and 2 million russians died.. Not to mention the jews.. And hitler would have been beaten eventually without american help, it would have took alot longer yes. And besides that, if america wouldnt have interfered in the war, you guys would be fucked too, dont forget that the actualy people who invented the atombomb are germans, and german rocket scientists. Eventually germany would have had nukes. I am not claiming to know everything, I am not anti-american, the only thing I dont like about americans is how it always wants to be the best at everything, the biggest in everything. The best sports country, the strongest economy, the best army.. You americans are so fixated on being perfect its sickening.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.