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Bush = Scumbag

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  • or maybe use your bad experience to be positive (i.e. study hard work hard) and get a good education which leads to a good job which leads to a better life which leads to being a republican.
    To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
    brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


    • Lol like George W. Bush worked and studied hard! >D

      "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

      Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


      • what useless crap you fools yap about. soon oil and other carbon based burnable substances all over the world will end, and then all countries will suck each other's dicks for a shot of gas or coal
        If you won't get yur ass outta here immediatly, I'll make the hole in it bigger than the Grand Canyon!


        • Random post #465375 ------^
          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


          • ok this site is super funny, REMOVED especially putting these two facts right after eachother:

            - George W. Bush is pro-life (which means he doesn’t like abortions) and will vote in congress to stop them from ever happening. God says to make all human life precious and the killing of any life (like in abortion) is against God’s law.

            - George W uphoalds the death penilty and will execute men who break laws.

            Ok, not that any fact makes sense, it is obvious a big joke, but still, this is the most powerfull one.

            - John Kerry wants to raise our taxes! John Kerry has given speeches saying he will raise our taxes by 900 BILLION DOLLARS! With 300,000,000 people in the United States that means each person will have to pay an extra 3,000 dollars in taxes!!! And that's just the first 100 DAYS!!! So that means everyone will have to pay an extra TEN THOUSAND dollars in taxes PER YEAR! Who the hell can afford that?

            EDIT: Nevermind, that website also had some discriminating/racist shit on it :S
            Last edited by Zerzera; 10-17-2004, 03:34 PM.
            You ate some priest porridge


            • The BEST John Kerry ad EVER

              It's these little things, they can pull you under.

              Live your life filled with joy and thunder.

              Yeah, yeah we were altogether

              lost in our little lives.


              • Originally posted by WorstPlayerEver
                Kerry didn't say the war was wrong he said it was wrong how they went about it, you republicans have a way with mixng up Democrats words and by calling them on the most inane things you make your party look weaker. :up:
                it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                • Originally posted by pv=nrt
                  reply all that for me? thanks!

                  about public healtcare (canadian based)
                  public healthcare has it's downfall too.
                  Canada's health care isn't perfect, I'll admit that. But basically every other industrialized nation on this planet has some sort of universal healthcare, and a lot of countries have it RIGHT. Overall it's a better system.

                  are you suggesting that becuase people are poor they commit crimes? The morality of someone is not based off of their wealth, it's environment and belief structure.
                  The majority of people who commit crimes are poor people. That's an undisputable fact, and is true throughout history and around the world. No I'm not talking about shit like copying software, but things like robbery, murder, joining gangs, drug use and so on.

                  Why is the ghetto the ghetto and the rich neighbourhoods NOT the ghetto? Why are poor neighbourhoods places you'd rather avoid going to? Poor people commit more crimes becuase like everyone they need food to eat. If they don't have jobs, they need a way out. Poor people are also more susceptible to things like drug use because they have no way out. They also have a much harder time 'working hard and getting an education and a good job' like you suggest. If you're forced to hold down a job when you're 15 to support your family, and then skip college or see your family starve it's sorta hard to advance in society, scholarship or no scholarship. Stop being so naive.

                  Okay so they apologized. But the Patriot act still allows this sort of thing. Do you believe in civil liberties at all? What kind of society do you want to live in? Next time it could be you.

                  i am sorry, how are republicnas forcing the population to use more energy? They deregulated the energy becuase the ideal of capitalism is that competition is good for the people. If the economists wouldn't freak out everytime there is talk of a new power plant it could help lower prices. Prices have risen slowly and not much more than my cable bill. Maybe the republicans are forcing the cable prices to go higher too! (the price change not the price of energy vs cable. That's a really poorly worded sentence)
                  When George Bush continously talks about how Americans live a blessed lifestyle and how he's going to protect that by DECREASING energy regulations, blatently ignoring (and rolling back) conservation measures and working very hard to get MORE energy for people to use, republicans are at least facilitating the public into using more energy. It's absolute hiprocrasy when the Vice-President installs solar panels over his official residence to save in power fees, and then the adminstration doesn't add a simple rule so for federal buildings to conserve energy (a program that would have cost $5 billion, but saved MUCH more over the last 4 years in energy bills). I wonder why... could it be because they are so heavily connected with the energy industry themselves?

                  And you don't see rising energy prices? Do you own a car? Ever fill it up lately?

                  And your quip about economists... are you suggesting you know more about how the economy works than someone who does it for a living?

                  The problem with deregulating certain things is that government really can do a better job at regulating prices. Energy is one of them. Look at the mess in California. Can you seriously say deregulation helped them have lower energy prices there?

                  Another example is drugs. Canada doesn't have a 'free market' for drugs. We heavily regulate it, and thus pay less.

                  Your article you posted mentions Canadians have to go to the US to buy drugs because sometimes it's not available in Canada. Well you know why? Because the Canadian version of the FDA actually has tougher standards. Is that a bad thing that we monitor our drugs with tougher standards?

                  There are several either tax deferred or lowered plans to save money for children's college. Also the number of avialable scholarships is astounding. It's hard to not get one, especially if you are poor or a minority
                  college plans
                  are you again suggesting that bush/republicans are forcing the price of college to rise?
                  No but they are not doing anything to stop the rise. Anyone who's been paying attention knows that college rates have been rising astronomically. And no, even with all these scholarships you talk about, only a very few percentage of the overall population will ever benefit from them, nor will these scholarships do much to offset the amount of money lost overall because government is not willing to do more.

                  the deficit is a bad thing. The problem is not that other countries are buying the bonds, the problem is when they stop buying the bonds.
                  Exactly. How is the US supposed to actually persue strategies to go against China in anything (Taiwan, human rights, outsourcing) when China can just stop buying US bonds and screw over America? And since they're communist and don't care as much about the reprocussions as much as the US does, that's kinda bad for the US no?

                  I work in food proccessing. It is basically a guranteed business, unless people stop eating.
                  So you have a job that is at the whim of the economy basically. If your company has to cut people, they might cut you.

                  funny how i am such an evil person for looking out for myself.
                  Who said you're evil? I just said you're shortsighted. What you think is looking out for yourself is actually going to hurt you personally in the long run.

                  Either way it's not just an anti-Republican post that I made, although I'll admit the Democrats are a better choice for all of the things I talked about. More generally I think the whole idea of 'tax cuts are good universally' is a stupid thing. My province felt that first hand. We elected a provincial government based on tax cuts twice (for 8 years) and yes people's taxes dropped, and most middle class families got maybe a few hundred dollars back overall, but the loss of services because of the tiny cut in taxes was staggering. Our healthcare suffered. Our universities and school boards suffered. I ended up paying more than TWICE as much tuition as my brother, 6 years after he entered university. My high school years were spent with paralyzed school boards, endless teacher strikes, and no extracurricular acitivities. Our infrastructure suffered. Public transit has been squeezed so bad that traffic congestion in Toronto is absolutely horrible, something the rich and the poor both feel. Welfare got cut, and suddenly the amount of people living below the poverty line skyrocketed. There were more and more homeless. Everything suffered. And then they deregulated our electricity, and our rates have DOUBLED.

                  Actually it was so bad, we recently elected another government whose platform was to stop cutting taxes, and has since raised taxes so that people could get the things they wanted, and society could be better off overall.

                  It all happened because people were so shortsighted and didn't see that a few hundred dollars extra in tax a year could make a huge difference in quality of life.

                  Last edited by Epinephrine; 10-18-2004, 01:14 AM.
                  Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                  My anime blog:


                  • Originally posted by Squeezer
                    At that time of the day, most American's still believed it to be an accident, in fact it took us until the next day to realize it wasn't an accident. Also, if his secret serviceman had really thought the situation to be dangerous for the president, they would have had him out of that classroom, and into Air Force one with two fighter jets next to him a whole lot faster than 12 minutes. Like I said, Moore does have some good points, but you shouldn't take everything he says as sacred scripture.
                    I don't understand your point. I'm pretty sure everyone knew that it wasn't an accident when the second plane hit... everyone in my office had that figured out, and even the news people were speculating on it, I'm betting the secret service knew more than we did. I don't know where you were that people didn't figure out that it was an attack until the next day.

                    But even so, I don't understand where you're going with the danger to Bush part, I don't think moore said there was any danger to Bush, I dont think anyone thought there was. Maybe you missed Moore's whole point which was that a president should be a leader and when you find out that your country's being attacked, you don't sit there reading a childrens book.
           - Gallileo's racist thread

                    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                    • Originally posted by Epinephrine
                      It all happened because people were so shortsighted and didn't see that a few hundred dollars extra in tax a year could make a huge difference in quality of life.

                      Epi, that's true... HOWEVER... Bush mailed me a $300 check because our government had so much money.

                      I'm sure glad I got that check.. I think it cost our government about 50 million dollars in printing costs alone, but damn it was worth it. All that surplus that Clinton left needed to go somewhere, so I got an extra 300 bucks... I can't remember now what I spent it on, but I'm sure it was good.

                      I hear if he wins this time, we'll all get a Sharper Image gift certificate.
             - Gallileo's racist thread

                      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                      • Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        Poor people commit more crimes becuase like everyone they need food to eat. If they don't have jobs, they need a way out. Poor people are also more susceptible to things like drug use because they have no way out. They also have a much harder time 'working hard and getting an education and a good job' like you suggest. If you're forced to hold down a job when you're 15 to support your family, and then skip college or see your family starve it's sorta hard to advance in society, scholarship or no scholarship. Stop being so naive.
                        You are now suggesting that poor people murder others for food? and I am naive? How do you get food from killing a person? I gurantee you that 90% of the crimes committed are not so someone can feed their family. It's for greed, peer pressure, lack of morality. You act like as a poor person, there is nothing to help you succeed. A lot of these people waste money on lotteries, etc. If they had the discipline to not waste money, they would find the way up a lot easier. You really like to try to paint these pictures of the poor as helpless persons who are starving and are being held down by the rich pitiless landowners. Be realistic epi, yes some people are starving. But it is more for their own fault than any government program or administration.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        Okay so they apologized. But the Patriot act still allows this sort of thing. Do you believe in civil liberties at all? What kind of society do you want to live in? Next time it could be you.
                        I think of liberties as a privilige. They should be taken away if neccesary too protect the masses. I guess I don't mind a stronger grip on my "freedoms"

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        I wonder why... could it be because they are so heavily connected with the energy industry themselves?
                        Wake up call for epi. name one politician not tied into industries. They all accept donations from them, they all listen to their lobbyists.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        And your quip about economists... are you suggesting you know more about how the economy works than someone who does it for a living?
                        Hahaha, I was really confused by this at first. Then I realized I had typed economist when I intended ecologists. The ecologists have not allowed another power plant to be built in california in like 40 years. When a population gorws like that, you have to be able to expand cpacity. Otherwise you get problems with brownouts, etc. Also, this form of thinking is forcing us to buy energy from Canada. Let the companies build nuclear plants please.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        Another example is drugs. Canada doesn't have a 'free market' for drugs. We heavily regulate it, and thus pay less. Your article you posted mentions Canadians have to go to the US to buy drugs because sometimes it's not available in Canada. Well you know why? Because the Canadian version of the FDA actually has tougher standards. Is that a bad thing that we monitor our drugs with tougher standards?
                        Whats the point of tougher standards if you bypass them? Then you have to pay full price for them correct? A lot of good universal healthcare does in that situation. My plan covers me in every country and I pay the same co-pay everywhere. I have a wide variety of drugs available to take. I am not as limited in my choices.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        No but they are not doing anything to stop the rise. Anyone who's been paying attention knows that college rates have been rising astronomically. And no, even with all these scholarships you talk about, only a very few percentage of the overall population will ever benefit from them, nor will these scholarships do much to offset the amount of money lost overall because government is not willing to do more.
                        so are you saying the politicians are failing the public or are you saying that bush is at fault for this? I think there is more than a few percent on scholoarship at Universities. Maybe I just hung out with nerds, but nearly everyone but me had a scholarship of some sort. I was in the minority for not having one.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        Exactly. How is the US supposed to actually persue strategies to go against China in anything (Taiwan, human rights, outsourcing) when China can just stop buying US bonds and screw over America? And since they're communist and don't care as much about the reprocussions as much as the US does, that's kinda bad for the US no?
                        why are you still debating on a point we agreed on?

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        So you have a job that is at the whim of the economy basically. If your company has to cut people, they might cut you.
                        you apprently don't understand the food processing business. People no longer grow their own food. Most people buy it from stores. THe stores get their food from food processing plants. I am a food processing engineer. Therefore as long as people exist, people will eat processed food. Unless there is a decrease in the population (say around a couple million) this area of business will continue to grow and be an excellent place to have a career. I may get fired, but there are plenty of other places to go and get a job. Food is an independent factor of the economy. If the economy is down people buy food. If the economy is up, people buy food. Food is not a luxury item which from your statement you appear to think it is.

                        Originally posted by Epinephrine
                        Either way it's not just an anti-Republican post that I made
                        more like an anti-pv post.

                        my little anctdote about tax cuts. I got a tax cut and my life remained the same. I saw no appreciable difference in anything except I got a few extra bucks.

                        aren't those little stories cute. There is one for every point of view.
                        To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                        brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                        • poor people eat people after they kill them
                          can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                          • Originally posted by bloodzombie
                            Epi, that's true... HOWEVER... Bush mailed me a $300 check because our government had so much money.

                            I'm sure glad I got that check.. I think it cost our government about 50 million dollars in printing costs alone, but damn it was worth it. All that surplus that Clinton left needed to go somewhere, so I got an extra 300 bucks... I can't remember now what I spent it on, but I'm sure it was good.

                            I hear if he wins this time, we'll all get a Sharper Image gift certificate.
                            it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                            • Originally posted by bloodzombie
                              I hear if he wins this time, we'll all get a Sharper Image gift certificate.
                              Oooh, wouldn't a foot massage feel good right about now? The democrats want to take away your foot massager.
                              Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                              • i prefer the toy robot that listens to voice commands.
                                To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                                brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart

