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Bush supporters are ignorant, it's been proven.

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  • awesome
    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


    • Originally posted by Dameon Angell
      And I swear to god, I'm so gonna weasel hunt the first person who calls me a flip-flopper.
      Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


      • for those who think I was pulling it out of my ass
        It's all in statistics. Numbers don't lie.
        To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
        brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


        • numbers don't lie, but statistics don't really tell the whole story either


          • Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
            I'm still waiting on my thread of like two months ago asking for someone to PLEASE tell me ONE thing this administration has done right.
            Dick Cheney retrofitted his official VP residence in Norfolk with solar panels so he could save on energy and be green.

            That was a pretty smart move.

            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • alright, but that doesn't make up for the fact that the man is a gay bashing shithead who'd just as soon have his own daughter secretly murdered rather than have to talk about her in front of the media
              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


              • Originally posted by Jason
                alright, but that doesn't make up for the fact that the man is a gay bashing shithead who'd just as soon have his own daughter secretly murdered rather than have to talk about her in front of the media
                Actually Cheney has never publically expressed anything about his stance on gay marriages except that he supports the administration (i.e. the president) on all issues. Considering his daughter works as a high up in his campaign I think he accepts her pretty much. He's also mentioned that she's a lesbian at least twice before publically, just that no one noticed it cause it wasn't really reported on (well I remember it, but no one else cept the media does it seems).

                As for my comment, it was just me being sarcastic. He retrofitted his residence with solar panels the same week he cancelled a $5 billion retrofit of all federal buildings to save power because he said conservation doesn't work. That plan would have let the government save in energy costs in the long run, or hell even in the 4 years of the current adminstration's term.

                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                My anime blog:


                • i know you were being sarcastic, dude

                  i was just being a smarmy bastard because that's how i am sometimes
                  jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                  • smarmy is a weird word
           - Gallileo's racist thread

                    "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                    • Originally posted by pv=nrt
                      for those who think I was pulling it out of my ass
                      It's all in statistics. Numbers don't lie.
                      So again, not speaking on the credibility of the people doing the poll, simply the margin of error side... in the example on the second page of your link, they polled 767 people and they say that you should double the 4% margin of error that they stated, so Bush's lead in that poll could be as much as 21 points, but as low as 5 points (stated lead was 13)

                      Fine.. you could TRIPLE the margin of error in the poll I posted here (which used a bigger sample), and then take the most favorable numbers and they're STILL disturbing.
             - Gallileo's racist thread

                      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                      • Im so voting for Jerome.


                        • HAHA are you military or a civi i think your a civi

                          Originally posted by bloodzombie

                          It's downright scary that these people are allowed to vote. this is why I think there should be a test before you can vote...

                          72% of bush supporters believe that Iraq either had WMD or a program to make them before the war

                          75% of bush supporters think that Iraq was providing substantial support to al qaeda

                          57% of Bush supporters actually believe that the Deulfer report concluded that iraq either had WMD or a program to create them, even though it concluded EXACTLY the opposite.

                          For 1 man, you think that iraq doesnt have weapons of mast destruction or a program to, look at korea they have both, as in weapons of mass destruction your childness probably things NUKES, more then likely they got them, we were looking for bio/chem weapons which they did find the trucks that they did there research in, the only things you guys hear is what the news tells you, if you have been to iraq or are in the military i wana hear your opinions because your not warped by stupid cnn and shit, As for voting, if your 18 you can vote, thats how it has been for a long time, and if you have a problem with that then you have had a problem with our previous presidents and probably will have a problem with the future presidents, I dont really see how he benefits his family off anything, he has commision, not to mention he dont really pay for his compaigne, its all his supporters paying for it, the only thing that bush has done wrong in his presidency is that he didnt let us take out iraq as fast as we wanted...
                          :mad: Ravished :mad:


                          • Originally posted by bloodzombie
                            So again, not speaking on the credibility of the people doing the poll, simply the margin of error side... in the example on the second page of your link, they polled 767 people and they say that you should double the 4% margin of error that they stated, so Bush's lead in that poll could be as much as 21 points, but as low as 5 points (stated lead was 13)

                            Fine.. you could TRIPLE the margin of error in the poll I posted here (which used a bigger sample), and then take the most favorable numbers and they're STILL disturbing.
                            I am pretty sure I never defended or opposed those numbers so far. I was mearly trying to spread the knowledge of truth. In that generally, a poll with a margin of error over 3% is not assumed to be applicable to the entire nation as accurate.

                            Conc, Bush signed it into law. That's the biggest contribution to it as of yet. I don't have a webpage off hand and it's late. You know how to google.
                            To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                            brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                            • Originally posted by Ravisher
                              For 1 man, you think that iraq doesnt have weapons of mast destruction or a program to, look at korea they have both, as in weapons of mass destruction your childness probably things NUKES, more then likely they got them, we were looking for bio/chem weapons which they did find the trucks that they did there research in, the only things you guys hear is what the news tells you, if you have been to iraq or are in the military i wana hear your opinions because your not warped by stupid cnn and shit, As for voting, if your 18 you can vote, thats how it has been for a long time, and if you have a problem with that then you have had a problem with our previous presidents and probably will have a problem with the future presidents, I dont really see how he benefits his family off anything, he has commision, not to mention he dont really pay for his compaigne, its all his supporters paying for it, the only thing that bush has done wrong in his presidency is that he didnt let us take out iraq as fast as we wanted...
                              You're sinking your own boat. Stop. Please stop.

                              PV: I'm far too lazy for that. When I google "bush 529" or whatever, I only find criticisms. I don't think those are the things you want me to be looking at.
                              Last edited by ConcreteSchlyrd; 10-27-2004, 01:22 AM.
                              Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                              • He didn't even have a boat to begin with.
                                it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did

