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Judge Not

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Facetious
    i personally dont feel the bible enters the equation, if youre the kind of person that runs around telling people what they should and shouldnt do, youre a jackass whether god tells you you can do that or not.

    You shouldn't ever tell me again that I'm a jackass.
    I just cried so hard I threw up.
    "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

    Reinstate Me.


    • #32
      I'm gonna be serious for a minute.

      My big problem with people judging me is this: Everyone has problems. Who are you to criticize the man with drug problems when you may have self security issues? Are you really that much better than that person, that you can tell them to fix their problems, while you ignore yours? If so, then I feel you are sort of being arrogant and inconsiderate. If you are truly perfect, then by all means, feel free to tear into my flaws, but I have a feeling you and every other person on this Earth aren't, so I don't think you should "Point out the splinter in one's eye, while ignoring the log in yours." Remember that verse?

      As Sarien said earlier, its impossible not to judge people, but it is possible to keep your mouth shut about it, so that way a person can have the choice to seek help if they want it. Remember that thing? Free Will? It goes both ways, and if a person wants help, they'll seek it out.
      Originally posted by Tone
      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


      • #33
        Originally posted by Squeezer
        I'm gonna be serious for a minute.

        My big problem with people judging me is this: Everyone has problems. Who are you to criticize the man with drug problems when you may have self security issues? Are you really that much better than that person, that you can tell them to fix their problems, while you ignore yours? If so, then I feel you are sort of being arrogant and inconsiderate. If you are truly perfect, then by all means, feel free to tear into my flaws, but I have a feeling you and every other person on this Earth aren't, so I don't think you should "Point out the splinter in one's eye, while ignoring the log in yours." Remember that verse?

        As Sarien said earlier, its impossible not to judge people, but it is possible to keep your mouth shut about it, so that way a person can have the choice to seek help if they want it. Remember that thing? Free Will? It goes both ways, and if a person wants help, they'll seek it out.

        I agree with you on the judging thing, I think that instead of trying to condem we should try to help one another as a community. Growth and improvement lie in trying to better yourself, which you can't really do until you take an honest look at your faults. We all have to do some of that work on our own, but our capacity and rate of growth is expanded with the help of others. No one man can do everything alone, and I truly think and believe that we as a people, can work better and do greater things if we did them as a group, as a single unit, a single being. The time and energy spent in berating someone over their flaws could be used to show or help them find out how to resolve their problems and meet their needs.

        Not all people seek out help, but you're right in the fact that not everyone wants to be helped. Some people might want change, but don't know how to go about getting it and that is where help from your fellow peers comes in.

        There are and will be times when you see some that look like they need help, but are too shy/ don't know how to really ask for help. You'd be amazed at how much can get done if you take the extra effort and see if you can help them in any way. I ran into a situation like that earlier today in Advanced 2D Animation class, a guy sitting next to me was stuck on how to create flames and a glow effect in photoshop. He didn't really ask around or anything, just looked kind of frustrated and ever so often, gave glances in the teachers general direction (he was busy helping another student). I asked him if he needed any help, he said yea he was stuck and it just went from there. About 20 minutes later (last 10 mins I got the teacher over there to help us out) he had the whole thing figured out and let me know how much he appreciated it and that he would have been lost without me.

        You see, I had no fucking clue how to do that stuff either, but I just used his flash book and tried to help him best I could. The point isn't about how you can seem better than someone by knowing more, or showing off, or even seeming like you're cool to others by offering to help. The point is that you simply try. I am finding out more and more that sometimes just the simple act of trying can make all the difference.
        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


        • #34
          This thread needs Bio to reply again and be more specific about what he was talking about.

          I basically agree with everyone, what kind of discussion is that?
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • #35

            “Thou shalt not judge” is, in reality, a false commandment and a common cliché among liberals whose theology comes from socialists instead of scripture that implies everything Christians did on Sunday morning before Willow Creek and Saddleback was somehow wrong, as if the REAL church was born in the 60’s under a Peace sign on a lighted stage before an applauding audience rather than under an old rugged cross 2000 years ago on a lonely hill called Golgotha, where tears, sacrifice and suffering were the order of the day – the kind of cross that’s getting harder and harder to find in and around today’s reinvented rock and roll church.
            the article is a bit drawn out, but the same point is there.

            How do we help people without judging them first? Going back to the drug thing as an example, how can you realize that someone needs your help without making the judgment that they need it?
            Last edited by Bioture; 04-22-2005, 04:21 PM.
            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
            TelCat> i dont


            • #36
              the point is that you shouldnt decide that someone has a drug problem, they should. you deciding that doesnt mean anything to them.
              5:gen> man
              5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


              • #37
                dissapointingly uninteresting. This seems like it's mostly about getting half-assed christians all the way back into the boat. If he tells his buddy that he's going to hell, then his buddy needs to believe that there is a hell before it would have any effect on him.
       - Gallileo's racist thread

                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  the point is that you shouldnt decide that someone has a drug problem, they should. you deciding that doesnt mean anything to them.
                  true, but sometimes if a person is that much into doing drugs, they won't know(we'll, actually they'll know, but they won't want to stop) unless they OD or die or something. If you had a friend who just recently started doing drugs, and he starts failing classes and is about to go to jail, you wouldn't help him? would you stand back and let him keep doing drugs?
                  Last edited by Bioture; 04-22-2005, 06:27 PM.
                  TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                  TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                  TelCat> i dont


                  • #39
                    Not really read any of the replies but the way I see it is:

                    Consider it like a lie. I would tell a lie only if it were to make someone happy, I would only judge (or rather, try to only) if it lead to the happiness of that person however how do you know which path will lead to their happiness and safety? Nobody can predict the future but you can't leave it alone if that person is at risk to himself or others so it's really best to use your own judgement as to when it is right or wrong to judge.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Disliked
                      I would tell a lie only if it were to make someone happy,
                      This made me think of a doctor saying "I'm sorry.. you have cancer." Then when the person gets all weepy he says "Oh, I was just joking. You don't really. But if I were you, I'd try to spend all my money by next month."
                      "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                      Reinstate Me.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Bioture
                        true, but sometimes if a person is that much into doing drugs, they won't know(we'll, actually they'll know, but they won't want to stop) unless they OD or die or something. If you had a friend who just recently started doing drugs, and he starts failing classes and is about to go to jail, you wouldn't help him? would you stand back and let him keep doing drugs?
                        What if they're doing drugs but they're doing fine in school? I guess, like face, I'm wondering if religion is even a part of this. Are you suggesting that you should help someone quit doing drugs even if they're perfectly happy doing them, because in your mind, what they're doing is wrong? Or are you just saying that when someone close to you is on a downward spiral, you should step in and have a talk with them?
               - Gallileo's racist thread

                        "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Sarien
                          This made me think of a doctor saying "I'm sorry.. you have cancer." Then when the person gets all weepy he says "Oh, I was just joking. You don't really. But if I were you, I'd try to spend all my money by next month."
                          Well, no I wouldn't tell a lie in that situation, it's just you have to use your own discretion, there's no handbook telling you what circumstances to lie or judge in and when not to.


                          • #43
                            I always thought the judging thing is... sure help your friend. Know that drugs are bad and that it can lead to a downward spiral. But just don't think for instance 'they are a bad person, they are beyond help'.

                            The idea is not to give up on people because you've judged them to be 'evil' and 'beyond help'. Or if you see someone poor, you don't think 'oh they're probably a criminal' or 'it sucks to be poor' but you what kind of person they are after you meet them. They might enjoy being poor, they might actually be a criminal, they might have just fallen on hard times and is actually a good person. The idea is not to pre-judge people before getting to know them because then it will lead to further misunderstandings.
                            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                            My anime blog:


                            • #44
                              Lol, liberals and socialists? Riiight, because Jesus was a conservative and a capitalist. What a fucking moron. <_<

                              I see his point regarding "judge not lest ye be judged", and how one could interpret that to mean "judge not when you are being a hypocrite". Then again, he loses me when he interprets "let he with no sin cast the first stone" as a way for people to say adultery is not that bad. That's retarded, because it's pretty clear that it means that only when you are perfect should you be critical of another's failings. It doesn't say, "let he who has not commited this sin cast the first stone". His logic doesn't stay consistent throughout his argument.

                              In his first argument, he's interpreting the passage literally. That only when you are not in a position to be judged should you not judge others. In his second argument, he does not interpret the passage literally. He says that "let he with no sin" mean "let he who has not commited the sin of adultery", and that's just not what the passage says.

                              Procter is an idiot with an agenda, and doesn't stay consistent within his argument. I wish you well on your spiritual path, however people like this are only out to further their careers and bank accounts. They are wolves trying to fatten themselves off of the flock.


                              • #45
                                j=t every time i see your user image i close these forums and SS and go play GTA:SA lol

                                About this topic, I dont have much to say, tell me my problems and I tell you I dont give a shit.
                                k8> (both my dad's are gay :( )

