look at the purty map
Well i'm glad but i'd rather the seats lost by labour were won by the lib dems than the evil tories... i'm not biased they are evil --- well apart rom Boris Johnston, hes to funny to be truly evil, though i'm not sure he is totaly aware he is even(usedto be) in the conservative party.
I think Labour would have done better if Blair had let Brown become leader instead of looking like he is thinking of becomeing a dictator.
If you click on the link above soon after this post, you will notice the little white island that is northern Ireland. It is white cuase unlike the busy bees over the sea we can't be arsed to count over night and think, pff that can wait till tomorrow i'm going to bed. If you click later you will notice that in northern Ireland there isn't a single tory, labour or lib dem seat. Thats cuase those we have are own parties that are much more funny than them. In fact if you vote a Sinn Fein MP in he won't be allowed into parliament to vote cuase he won't plead allegiance to the queen, in all fairness why should ppl in this day and age swear allegiance to the queen? Ahh who said politics isn't fun, when you have clowns for polititions like we do, if you don't laugh you would cry
edit: fixed a few typos
Well i'm glad but i'd rather the seats lost by labour were won by the lib dems than the evil tories... i'm not biased they are evil --- well apart rom Boris Johnston, hes to funny to be truly evil, though i'm not sure he is totaly aware he is even(usedto be) in the conservative party.
I think Labour would have done better if Blair had let Brown become leader instead of looking like he is thinking of becomeing a dictator.
If you click on the link above soon after this post, you will notice the little white island that is northern Ireland. It is white cuase unlike the busy bees over the sea we can't be arsed to count over night and think, pff that can wait till tomorrow i'm going to bed. If you click later you will notice that in northern Ireland there isn't a single tory, labour or lib dem seat. Thats cuase those we have are own parties that are much more funny than them. In fact if you vote a Sinn Fein MP in he won't be allowed into parliament to vote cuase he won't plead allegiance to the queen, in all fairness why should ppl in this day and age swear allegiance to the queen? Ahh who said politics isn't fun, when you have clowns for polititions like we do, if you don't laugh you would cry

edit: fixed a few typos