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Best Day you've ever had, or at least in a long while

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  • Best Day you've ever had, or at least in a long while

    Just post about the best day you have ever had, or at least the best one in awhile. Nothing fancy, just tell us why it was an awesome day for you.

    For me, I'd have to go with one day when I was like 12 or so, and Sonic 2 was all the rage. I remember having a snowball fight with the neighborhood kids, building a snow fort with my best friend at the time, and ending it with some Sonic 2 and cookies/hot chocolate. Just overall kickass.

    The best day I've had in awhile was maybe the first or second day of my summer vacation (maybe 9 days ago or so). I say first or second because the whole period starts to get a little hazy, as I didn't have work or school so time lost all meaning. I basically played videogames, ate food and slept whenever the hell I wanted. It was great.
    My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Pallies message board, Sept 18, 2001
    As a few of you lucky citizens knew, I went to LA this last weekend to see some friends, do some hiking, and plot my plan for world domination in peace.
    Overall, it was a pretty mild weekend (with the exception of that hooker with two hoo-hoos that I met while snorkeling, but that's a different story).

    I was also thinking about visiting an old squaddie. Now, he might want to remain anonymous, but just know that it started with a "Fl", and ends in a "bin". Now, you can draw your own conclusions, and I'm not going to point any fingers, but a few of you Columbos out there might know who I'm talking about. Anyways, he's scared of me, and put a restraining order on me. "Comon baby, Ike neva meant no harm. Come on back to Ike, baby."

    Aight... waaay off subject. Anyways, Rog has heard the full story, and at the risk of cutting it too short, I'm gonna lop off the entire weekend with the exception of Monday. You miss some of the emotional ups and downs, but really, who gives a shit about that crap, anyways? Just know that by the time I was leaving, I felt like crap, and was ready to go home.

    So, on Monday morning, I get up and have my friend drive me over to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport, for you heathens). Now, with all the shit that's been going on in the world, LAX had said that you at least want to be there two hours before your flight is supposed to leave. My friend's place is about an hour away from LAX, and with morning rush hour factored in, we ended up leaving 5 hours before my flight left.

    The drive went rather quickly, or more quickly than expected, and I end up at my terminal about 4 hours before my flight was supposed to leave. Then my plane gets delayed for 1.5 hrs. Then I get pissy. 5 1/2 hours in a #### terminal sucks ass. Especially when it's LAX. There's fucking nothing in that goddamn wasteland they call a terminal.

    So I pull out my copy of "V" (Pynchon book, since I know there's gonna be questions... "What's 'V'? Who wrote it? Why can't I seem to get this eraser out of my ass?" etc) and start to read. ####, 5 1/2 hours can't be too long, right? So I'm reading for about 30 min, when this cuuuuuute girl (about 5' 10", blonde hair, small black-rimmed glasses, ice-blue eyes, etc) sits down next to me. Now the terminal was pretty empty, so this was kinda strange. Anyways, she starts up small-talk with me about how if she was one of the flight gate attendants, she would have started punching people by now.

    Here's where I break out of character. Now I know you guys think I'm a cross between Gerardo/Fabio/George Clooney/Don Juan DeMarco/Henry Kissinger when it comes to the ladies, but I'm actually a very shy and quiet person. This time was a bit different. I decided that I was never going to see this person again, and even if I made a bad move, what the #### could it hurt, right? Right. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best advice anyone could ever give you. If you're in a situation where you've got nothing to lose but temporary pride... FUCK pride. Do dat shit and have a snack.

    So I put down my book and actually start talking with her. Eventually, she asks me if I know if there's going to be food served on the plane--she hadn't eaten yet. I tell her no, I don't think there will be, but I haven't eaten either, and ask if she wants to go get something to eat at this little mini Chili's that's in our terminal (for God's sake, it was the only thing in the God-forsaken place).

    Anyways, she accepts, and we proceed to get lunch, have a few beers, talk about who we are and what we do, etc etc etc. Come to find out that she's a 25 year-old schoolteacher from New Zealand (originally from Scotland) who teaches both Spanish and French. Mmmmmmmmm. Tri-lingual. She asks what I do, and I tell her. Her comeback: "Oh, so you're a unintelligibleFrenchword?" My response, in classic RogerMexico style: "Yes?" Basically, the word was basically a classy French way of saying technophile.

    So we get done with lunch, go back over to the terminal and keep talking. While I had been talking with her before, I had tried to keep the abstract jokes to a minimum, since not many people pick up on them, much less appreciate them. One slipped. While looking out on the tarmack, we see this SUV that gets surrounded by police cars, the occupants pulled out and patted down by police. Accidentally, I blurt out "Man, I guess the 'Bomb on Board' sign wasn't a good idea today." At this point, most people would probably flip out and think I was an #######. She just looks at me and laughs. God loves a woman who can laugh at irreverent jokes. Just so happens that so do I.

    By this time, the Duke boys were just about over the Hazzard county line.

    So I'm totally smitten with this girl by this time. We board the plane, and it turns out that she's sitting about 10+ rows behind me. "Oh well," I think, "that was fun." Completely thought that it was over, and I'd be content with just that. The plane was pretty vacant--there was about 1 person in every row every 3 rows or so, which for a 757 is pretty #### vacant. Anyways, the flight takes off, and before the seatbelt light goes off, I look up from my book again, and she's standing at the end of the row. What she says to me can only be expressed on it's own line:

    "Hey stranger, mind sharing your seat with a Scottish lass?"

    I melted. At this point I'm completely enthralled and can't think straight. She sits down, and we sit there and drink and eat (there did end up being food on the flight) and talk more. Now, the flight from LA to Chicago is about 3.5 to 4.5 hours of flying, so there's a lot of time to talk. About 1.5 hours out of Chicago, the sun starts to go down behind us, she yawns, and asks if she can rest her head on my shoulder and get some sleep. Who am I to say no?

    So, I sit there for about an hour, her head resting on me, until the seatbelt lights come back on. For those of you who haven't flown, when the lights come back on, there's a loud "BING!". She wakes up just as we start to descend into Chicago. Just so happens that there's a storm over Chicago, and we dip down through the first layer of clouds.

    Now, another aside. If you haven't been in a plane during a rainstorm, and flown through clouds, you haven't seen a picture of beauty. Really, that picture, between at least two layers of clouds (you see no sky, and no ground, just clouds), with clouds all around you but not enough to restrict your vision... good God. Just really beautiful.

    So we're both looking out my window (I got the window seat $$$) at this really picturesque moment, when (and I know this is going to sound cheesy) we just kind of look at each other for a moment, and she leans in and kisses me.

    She's a good kisser.

    For a second time, I'm just completely speechless. Anyways, on the way down, we start talking about how it's going to be #### to catch our connecting flights (mine was in 15 minutes on the end of another terminal, and hers was in 20 minutes on the end of yet another terminal). We touch down, I try to convey about how bad I am at goodbyes, she leans in, we kiss a bit more, we exchange e-mail adresses and phone numbers, the door opens, and we both proceed to run across the #### airport to our respective flights.

    So ends the story, for now. She's in Georgia right now, and not a whole lot I can do... she won't be back to the phone number or e-mail I have until Friday. Until then, I'm crazy happy.

    This post is long. Give me a goddamn medal.
    That was a fun day.
    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


    • #3
      Well, this one time I dressed up like a Scottish chick and made out with Conc in a plane...
      The Daily Nice
      Post Secret


      • #4
        I kept wondering why she had facial hair. Man, you hide this from me for four years? I thought we were friends.
        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


        • #5
          Perfect excuse to talk about my weekend:

          Myself and my best friend Mark went to a guy I know from uni's birthday party, called Miles. My flatmates from uni were there too and Mark only knew me there so I was chuffed he went. It was in a village south of London called Claygate, which me and Mark turned into Gayclate and spent the next three days laughing about it. Sometimes I just don't know how I do it. Anyway me and Mark consumed about 15 pints as a result of a horribly unsyncronised drinking routine, and a free bar. Whenever one of us went ot the bar we got a pint for the other, but when one was finished the other was only half way through their pint so they were 'double parked' and had to down their original drink on the spot. Mark thought he was in there with this blonde girl, he wasn't but he was too hammered to realise and spent the rest of the evening following her about. Miles is a rich fucker and got a band in to play (although its a mate so they did it for free, but he put the marquee up and got all the equipment) and he's got an indoor swimming pool, so we stripped down to our boxers and went for a very drunken swim. We probably going round in circles. I don't know. I do know I spent the rest of the party commando.

          We crashed in someone's tent in the back garden, and in the morning we woke up still drunk and I said "so Mark what do you think of my flatmates? They're pretty fucking annoying aren't they? I don't really like them", got out my tent and they were standing ourside. Nothing was said but I'm glad they know, I just would have preferred them knowing AFTER I didn't have to live with them for another 9 months. But beggars can't be chosers. After that we got the train into London and had sunday roast by the Thames, then we walked up to Oxford Street and killed him in a guitar shop looking at all the guitars we couldn't afford and weren't allowed to touch. We blew all our money so had to walk everywhere, and London is not a small place. In the evening we went to a gig to see Flea (bassist from the Chili Peppers), Johnny Marr (guitarist from The Smiths) and Jeff Beck (legendary guitarist from the 60's, was in a band with Jimmy Page before he joined Led Zeppelin, and Rod Stewart). Decided to skip the encore as we might miss the last train, got on the underground and as we did the announcer said "this is the last train tonight". Fuck. How lucky were we? Went back to Mark's picked up some stuff and got a taxi home at about 1am sunday night.

          4 hours later I woke up for work. I have been temping at this job for two days, friday I learnt the job and monday I did the job while the job was away. Except friday I learnt the job and monday I gave myself a two hour lunch break, went home 30 mins early and spent the rest of the time surfing the net and walking around London. Fell asleep on the train home and ended up in Billericy, its only a stop away but thats another 30 minutes and I was pretty fucking annoyed.

          Tonight I watche the last 24 which was a complete mindfuck and had the weirdest conversation with my mum, but that aspect of the last few days is currently being disected in a different thread. I also got some photos back from last weekend:

          Matt, me, Mark and a guy me and Matt don't like

          Someone had the great drunken idea of getting some food (we started drinking early) but luckily Mark and Mitch (3rd right) knew the waitress so we got a good discount
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #6
            U sure like grabbin dem men, Zues

            1:Eeks> well that bichix was trying to start conversation with me today
            1:Eeks> and got excited when i said i wanna go drink today =/
            1:Eeks> but i didn't propose anything
            1:Zloy> Why
            1:Eeks> i didn't have anything to fill that box zloy


            • #7
              Friends4lyfe (not gay)
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #8
                I didn't read it but Zeus, your friend Mark is cute. Dude, hook me up! :fear:
                Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                • #9
                  This would absolutely have to be me and my girlfriend in San Diego.
                  I hate hate hate to be this cheesy and blah-worthy, but to cut right to the point of everything, I had never seen the ocean before. I'm from Kentucky, and I'd traveled through quite a bit of American states, but they were all in the middle, never anything on an actual coast. My first thought as the plane was coming in and I saw the ocean out the window was "That's a hell of a lot of water."

                  Anyway, fast forward a while and me and my girl were on this beach, and I'm kinda looking out at the pacific and thinking "That's REALLY a hell of a lot of water." and we start walking through the surf, blah blah, and she pushes me down in the water, my wallet comes out of my shirt pocket, and is proceeding to float on the tide, so I grab it, turn around grab her, and pull her in, much laughter, and general boy-girl nonsense was had after that, and something just caught me the right way, and made it into my favorite day. Although being with her on the Star of India also in San Diego probably comes a close second.
                  "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                  Reinstate Me.


                  • #10
                    What's the star of india?
                    My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                    • #11
                      zeus takes a lot of picture with his pals


                      • #12
                        pynchon's "v", why V in the graphic novel v for vendetta was reading that
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #13
                          i'm bored and just talking to exotic on AIM so i'm just going to post about the past few days cause they were pretty great.

                          i did 700 crunches at the gym and rode the stationary bicycles and hurt the shit out of my ass. then i went to eat ice cream. it was pretty yummy.

                          at puttputt i did kinda shitty and kept getting my ball in the water but when it actually stayed on the turf, i did good. but mrs. ilyaz just always gave me 5+ strokes no matter how many i actually got, so fuck that noise.

                          then i went over to my pal's house and he looked at asian porn while i tried to watch lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events but it was kinda boring and him watching porn distracted me, so i left home.

                          then we went to play some pool and i'm always shitty at pool, so i lost all 3 times we played.

                          then we went to chick-fil-ay and i ate a caesar salad and it was ok.

                          last saturday i went with my ho to the mountain. we hiked up 2 miles upward, basically ran down because we couldn't stop, ate a big baked chicken, then walked a little over 5 miles around it. the best part about it is i got a blister and had the opportunity to pop it.

                          good times.
                          Last edited by Ilya; 06-27-2005, 11:44 PM.
                          can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                          • #14
                            IMO, everyday for me is my favorite day because i love life and everything it has to offer


                            • #15
                              I envy your carefree view of the world.

                              Originally posted by Disliked
                              Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                              +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++

