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Hiroshima Remembered

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Rigor
    2 reasons why i dont regret the bombing of hiroshima:
    1) More lives would of been lost if the americans had invaded. (also even japanese civilians would of fought b.c. of loyalty and stuff like that)

    2) The Japanese were ruthless to american pows (burn alive starve to death etc.) so it seems they dont give any more thought to human life than we did.

    O and by the way ratty... the japanese were willing to fight till the death hiroshima was the only way they would surrender. (emperor finally had to take control)

    lol dork, I did a research paper on this. You're going based on America's justifications. I read all that bullshit and you've said it all. The U.S. wanted to show their power over the rest of the world, especialyl Russia. They didn't want the Soviet Union to get involved in WWII and claim any land that they would have won after the war was over, so in order to end the war with Japan, the U.S. decided to drop the atomic bombs. They say that it was because they built these million dollar bombs and wanted to test them out, but from their atomic bomb tests (at the designated sites), they already knew what kind of destruction these bombs would/could bring. The U.S. made up different justifications to get the support of the american people, such as ending the war to prevent a full-scale invasion on the Japanese, or that the Japanese were willing to fight until the end and something of this sort had to have been done.

    I read numerous primary documents, some even documented from the emperor or secretary of the emperor, saying that they were in negotiations with the U.S., and planning on surrendering. In fact, the Japanese were already devastated, the firebombings alone killed many more Japanese. The Japanese spirit was already crushed before the dropping of the atomic bombs, and the Japanese were literally days or months away from surrendering.

    The U.S. just wanted to claim more land and prevent the Soviets from claiming any. Pathetic but the truth. The atomic bombs weren't necessary, it was unjust. Only dumb pricks and uneducated idiots support the dropping of the bomb.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Epinephrine
      That's why the WWII Japanese are evil. They killed millions of children, sometimes for fun. You know... the part of the war in China and Southeast Asia... maybe you've heard of it.

      Yeah, that was the Japanese military, not innocent civillians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can't say that the U.S.'s use of the atomic bomb was justified because of the actions that the Japanese military took out on the Chinese. I admit, the Japanese were wrong, trying to expand their rule over East Asia. But, you can't justify the attack of innocent civillians when the true criminalists should of been punished. The Tokyo War Trials was an attempt to punish those criminalists...but it didn't work.


      • #48
        O and by the way ratty... the japanese were willing to fight till the death
        Oh, and this statement is directly contradicted by the statement which is in fact the other half of the sentance it belongs to.
        hiroshima was the only way they would surrender. (emperor finally had to take control)
        The fact that they ceased fighting immediatly after Hiroshima implied that they were not in fact willing to fight to the death.

        Originally posted by Disliked
        Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
        +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


        • #49
          Originally posted by Theif of Time
          The fact that they ceased fighting immediatly after Hiroshima implied that they were not in fact willing to fight to the death.
          They didn't! Their Cabinet refused to surrender as did the Emperor, or Jury of the Succession of war!

          Look up your facts before you accuse.

          And before you guys go assfucking on me, here are some facts.

          Originally posted by Wikipedia.Org
          Supporters also point to an order given by the Japanese War Ministry on August 1, 1944. The order dealt with the disposal and execution of all Allied POW's, numbering over 100,000, if an invasion of the Japanese mainland took place. (It is also likely that, considering Japan's previous treatment of POWs, were the Allies to wait out Japan and starve it, the Japanese would have killed all Allied POWs, and Chinese prisoners.)
          Last edited by DoTheFandango; 08-08-2005, 11:59 PM.
          Originally posted by Jeenyuss
          sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


          • #50
            Surprizingly good editorial from an unlikely source:

            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • #51
              I'm not totally sure about this, but wasn't there a second bomb dropped? I think I remember from when we studied it this year.


              • #52
                Originally posted by scumbag
                the reason the Japs were so harsh on Allied POW's was because in their eyes defeat or surrender were seen as dishonorable and shameful, it wasnt because they were evil, it was all a matter of culture
                then the culture is evil. the action lead to senseless pain & suffering, therefore its evil. the way you think is strange. whats next, serial killers claiming its their solo culture?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tone
                  then the culture is evil. the action lead to senseless pain & suffering, therefore its evil. the way you think is strange. whats next, serial killers claiming its their solo culture?
                  Their culture may come off evil to you, Tone... Doesn't mean to them it was evil, that's what scumbag is trying to get through to you...

                  Ok, so if a man had to choose between killing himself or his wife, because someone was forcing him to choose, what would you call the action of either of those outcomes? Many Japanese men had to fight until death or risk their families being taken away or killed... You people make me sick with how biased you are towards this issue...

                  Both the Americans and Japanese did their fair share of wrong doings, but that doesn't give you the right to give blame to one, more than the other...

                  In the end, it boils down to this... You sign up for the armed services, your life is put on the line, but you have that choice... You are given duties to protect those who cannot fight or choose not too... We basically did the exact opposite of that... Are we only suppose to protect the innocent people in America? Isn't the job of a soldier suppose to protect the freedom of all? Well, didn't our goverenment, which is a branch of the militray, give orders to kills thousands of innocent civilians? Not even hitting a military base, but a city full of people not enlisted into the Japanese military... Weren't we suppose to free those people from the clutches of the Japanese ruler?

                  For whatever reason, war isn't right, and just because we are in a war doesn't mean we are given the right to decide the fate of thousands of innocent peoples lives... I'm sure there could have been other ways to solve the problem...

                  Well, what's done is done, no changing history, only preventing it from happening again... Though, we as human beings never seem to learn our lesson(s)... <_<
                  1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

                  TWBR Media Specialists

                  TWLD Season 14 Champ


                  • #54
                    perversly the dropping of the bomb(s) allowed japan to relieve its self of any guilt it would have felt about any warcrimes commited, and made it into the most technologically superior country in the world.

                    The worrying thing is the only contry ever to use a nuclear weapon in a wartime situation is(was?) a democrazy. the scientists who helped invent the bomb leaked the secrets to creating one to the ussr hav arguable saved many millions of once there is duality (MAD) there the advange in using the bomb is lost. As soon as one country developes a way of preventing a nuclear attack (shields :P) the power will shift once again....
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                    Kitty> true

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           - The Offical Flabby Website


                    • #55
                      Correction, we already have shields in a few countries... The development of a device to control the nukes themselves is what would give a country the advantage... As in what we did when we tried to build the "Starwars Project"...

                      But you are correct... The cold war was basically a control for power, but it ended in a stalemate really... So what if America had or has a few more nukes then Russia does, we both basically have enough to destroy the world 5 times over... <_<
                      1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

                      TWBR Media Specialists

                      TWLD Season 14 Champ


                      • #56
                        Tone: You are awfully quick to condemn them as evil. There is no black and whites. They committed atrocities, that is recognized. So have many other societys throughout history.
                        Even today, some American prison officers in Iraq have been reputed to have committed atrocities. These people grew up in a culture where violence was, if not accepted, at least they were de-sensitised to it. (ie by various movies, games, etc.)
                        Therefore, by your reasoning, their culture is evil. And By association, and the internet, all western cultures are evil.
                        Therefore, you are evil.

                        Modern western culture is desensitised to violence. This
                        lead(s) to senseless pain & suffering, therefore its evil.
                        therefore, modern western culture is evil.
                        Therefore, you are evil, and your judgement on what is evil cannot be trusted.
                        Therefore, your judgement on japanese culture is in error.

                        I'm not religious, but I recall hearing a line from a scripture, goes something like:
                        Judge not, lest you be judged.
                        I think it is quite appropriate in this context.

                        Doc Flabby, it is mind boggling to try and consider what would have happened if America was the one and only controller of nuclear weapons. History could have taken a completely different course, diverged due to a tiny change at one point in history. Alternatively, there is the theory of 'historical inertia' which is akin to fate, and that history will somehow act upon itself to counteract that minor chance in history, in this case, and American monopoly of atomic weapons. For example, it is said that the nazis were themselves also working on atomic weapons. (and they are, after all not that difficult to make). Info from ransacked nazi bases could make its way onto the black market, find its way to soviet scientists and then there is a cold war. Its an intriguing thought: Does one change in history compound itself or correct itself?

                        I knew they never treated allied POW's very well (my grandad fought in the pacific, but caught a tropical disease and was recalled back home to recuperate). But I was always under the impression that the dropping of the two bombs (I forgot where the other one was dropped, but I remember their codenames: little boy and fat man)
                        was an immediate cause of the japanese surrender.

                        Originally posted by Disliked
                        Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                        +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                        • #57


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Disliked
                            ah, yes, 60 years today isnt it
                            why is Hiroshima thought of first? maybe because it was the first
                            Jarlson of> if this game was a girl i would jerk off to it every night

                            nopcode> sometimes get mates round, have a few beers and play this yes
                            oNe-t> YEAH
                            nopcode> before going out
                            funfunfun> god the fun never stops does it

                            MageWarrior> I'm so sexy, frog makes me lapdance for him daily


                            • #59
                              and did the most damage


                              • #60
                                Theif of Time and Tone, you both are being stereotypical towards both the American and Japanese cultures/societies... You can't base sole judgment on everyone in a country, not everyone thinks the same... Even the men and women in a military unit, who fight for their country, don't have the same views on it, but do it only because they are told too... But yea, I got Theif of Time was just being merely sarcastic towards Tone, but I'm just enlightening you either way...
                                1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

                                TWBR Media Specialists

                                TWLD Season 14 Champ

