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  • #31
    I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah.


    • #32
      I just find it extremely irksome that some 19-year-old dumbass can already say that he is going to contribute more to society than some other 19-year-old dumbass. Please, contribute something to society before you criticize someone else for not doing it. My apologies for saying this if you're running around volunteering all the time or something, but it seems to me you spend most of your time bolstering your online social life, which, lets face it, is hardly any better than that redneck sitting around bragging about fucking prostitutes that he probably hasn't actually fucked.
      5:gen> man
      5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


      • #33
        I'm so glad I'm 20, I'm ahead of all you losers.
        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


        • #34

          Originally posted by Disliked
          Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
          +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


          • #35
            You have to will the one thing Fit... will the one thing... you're spirituality is in more than one place. Focus the energy on the one thing.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Facetious
              I just find it extremely irksome that some 19-year-old dumbass can already say that he is going to contribute more to society than some other 19-year-old dumbass. Please, contribute something to society before you criticize someone else for not doing it. My apologies for saying this if you're running around volunteering all the time or something, but it seems to me you spend most of your time bolstering your online social life, which, lets face it, is hardly any better than that redneck sitting around bragging about fucking prostitutes that he probably hasn't actually fucked.
              I really do volunteer my time as a leader with Boy Scouts as well as the Red Cross twice per month. It's not like I don't have a life either, I just find it difficult to believe people like this actually don't care for anything except their own lookout.
              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


              • #37
                You should tell the Boy Scouts and the Red Cross how to be good too
                Originally posted by Facetious
                edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                • #38
                  creating future homophobes of the world, great. red cross is impressive for someone your age though, but for some reason i sort of dont believe you on that one. just seems to me like you think that just because people dont have the same sense of humor (or lack thereof) as you, that they only care about themselves. this guy doesnt run around fucking prostitutes, its a joke. not a funny joke really, but a joke nonetheless. i still cant imagine anyone that isnt a douchebag using the phrase "why dont you contribute something to society," its just too condescending and judgmental to be anything resembling actual advice. you arent going to save the world with an attitude anything like that, youre going to be someones bitchy-ass, whiny, bitter boss in some office somewhere. well, or a republican politician.
                  5:gen> man
                  5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                  • #39
                    Face, I'm pretty sure that someone being in Boy Scouts does not make them a homophobe. Local denominations like Baptists and Methodists are the more likely suspect, since if it it's written in the Bible, it's infallible.

                    I'm pretty upset with both the Democrats and Republicans right now. I'm not about to vote Green either. Independent... here I come?
                    5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                    5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                    5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                    1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                    1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                    • #40
                      thsi thread sukcs

                      newz at 11
                      Originally posted by Ward
                      OK.. ur retarded case closed


                      • #41
                        bitches aint shit but hos and tricks


                        • #42
                          I'm pretty upset with both the Democrats and Republicans right now. I'm not about to vote Green either. Independent... here I come?
                          From what little I've heard about the politicial situation in America, it doesn't really matter who you vote for. (because the losers in an election seem to have like no politicial power)
                          Plus theres all those vote-rigging rumours.

                          Originally posted by Disliked
                          Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                          +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                          • #43
                            Oh there's at least rumors...I'm pretty sure there's been books written soley on that topic.
                            The song doesn't make your hands clap,
                            The hand claps make the song


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Ryder
                              Any of you lil fucks ever rented pussy from a prostitute?God there's nothing better than fucking some of these nasty whores and then throwing them 60 dollars on the floor all wadded up and shit.I've been on a binge for the last couple of days bitches, Gangsta Rooney is back.Just fucked this little college drop out whore with blonde hair ontop and brown downlow...boned her dry then told her immediatley "Eventhough I still have another 20 minutes of your time, get the fuck outta here slut."
                              so ur an ugly pervert over 45 then?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Theif of Time
                                From what little I've heard about the politicial situation in America, it doesn't really matter who you vote for. (because the losers in an election seem to have like no politicial power)
                                Plus theres all those vote-rigging rumours.
                                As opposed to the flawless Parliamentary system where no party has any power or an agenda they can set because they spend all their time and influence coaxing other parties' members to get on their side so they can have a majority on a single issue?

                                Democrats do have power, you foreign people should do research before you make assertions based on what you "hear". Ever heard of the bicameral legislature? Or the Senate? Or the 2/3 majority rule? Or overturning vetoes? America's system may not be flawless but as far as law-making ability and effective action-taking I'd say we're way ahead of the Parliamentary guys.

                                Vote-rigging is a loaded term. You're going to have to clarify. A lot of re-districting and stuff goes on by both parties so that pretty much balances out (plus it's not illegal). If you're talking about the Florida recount of 2000 and black people not getting their votes counted, then yes I agree that that is fucked up but it increased awareness on this issue and was hopefully dealt with a little better in the 2004 election (the 2004 election wasn't close enough for it to be an issue anyway). It isn't like that stuff doesn't happen in other countries as well too, though.

